Airport Engineering and Construction


In our continuing efforts to serve the people and airports of Kentucky, the Department of Aviation offers engineering services and expertise to any airport board, airport manager, FBO, consultant, contractor, or citizen of Kentucky who may require it. Our engineering team consists of Joe Carter and Wayne Simpson.  Both have numerous years of experience working with airports and aviation related engineering issues. Joe and Wayne are available to answer any questions and provide engineering support for all of Kentucky’s airports. Please feel free to contact us at the Kentucky Department of Aviation, (502) 564-0248 or via E-mail.

In order to best serve all of our public airports, the Kentucky Department of Aviation must be aware of all existing and proposed airport improvement projects and needs. Help us to help you by keeping the Department of Aviation involved in every aspect of your airport development, from planning to design to construction. For projects you would like us to be aware of or participate in the future, be sure to complete a Pre-Application (Pre-App) Form TC 56/61 so we can better prepare and prioritize our projects.  Knowing the true backlog of aviation projects for the state also helps KDA more effectively communicate the overall funding needs for the airports. 

Pre-App's for 100% state funded projects should be submitted prior to the start of the Fiscal Year to be considered for funding and to assist our planning process.  Federal projects requesting a state share need to be turned in to KDA as early as possible to maximize the potential of funds being available.  Kentucky Fiscal Years run from July 1 thru June 30th. 
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) provides information on series 150, Airport Advisory Circulars that will assist with understanding FAA standards and regulations. The FAA uses Advisory Circulars (AC's) to constantly update and improve airport design standards and regulations.

90 Airport RoadFrankfortKY40601KY8:00am-4:00pm EST, M-F(502) 564-4480


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