collapse Design Build Project : 13-9001 Hopkins County - Western Ky Pkwy and Pennyrile Pkwy Interchange ‎(17)
Draft RFP - Design-Build Project - Hopkins County.pdfDraft RFP - Design-Build Project - Hopkins County13-9001 Hopkins County - Western Ky Pkwy and Pennyrile Pkwy Interchange
Draft-Design-Build RFP--Hopkins 2-225.pdfDraft-Design-Build RFP--Hopkins 2-22513-9001 Hopkins County - Western Ky Pkwy and Pennyrile Pkwy Interchange
FINAL-Design-Build RFP--Hopkins 2-225.pdfFINAL-Design-Build RFP--Hopkins 2-22513-9001 Hopkins County - Western Ky Pkwy and Pennyrile Pkwy Interchange
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FINAL-Design-Build-Attachments--Hopkins 2-225.pdfFINAL-Design-Build-Attachments--Hopkins 2-22513-9001 Hopkins County - Western Ky Pkwy and Pennyrile Pkwy Interchange
Hopkins County - CID 13-9001 - Addendum 1.pdfHopkins County - CID 13-9001 - Addendum 113-9001 Hopkins County - Western Ky Pkwy and Pennyrile Pkwy Interchange
Hopkins County - CID 13-9001 - Addendum 2.pdfHopkins County - CID 13-9001 - Addendum 213-9001 Hopkins County - Western Ky Pkwy and Pennyrile Pkwy Interchange
Hopkins County - CID 13-9001 - Addendum 3.pdfHopkins County - CID 13-9001 - Addendum 313-9001 Hopkins County - Western Ky Pkwy and Pennyrile Pkwy Interchange
Hopkins County - CID 13-9001 - Addendum 4.pdfHopkins County - CID 13-9001 - Addendum 413-9001 Hopkins County - Western Ky Pkwy and Pennyrile Pkwy Interchange
Hopkins County - CID 13-9001 - Approved Design Build Teams.pdfHopkins County - CID 13-9001 - Approved Design Build Teams13-9001 Hopkins County - Western Ky Pkwy and Pennyrile Pkwy Interchange
Hopkins County - CID 13-9001 - Preliminary Signing Plan.dgnHopkins County - CID 13-9001 - Preliminary Signing Plan13-9001 Hopkins County - Western Ky Pkwy and Pennyrile Pkwy Interchange
Hopkins County - Design-Build Meeting Location Change.pdfHopkins County - Design-Build Meeting Location Change13-9001 Hopkins County - Western Ky Pkwy and Pennyrile Pkwy Interchange
Hopkins County - Design-Build Project - Pre-Bid Meeting Minutes.pdfHopkins County - Design-Build Project - Pre-Bid Meeting Minutes13-9001 Hopkins County - Western Ky Pkwy and Pennyrile Pkwy Interchange
Hopkins County - Design-Build Project - Questions and Answers.pdfHopkins County - Design-Build Project - Questions and Answers13-9001 Hopkins County - Western Ky Pkwy and Pennyrile Pkwy Interchange
Hopkins County atttachments-9-5-2013.pdfHopkins County atttachments-9-5-201313-9001 Hopkins County - Western Ky Pkwy and Pennyrile Pkwy Interchange
Hopkins County Design-Build Bid Results.pdfHopkins County Design-Build Bid Results13-9001 Hopkins County - Western Ky Pkwy and Pennyrile Pkwy Interchange
Hopkins County score sheet_final.pdfHopkins County score sheet_final13-9001 Hopkins County - Western Ky Pkwy and Pennyrile Pkwy Interchange
collapse Design Build Project : 13-9002 Nelson County - Bardstown Bypass (KY 245) ‎(11)
1. Final_Design-Build RFP--Nelson 4-8307.pdf1. Final_Design-Build RFP--Nelson 4-830713-9002 Nelson County - Bardstown Bypass (KY 245)
2. Final_Design-Build Appendices--Nelson 4-8307.pdf2. Final_Design-Build Appendices--Nelson 4-830713-9002 Nelson County - Bardstown Bypass (KY 245)
3. Design Build Project Notice - Nelson County.pdf3. Design Build Project Notice - Nelson County13-9002 Nelson County - Bardstown Bypass (KY 245)
3A. Nelson County - CID 13-9002 - Design-Build Project - Pre-Bid Meeting Minutes.pdf3A. Nelson County - CID 13-9002 - Design-Build Project - Pre-Bid Meeting Minutes13-9002 Nelson County - Bardstown Bypass (KY 245)
4. Nelson County - Design-Build Project - Questions and Answers.pdf4. Nelson County - Design-Build Project - Questions and Answers13-9002 Nelson County - Bardstown Bypass (KY 245)
5. Nelson  County - Design Build Addendum 1.pdf5. Nelson County - Design Build Addendum 113-9002 Nelson County - Bardstown Bypass (KY 245)
5A. Nelson County - CID 13-9002 - Addendum 2.pdf5A. Nelson County - CID 13-9002 - Addendum 213-9002 Nelson County - Bardstown Bypass (KY 245)
5B. Nelson County - CID 13-9002 - Addendum 3.pdf5B. Nelson County - CID 13-9002 - Addendum 313-9002 Nelson County - Bardstown Bypass (KY 245)
6. Nelson County- CID 13-9002 - Right-of-Way Purchase Exhibit (2).pdf6. Nelson County- CID 13-9002 - Right-of-Way Purchase Exhibit (2)13-9002 Nelson County - Bardstown Bypass (KY 245)
7. Nelson County - CID 13-9002 - Approved Design Build Team.pdf7. Nelson County - CID 13-9002 - Approved Design Build Team13-9002 Nelson County - Bardstown Bypass (KY 245)
Nelson County - Design-Build Bid Results.pdfNelson County - Design-Build Bid Results13-9002 Nelson County - Bardstown Bypass (KY 245)
collapse Design Build Project : 13-9003 Trigg County - Cadiz Bypass (US 68) ‎(9)
1. RFP - Trigg County - CID 13-9003.pdf1. RFP - Trigg County - CID 13-900313-9003 Trigg County - Cadiz Bypass (US 68)
2. Appendices - Trigg County - CID 13-9003.pdf2. Appendices - Trigg County - CID 13-900313-9003 Trigg County - Cadiz Bypass (US 68)
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