Jefferson County: English Station Road Widening - Project 5-353.00

English Station Road widening project map.png


The proposed project will provide an improved link between the existing three-lane segments immediately north and south of this unimproved two-lane section. This widening project will eliminate the current bottleneck to increase capacity, mobility, and safety along the entire corridor. The objectives are to provide a wider roadway through this highly-developed area to meet community and driver expectations while accommodating existing and future developments. The project will incorporate multi-modal traffic facilities for pedestrians and bicyclists.
​Project Scope
North English Station Road widening to three lanes between west Aiken Road to just past Avoca Road at the railroad crossing
​Type of Project
​Road Widening - Construction 
*all tentative utility relocation and letting dates will be re-evaluated to correspond with available funding (provided in the upcoming enacted Highway Plan).

Project amenities:
  • Shared-use (or multi-use) facilities for pedestrians and bicycles.
  • Traffic signals are to be installed at two intersections:
    • English Station Road and East Aiken Road with pedestrian crosswalks.
    • English Station Road and Old Henry Road with pedestrian crosswalks.
  • Fully upgrade the railroad crossing with crossing gates and warning signals.

5-353.00 Project status update February 2019.pdf

5-353.00 Roadway typical sections.pdf

SAFERoad Solutio​ns: Traffic signals​

SAFERoad Solutions: Dedicated Left and Right Turn Lanes

*Some files are large and may take a few minutes to load.
​Project Timeline

As of Fall 2024 (SUBJECT TO CHANGE*):
  • KYTC has acquired all necessary right-of-way, including the control of access rights when applicable, including legal and physical possession.
  • The Final roadway design is near completion. 
  • With the utility relocation, LG&E has committed to gas main and electric pole relocations in 2025. Communication relocations will likely occur during the first half of 2026. 
  • KYTC anticipates letting the project to construction in the fall of 2026, with construction work between 2027 and 2028. 
  • The construction letting date will be determined once utility relocations have progressed.* 
*The above project milestone dates are subject to change due to changes in funding availability within the next Enacted Highway Plan.

Future Phases and Roadway Designations
English Station Road is classified as an urban arterial in eastern Jefferson County, Kentucky, within the City of Middletown. The project vicinity is bounded by US 60 (Shelbyville Road) to the south and I-265 to the east.
English Station Road is currently a Louisville Metro roadway. 
After construction is complete, the road will be accepted into the State Primary Road System with route number KY 3084. KY 3084 will begin at the intersection with US 60 (Shelbyville Road), continuing along North English Station Road and Old Henry Road to the Oldham County Line. The entire corridor will measure 4.47 miles, with US 60 being mile-point 0.0 to mile-point 4.47 being the Oldham County Line. 
Item No. 5-353.00 will be mile points 0.46 to 1.2 within the new KY 3084 designation.  
A future project, 5-367.20, is planned to continue KY 3084 to KY 362 in Oldham County.

​Project Manager
Keith Downs
Phone: 502.764.0515 

8310 Westport RoadLouisvilleKY40242KY8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. EST, M-F(502) 210-5400KYTC.District5Info@ky.gov,-85.871522&sspn=0.006986,0.016512&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=8310+Westport+Rd,+Louisville,+Jefferson,+Kentucky+40242&t=h&z=17
This page is maintained by KYTC District 5 Staff, who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.

​Page Last Updated: 10-04​-2024​

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