KAVIS Frequently Asked Questions
When do I pay Ad Valorem?
In KAVIS, Ad Valorem can be included with all title and registration actions, it does not need to be added to the Shopping Cart before the title or registration actions are started. For example, when a User needs to perform a KY Transfer, it is not necessary to add the Ad Valorem to the Shopping Cart first. During the KY Transfer process, KAVIS will give the User the options to either pay delinquent ad val with the application fees or in a separate transaction before the application is completed. The payment of delinquent ad valorem is not required if the title application includes Dealer Assignments.
How do I print another Goldenrod/PODD/registration receipt?
A Goldenrod/PODD/registration receipt can be printed from the Transaction Summary Page (receipt) by clicking on the printer icon beside the Title Application. This is available for 2 weeks after the transaction has been checked out. However, if the title application included registration the printer icon will print a duplicate decal instead of the Goldenrod/PODD/Registration receipt.
You can also print Goldenrod/PODD/registration receipts by finding the vehicle in KAVIS and choosing from the Manage drop-down button "Other". This will take you to the Manage Page where the choice of 'Print Only' from the Registration Action dropdown menu will allow you to add the duplicate to the Shopping Cart. A fee for the duplicate items may be charged also at this time. The receipt will print after it is checked out from the Shopping Cart.
What is the Title Application Queue?
The Title Application Queue is where all boat transactions go to be reviewed and submitted to MVL. No boat title transaction leaves a county without being submitted in the For Approval queue. If MVL does not accept a boat title transaction they will send it back to the county's Returned Work queue for corrections and to re-submit.
How Do I Pay Ad Valorem seperately from a Title Application?
During the Title Application process, if there are delinquent Ad Valorem due, KAVIS provides an option to 'Pay Now'. This action will create a separate transaction for the customer to pay before the title application is completed.
What does a pink boat on the Customer Account mean?
A pink boat tile on the Customer Account Page means the customer being viewed no longer owns the boat but they still owe delinquent taxes for that boat.
What does a red R icon mean?
The Red R icon on a boat tile lets a user know that there are boat attributes missing and/or there is an INVALID HIN on the boat title. In some cases, KAVIS will prompt the user to Update the Title to rectify the issue.
What do I do if I have a boat with and active title and a cancelled registration?
If you have a boat with an active title and registration status of cancelled, please contact MVL to have them surrender the title.