Study Overview
The US 25 Corbin to London Connector Study is a planning study to identify and evaluate transportation needs related to safety and congestion. Both short-term and long-term concepts will be identified to improve travel on US 25 between US 25E in Corbin and KY 192 in London. The study area limits are shown in the map above. Goals of the study include:
- Improve Safety
- Reduce congestion
- Accommodate transportation demand
- Address roadway deficiencies
- Balance environmental effects
Funding for this study was included in the 2018 Highway Plan by the Kentucky legislature. The planning study began in 2018 with a focus on collecting existing conditions data which includes roadway characteristics, traffic volumes, crash history, and environmental features. Based on this information, a variety of short and long term solutions have been identified.
One local officials/stakeholder meeting and one public outreach effort will be held to present information to stakeholders, residents, and motorists as a part of the planning study. The local officials/stakeholder meeting was held on October 7, 2020. The project team presented existing conditions information and potential improvement options and requested their feedback.
An interactive presentation that contains study information, including a survey to collect the community’s concerns, can be accessed by clicking on the following link: https://arcg.is/zD4yK. The survey will be open for one month and will close on November 6, 2020. If you prefer to link directly to the survey, please click https://arcg.is/1fGyDj.
A final report will be prepared by the Project Team in early 2021. The document will include information collected during the study process, concept development and analysis, and a summary of findings.
· Contact information
For additional information or questions, please contact KYTC District 11 Project Manager, Quentin Smith at (606)-598-2145 or quentin.smith@ky.gov.