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Photo of Distrit 9 office building in Flemingsburg

​Kentucky Department of Highways District 9, Flemingsburg, Ky.

Serving Bath, Boyd, Carter, Elliott, Fleming, Greenup, Lewis, Mason, Nicholas and Rowan Counties ... For help or maintenance facilities in your county, consult your local phone book or see the list on our Staff & Facilities page. Scroll down info about our various services.

822 Elizaville AveFlemingsburgKY41041P.O. Box 347822 Elizaville AveKY410418:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. EST, M-F(606) 845-2551KYTC.District9Info@ky.gov,+KY&aq=&sll=38.07435,-84.493168&sspn=0.007314,0.016512&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=822+Elizaville+Ave,+Flemingsburg,+Fleming,+Kentucky+41041&t=h&z=17

​Need to contact us or report a road hazard?

See the "CONTACT US" menu at the top of the page - or click the link here - to report a pothole, road hazard, or to fill out a form to have us contact you!

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 Project Development

​The Project Development team is responsible for projects in the development phase, that is, before construction. This includes planning studies, bridge and highway design, environmental components, consultant prequalification and selection, right of way acquisition and utility relocation. Within the office, crew members are assigned a number of duties in three major areas.


This is where road projects start! The mission of the Planning crew is to support a safe and reliable highway system in each of the district's 10 counties through strategic planning of needs, partnering with area development districts on long-term transportation solutions, spurring involvement through public meetings on proposed projects, and more.


The design crew includes transportation engineers, drafting technicians, surveyors and other employees who start the state highway improvement process on paper by designing roadways, bridges and other public transportation infrastructure. Designers carry projects forward to the letting of construction contracts.

  • Have a question about a project being built or about a public meeting you've attended? Call the district office at (606) 845-2551 and ask for a design engineer.

Artist's concept of a roundabout 


Right of Way & Utilities

As a concerned property owner, you will want to know the answers to: Why here? Why my property? The right of way crew is there to give you answers and work with you on acquiring land needed for projects. And, engineering techs work with local companies to move water lines and other utilities before a project is built.

  • Is your home or land being bought, or do you have questions about how a project will affect your property? Call the district office at (606) 845-2551 and ask to speak to a right of way agent.

 Project Delivery & Preservation

Photo of paving project construction zone on I-64The district's project delivery and preservation teams are responsible for formulating and implementing all construction phases of highway projects, as well as traffic control and equipment utilization for Kentucky 's highways. Crew members are responsible for asphalt resurfacing projects, concrete repairs, bridge and structures installation, routine work on pavements, and maintaining and operating the existing state highway system. This includes everything from culvert work to snow and ice operations.


District construction crews include engineers, technicians, inspectors and other employees responsible for state- and federally-funded highway projects and improvements.

Overpass construction project example 

This includes the building of major new roads, bridge replacements and maintenance as well as asphalt resurfacing, or blacktopping, of existing roads. Crews are on the job when work is going on or when contractors are at work to ensure projects are done correctly.

 Snow plows on the road in Bath County


The district employs maintenance crews in each of our 10 counties. These dedicated personnel are highway equipment operators, highway superintendents, mechanics, structure workers and others. They are called on to maintain roadways for use by the public, including repairs to potholes, shoulders, culverts and bridges, ditches, guardrails and more. In winter, they patrol and clear roads of snow and ice, sometimes working lengthy 12-hour shifts, seven days a week.


See our Staff & Facilities page to find contact information for the maintenance facility in your county.

 Engineering Support

​The engineering support branch includes the staff of engineers, administrative specialists, technicians, electricians, mechanics and equipment operators within the traffic and permits, structures, equipment, roadside agronomy and materials sections. These dedicated employees ensure that technical support is present to complete District 9's highway construction and maintenance projects.

Traffic & Permits

The traffic and permits section provides collision data, engineering studies, commercial permit reviews, and traffic control installation such as signs and signals. This section also administers contracts for roadway striping, panel signs and raised pavement markers – just a few of the many services that make travel in the Commonwealth more efficient.

  • Need a permit for a driveway, utility line crossing on a highway or other encroachment? Call the district office at (606) 845-2551 and ask for someone on the permits staff.

  • Have a question or concern about a highway sign or traffic signal? Call the district office at (606) 845-2551 and ask for some in our traffic section.


The structures section is primarily responsible for the mandated structural inspections of all designated roadway structures – bridges and culverts – within the district. This section also consists of special crews responsible for repair of roadway structures, guardrail and drainage facilities within the district.

  • For bridge concerns or questions, contact District Bridge Engineer Blake Jones at (606) 845-2551.


The equipment section is primarily responsible for maintaining, repairing, inventory and disbursement of the equipment fleet within the district – from passenger vehicles and dump trucks to chainsaws and excavators. This section is also responsible for developing replacement schedules for the fleet within the district.

Roadside Agronomy

The roadside agronomy Section is responsible for noxious weed control, various herbicide and fertilize applications, landscaping and nuisance tree/brush removal on state right of way. This section also administers contracts such as rest area maintenance and right of way mowing, among others.


The materials section is responsible for ensuring all materials used in the process of building, repairing or maintaining any facet of our state roadways and or facilities, including but not limited to embankment, pavement, roadway structures, drainage structures, lighting poles and their components meet the minimum requirements set forth by the Transportation Cabinet and Department of Highways.

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