The I-64 Corridor Study is a planning study to identify and evaluate potential strategies to improve the safety and congestion along I-64 between Story Avenue and I-264 through the completion of a Transportation Needs Assessment Study. Goals of the study include:
- Reduce congestion
- Accommodate transportation demand
- Address roadway deficiencies
- Balance environmental effects
Funding for this study was included in the 2018 Highway Plan by the Kentucky legislature. The planning study began in late 2019 with a focus on collecting existing conditions data. This includes roadway characteristics, traffic volumes, crash history, and environmental features. Based on this information, traffic operations and high crash locations have been identified. Existing traffic volumes range from 74,500 to 80,500 vehicles per day. From the safety analysis, it was determined that 64 percent of the corridor has high crash spots.
The study will explore a range of short term and long term improvement strategies along with a No-Build scenario. These include strategies for traffic management, alternate modes, and strategies that add capacity along all or portions of the corridor.
Two local officials/stakeholder meetings and two public outreach efforts will be held to present information to stakeholders, residents, and motorists as a part of the planning study. The first local officials/stakeholder meeting was held on July 29, 2020. The project team presented existing conditions information and requested input on transportation-related issues for the corridor to help with determining potential improvement strategies. The second local officials/stakeholder meeting was held on December 8, 2020.
An interactive presentation that contains additional study information, including the improvement strategies and a survey to collect the community's feedback on the improvement strategies, can be accessed by clicking on the following link: The survey will be open for four weeks closing on January 11, 2021. This survey will conclude the public engagement phase for this study.
A final report and executive summary has been prepared and submitted by the project team. This document will include information collected during the study process, concept development and analysis, and a summary of findings and can be found here: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I-64 Corridor Study, Story Avenue to I-264 Jefferson County, Kentucky Item No. 5-553.00
Contact information
For additional information or questions, please contact KYTC District 5 Project Manager, Carl Jenkins at (502)-210-5400 or