U.S. 60 Widening from Old Shelbyville Road to North English Station Road - Project 05-80001.00



The purpose of the proposed US-60 project is to decrease congestion and improve safety, operations, and roadway traffic capacity as a result of the expected increased traffic due to major transportation and development changes in the Louisville Metro area. The need is expressed through high critical crash rate factors, continued land development, and congested traffic operations.​

​Project Scope
The project is located along US 60 (Shelbyville Road) between Old Shelbyville Road and N. English Station/Urton Lane in Jefferson County. 

The design process for this project also includes a high-level planning review of the adjacent signals near Kroger and the interchange with I-265 (Gene Snyder) to understand the impacts related to the project corridor.​​

​Type of Project
​Safety and Operations Study with Preliminary Design​*
*In the 2022-2028 Enacted Highway Plan, only this Planning phase is funded. Additional funding to advance the project further will have to be secured in future Highway Plans. 

​Links5-80001_US60_Storymap_Layout - Non-Interactive.docx
​Public Input
A stakeholder meeting was held in December 2021.

A Public Information Meeting was held in November 2022, and the public survey began in November 2022 and is now closed. Input received from the 2022 public meeting and survey will be compiled and considered as potential study concepts are developed. 

​Project Timeline
As of January 2025 (SUBJECT TO CHANGE):
  • In November 2023, the Project Team (with input from the public) selected Alternative 2-4-5 for Final Design.
  • The project is currently in the design phase, with an anticipated timeline of 2022-2026.
  • The right-of-way and utility phases are anticipated to begin in 2026.
  • KYTC anticipates construction to begin in 2028.*
*The above-anticipated project milestone dates are subject to change due to changes in funding availability within the next Enacted Highway Plan.

Selected Alternative

Alternative 2-4-5:

This alternative will widen US 60 (Shelbyville Road) to 5 through lanes with a raised median between signalized intersections, add dual left turns from US 60 to North English Station Road, add an additional lane onto the I-265 south​hbound entrance ramp, and restrict through movements at the US 60/Aiken Road/Towne Creek Road and US 60/Data Vault Drive/Meridian Hills Drive intersections.

​Project Manager
Kameryn Underwood
Email: kameryn.​underwood@ky.gov
Phone: 502.764.0530 

This page is maintained by KYTC District 5 Staff, who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.

​​Page Last Updated:  02-07-2025​

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