District Supervisors

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District Supervisors
Each District Office retains a Right of Way Supervisor and a Utility Supervisor to address the needs of public Cabinet projects.  The Cabinet retains most project specific Right of Way and Utility work in these District offices, which are located in 12 regions.  

If in need of a District contact, you may click on the appropriate district to view the contact available, or scroll through the full list provided below.​

District 1Greg MorganRight of Way Supervisorgreg.morgan@ky.gov(270) 898-2431
District 1David DavisUtility Supervisordavid.davis@ky.gov(270) 898-2431
District 2Jennifer K. CoxRight of Way Supervisorjenniferk.cox@ky.gov(270) 824-7080
District 2Chris WardUtility Supervisorchris.ward@ky.gov(270) 824-7080
District 3Allen ArnoldRight of Way Supervisorallen.arnold@ky.gov(270) 746-7898
District 3Clint Puryear, Jr.Utility Supervisorclint.puryear@ky.gov(270) 746-7898
District 4Michael Price
Right of Way Supervisormichaelh.price@ky.gov(270) 766-5066
District 4Brian GregoryUtility Supervisorbrian.gregory@ky.gov(270) ​766-5066
District 5Tom BoykinRight of Way Supervisortom.boykin@ky.gov(502) 210-5400
District 5Caroline JusticeUtility Supervisorcarolinem.justice@ky.gov(502) 210-5400
District 6Mike Bezold (Acting Right-of-Way Supervisor)Right of Way SupervisorMike.Bezold@ky.gov(859) 341-2700
District 6Nikki BodenUtility Supervisornichole.boden@ky.gov(859) 341-2700
District 7Cecil SmithRight of Way SupervisorCecil.Smith@ky.gov(859) 246-2355
District 7David Greenwell (Acting Utility Supervisor)Utility Supervisordavid.greenwell@ky.gov(859) 246-2355
District 8Charles HaleRight of Way Supervisorcharles.hale@ky.gov(606) 677-4017
District 8Morgan WilsonUtility Supervisormorgan.wilson@ky.gov(606) 677-4017
District 9Shannon DearingRight of Way Supervisorshannon.dearing@ky.gov(606) 845-2551
District 9Zane AlexanderUtility Supervisorzane.alexander@ky.gov(606) 845-2551
District 10Aric Skaggs (Acting Right-of-Way Supervisor)Right of Way Supervisoraric.skaggs@ky.gov(606) 666-8841
District 10Anthony HolbrookUtility Supervisoranthony.holbrook@ky.gov(606) 666-8841
District 11Greg CombsRight of Way Supervisorgregd.combs@ky.gov(606) 598-2145
District 11Keenan JonesUtility Supervisorkeenan.jones@ky.gov(606) 598-2145
District 12Joe TackettRight of Way Supervisorjoe.tackett@ky.gov(606) 433-7791
District 12Sam Hale (Acting Utility Supervisor)Utility Supervisorsamuel.hale@ky.gov(606) 433-7791

Additional Contacts

Our Central Office Staff functions as an active support mechanism for the District Offices and for the projects.  These staff members are also available as contacts and can be found on the Support Page.


200 Mero Street, 4th Floor EastFrankfortKY40601KY8:00am-4:30pm EST, M-F(502) 564-3210(502) 564-0505http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=200+mero+street+frankfort+ky&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=200+Mero+St,+Frankfort,+Franklin,+Kentucky+40601&gl=us&sqi=2&z=16&iwloc=A

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