Leitchfield Western Bypass Project

​​Update: January, 2025

Construction begins in March, 2025 on the new section of the Leitchfield Bypass, connecting KY 259 near the Western Kentucky Parkway Interchange to US 62 and KY 54 on the northwest side of the city. Multiple alternates for the alignment were presented during an August 2018 public meeting in Leitchfield, referenced at the bottom of this webpage. The chosen design utilizes the best overall fit for​ cost, constructability, public feedback, right of way impacts to landowners (including utility and railroad interests) and for addressing current and future transportation needs. The project was awarded January 29th, 2025 in the amount of $22.77 Million to Scotty's Contracting and Stone, LLC.

Leitchfield Southwestern Bypass Section - Final Alignment.pdf

Archived Materials from the August, 2018 Public Meeting

Leitchfield Informational Meeting Summary 2018 

 Meeting Displays And Information Downloads:

Leitchfield Western Bypass Public Meeting Printed Handout.pdf

Leitchfield Western Bypass Public Meeting Questionnaire.pdf

All Alternates.pdf

Alternate A.pdf

Alternate B.pdf

Alternate C.pdf

Alternate D.pdf

Alternate E.pdf

Cost Estimates and Typical Sections (UPDATED).pdf

KY 259 Area Detail.pdf

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