Project 1159


KY 1159 Reconstruction - Brooksville to AA Highway

Bracken County

About the Project 

The KY 1159 Reconstruction Project begins on the north side of Brooksville, approximatley 600 feet south of Fronks Lane, and extends north to approximately 600 feet south of the AA Highway.  The total length of the project is approximately 3.4 miles.

The purpose of the project is to improve the existing roadway geometry, safety, and connectivity from Brooksville to the AA Highway.  The existing road has narrow lanes, no shoulders and numerous alignment deficiencies tht do not meet current design criteria.  Also, there are safety concerns associated with the 90 access points (8 approach roads and 82 entrances) along this segment of KY 1159. 

Preliminary design has been completed for two new alternates.  Both alternates include:
  • A new 2-lane road for KY 1159 with 11' lanes and 8' shoulders.  South of Fronks Lane in Brooksville will have curb and gutter with 5' sidewalks.
  • A realignment of KY 1159 around the east side of Bladeston area.
  • Widening of KY 1159 to provide an 11' truck climbing lane on the steep grade from the AA Highway.

 KY 1159 Reconstruction Alternatives

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Evaluation Version (© 2011 AMREIN ENGINEERING AG)

 ​KY 1159 Preferred Alternate

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Evaluation Version (© 2011 AMREIN ENGINEERING AG)
421 Buttermilk PikeCovingtonKY410178:00 AM - 4:00 PM Closed on Holidays(859) 341-2700(859) 341-3661KYTC.District6Info@ky.gov,+Covington,+Ky+41017&aq=&sll=39.044615,-84.573283&sspn=0.011549,0.019205&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=421+Buttermilk+Pike,+Fort+Mitchell,+Kenton,+Kentucky+41017&z=16

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