An Official Website of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
I-64 through West Louisville was completed in the mid-1970s. The highway added to the existing separation of the community from the riverfront created by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) flood wall and levee system designed to protect the community from flooding and the railroad lines that run along and near the Ohio River.
This study will examine these and other barriers and identify opportunities for improving community connectivity and mitigating the negative impact of the barriers. The study will result in a phased implementation plan for reconnecting the neighborhoods south of I-64 with the areas north of I-64 along the Ohio Riverfront. The project will address all modes of transportation (pedestrians, cyclists, auto, and truck), but the goal is community-focused and is intended to address barriers that have limited people's ability to access the riverfront and land uses north of I-64. The project is being completed in accordance with the general principles outlined in the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Grant Program. A goal of that program is “Reconnecting communities by removing, retrofitting, or mitigating highways or other transportation facilities that create barriers to community connectivity, including to mobility, access, or economic development".
The project limits are shown on the study area map and extend from 13th Street in the east to the Bank Street/Northwestern Parkway intersection in the west and from Bank Street in the south to the Ohio River in the north.
Larry Chaney, P.E.Email: larry.chaney@ky.govPhone: 502.764.0857
This page is maintained by KYTC District 5 Staff, who may be contacted to make corrections or changes.
Page Last Updated: 09-27-2024