Continuous Green T

​The Continuous Green T provides free-flow operations in one direction on the arterial by using acceleration/merge lanes for left turn movements from the cross street.


​​Maryland Arterial Intersection Design
The Continuous Green-T can only be used at T-intersections. The design provides free-flow operations in one direction on the arterial and can reduce the number of approach movements that need to stop to three by using free-flow right turn lanes on the arterial and cross streets and acceleration/merge lanes for left turn movements from the cross street.
MD Arterial Intersection Design

FHWA Case Studies

This case study is one in a series documenting successful intersection safety treatments and the crash reductions that were experienced. Traffic engineers and other transportation professionals can use the information contained in the case study to answer the following questions:

  • What is an innovative treatment option to reduce injury and angle crashes at T-intersections in rural areas?
  • How many crashes did the treatments reduce?
  • Are there any implementation issues associated with this treatment and, if so, how can they be overcome?
FHWA Case Study ​​
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