Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ)


​Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) is a transportation improvement program focused on reducing emissions in designated areas of the United States. Federal funding is available to government agencies for projects that will contribute greatly to air quality improvements and decreases in traffic congestion. Federal CMAQ funds must be spent in non-attainment or maintenance areas as determined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

 Eligible Areas

  • ​Boone, Boyd, Bullitt, Campbell, Christian, Daviess, Edmonson, Fayette, Jefferson, Kenton, Marshall, Oldham, and Scott
  • Portions of Greenup, Hancock, Lawrence, and Livingston counties
Please see the FHWA CMAQ Program Interim Guidance and the FHWA CMAQ 101 Training Course for detailed information on project eligibility.

 Applying for Funding

FY 2022 CMAQ Awards Announcement

The Office of Local Programs is not currently accepting applications for funding.

Applicants may access the application and instructions via the KYTC Forms Library.

Local and state government agencies are eligible to apply for CMAQ funding. Non-profits and private sector entities may partner with an eligible applicant to complete a project.

In order to be eligible for CMAQ funding, a project must be located in one of the CMAQ eligible areas (or have a direct AQ benefit to one of these areas) and must reduce CO2, NOX, VOCs, PM2.5, and PM10 emissions from transportation. Ancillary benefits of eligible projects, such as greenhouse gas reductions, congestion relief, mobility, and safety, may be considered when awarding CMAQ funding, although those benefits do not establish eligibility on their own.

There is no set limit on the number of applications an applicant may submit or the amount of funding for which an applicant can apply.  However, applicants should keep in mind the state receives a limited amount of CMAQ funding on an annual basis.

Projects must follow all federal and state guidelines outlined in the KYTC LPA Guide


FHWA Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program Site

FHWA CMAQ Program Interim Guidance (November 2013)

FHWA CMAQ Cost Effectiveness Tables
These tables provide information regarding cost-effectiveness for a range of project types under the CMAQ Program and may be useful to CMAQ applicants and MPOs when completing applications and ranking potential CMAQ projects.

CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit
This toolkit provides assistance in calculating the air quality benefits of a CMAQ project.  

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