In Progress: Turkeyfoot Road (KY 1303) Scoping Study
Local Officials and Stakeholders’ Information


Caution: Careful consideration should be given before sharing the information presented on this webpage with persons not attending the Local Officials and Stakeholders’ meetings. Persons not attending the Local Official and Stakeholders’ meetings will not have been fully informed of the planning study’s purpose; scope; limitations – especially that of funding; schedule; and other aspects.


KYTC planning studies can be performed as many as ten years in advance of any possible construction activities (see How KYTC Builds Roads below). Planning studies constitute a high-level, preliminary look that may produce several prioritized projects, alignments or alternatives, which, dependent on funding, may not progress forward to the next phase. Premature assumptions regarding possible projects, alignments or alternatives may cause unnecessary concern for local property owners and stakeholders.


The final report for this planning study will be posted on the KYTC website at the conclusion of the study.


The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC), with assistance from Palmer Engineering, the Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments (OKI), and the Northern Kentucky Area Development District (NKADD), have assembled a project team to identify and examine transportation needs related to safety and mobility
on Turkeyfoot Road from Barnwood Drive to the bridge over I-275.

The study will identify and evaluate:

  • The purpose and need: improving safety and mobility
  • Existing conditions: geometrics, crashes, utilities, etc
  • Current and future capacity of the transportation network
  • Environmental concerns: geotechnical, human and natural elements
  • Short-term improvements that can be quickly and effectively implemented at both an individual intersection level and at a corridor-wide level
  • Long-term concerns and projects for future programming
  • Cost estimates and an analysis of impacts and benefits
  • Recommendations that the KYTC, the Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments (OKI), the Northern Kentucky Area Development District (NKADD), Kenton County, the cities of Crestview Hills and Lakewood, and/or private developers can take for further project development and implementation


The funding for this scoping study is limited to this study only.  Any projects identified during this study will require separate funding through established state and local government programming processes, and/or through private developers.



How KYTC Builds Roads
Turkeyfoot Road (KY 1303) Scoping Study Area Map
Study Schedule - subject to change

Local Officials and Stakeholders Meeting #1 - Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Local Officials and Stakeholders Meeting #2  -  Currently scheduled for May 2018

Final Report  -  Currently scheduled for August 2018

 Contact Information

​KYTC District 6 Project Manager:
Carol Callan-Ramler
(859) 341-2700



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