Weisenberger Mill Bridge

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Evaluation Version (© 2011 AMREIN ENGINEERING AG)

Project Team Recommends Moving Forward With Single-Lane Bridge Alternative.

Final Draft for the Cultural Historic Resource Baseline Survey is Complete.

Final Design Process Has Begun.

Section 106 MOA Has Recieved Required Signatures.

NEPA Document Has Been Signed By FHWA.

Right Of Way will Begin to Aquire Reqired Construction Easements

800 Newtown CourtLexingtonKY40511LexingtonKY405128:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. EST, M-F(859) 246-2355(859) 246-2354KYTC.District7Info@ky.govhttps://www.google.com/maps/place/Kentucky+Highway+Department/@38.089296,-84.5386349,14.25z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x88424445982df023:0xd1bd09f230d00b9f!8m2!3d38.0753254!4d-84.4922346!16s%2Fg%2F1thf9791https://www.facebook.com/KYTCDistrict7https://twitter.com/KYTCDistrict7

 Project Description / Purpose

​The purpose of this project is to provide a safe structurally sound crossing on Weisenburger Mill Road over the South Fork of Elkorn Creek, while limiting impacts to the surrounding environment. The existing bridge is functionally obsolete and structurally deficient with a sufficiency rating of 17/100. The structure had a weight limit of three tons posted November 2015 and then was closed all traffic on July 1, 2016.

 Existing Structure

​The exisiting bridge structure was built in the 1930's.  It is a 72 foot, single span, Pratt Pony Truss.

 Public Meeting Info

 Project Progress


 Contact Information

Casey Smith, P.E.

Kentucky Transportation Cabinet

Department of Highways - District 7

Highway Design Division

Phone: 859-246-2355

Fax: 859-246-2354


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