An Official Website of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
The highway improvement project will address increasing traffic demands driven by significant population shifts from urban areas to suburban and rural communities while enhancing safety, reducing congestion, and increasing capacity along the nine-mile corridor.
The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) is implementing a multi-phase improvement project to improve roadway system completeness to accommodate current and future traffic demands.
The goal of the project includes minimizing or avoiding right-of-way, utility, and environmental impacts.
The entire project corridor extends from KY 55 (Taylorsville Road) at KY 1169 in Spencer County to KY 155 (Taylorsville Lake Road) near KY 148 in Jefferson County.
Five alternatives were studied and only one alternative fully meets the project purpose and need. The project team met with local officials in October and November 2022 to discuss the other alternatives.
Jefferson and Spencer Counties (5-8954.10) Widen KY 55 (Taylorsville Road) and KY 155 (Taylorsville Lake Road) to a five-lane section, including a two-way left-turn lane or a raised median. This segment extends from MP 2.0 in Spencer County to the Floyds Fork Bridge just south of KY 148 in Jefferson County, covering a total length of 6.247 miles.
Spencer County (5-8954.20) Widen KY 55 from KY 1169 to KY 155 and KY 155 from KY 55 to MP 2.0, covering a total length of 2.71 miles.
Public Meeting
KYTC will share details on the rescheduled meeting as soon as they are available. The public will have an opportunity to review the preliminary designs, receive project information, and provide feedback once the meeting is held. An online survey will also be made available following the rescheduled event.
Local Elected Officials Meetings
As of Winter 2024/2025:
*The above project milestone dates are subject to change due to changes in funding availability within the next Enacted Highway Plan.
KYTC District 5 Home Page