Local Officials and Stakeholders Meeting

December 13, 2017

The first Local Officials and Stakeholders Meeting was held on December 13, 2017, to present the initial existing conditions in the study area, solicit feedback on existing conditions, and to identify problem areas.  A diverse group of community representatives was invited and included local elected officials and stakeholders such as fire departments, police, EMS, and local schools and industry leaders with the goal of obtaining a local perspective on transportation issues and needs in the area.


Meeting Materials:

Agenda for the Local Officials and Stakeholders Meeting December 13, 2017
Power Point Presentation
Existing Conditions Map with Roadway Geometrics 
Existing Conditions Map with Utilities
Existing Conditions Map with Crashes
Questionaire for the Local Officials and Stakeholders
Photographs from the Local Officials and Stakeholders Meeting


Meeting Minutes – to be posted

 Contact Information

KYTC District 6 Project Manager:
Carol Callan-Ramler
(859) 341-2700

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