627 Interchange 7-8403.00

7-8403 is the KYTC Six Year Plan Item to reconstruct the I-75/KY 627(Boonesborough Road) bridge and Interchange at Exit 95.  The purpose of the project is to improve safety, provide additional capacity at the intersections and reduce delay. The existing interchange is a traditional diamond configuration providing access to KY 627 to the east and US25 to the west. Heavy commuter traffic at peak hours in the morning and afternoon along with a large number of semi-trucks traveling to a truck stop cause congestion and safety concerns. The project will also relocate the intersections of Colonel and Simpson Road with KY627 approximately 800 feet to the east of the existing location.  This will remove points of traffic conflict away from the ramps, improve traffic operations throughout the interchange area, and improve traffic capacity and safety.


The reconfigured interchange will also be a traditional diamond. However, Boonesborough Rd (KY 627) and ramps will be reconstructed with additional lanes to accommodate future traffic projections. Misspelled WordBoonesborough Rd will be a 4-lane roadway with raised median approaching the interchange to help control access.  Six Lanes will be constructed between the ramps to provide adequate turn lane storage for projected traffic volumes. The project will also replace a substandard bridge with a new structure.


Boonesborough Road will have 6’ paved shoulders on the left and right sides in which pedestrian and bicycle facilities can be placed.


The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet and DLZ/WMB as the consulting engineering firm are designing the Project.


The project is expected to be advertised for bids on January 25, 2019.  The estimated cost of the project is just under $11 million.


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KYTC Project Manager

KYTC Logo.jpgStuart Goodpaster, P.E.
763 West New Circle Road
Lexington, KY 40512
(859) 246-2355

Design Consultant


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