Scenario Planning

If a community plans on way to grow its land (commercial, residential, preservation), what will be the effects on the transportation system? What if they choose something different? What if they choose to invest in just major roadway capacity projects versus system efficiency and transit projects?
Scenario planning is an analytical tool that can help transportation professionals prepare for what lies ahead. Scenario planning provides a framework for developing a shared vision for the future by analyzing various forces (e.g., health, transportation, economic, environmental, land use, etc.) that affect growth. Scenario planning, when done for a metropolitan area, tests various future alternatives that meet state or community needs. Scenario planning can be used in a range of situations, from a small section of a city all the way to a statewide analysis.​


FHWA Scenario Planning
Scenario planning, which can be done at the statewide level or for metropolitan regions, tests various future alternatives that meet state and community needs. A defining characteristic of successful public sector scenario planning is that it actively involves the public, the business community, and elected officials on a broad scale, educating them about growth trends and trade-offs, and incorporating their values and feedback into future plans.
FHWA Scenario Planning

Scenario Planning Brochure
Scenario planning is a process in which transportation professionals and citizens work together to analyze and shape the long-term future of their communities. Using a variety of tools and techniques, participants in scenario planning assess trends in key factors such as transportation, land use, demographics, health, economic development, environment, and more.
Scenario Planning Brochure.pdf

Scenario Planning Article
Nobel Prize Laureate Niels Bohr once said, "Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future." With land development occurring rapidly, pressures on the environment increasing, congestion levels growing, housing costs rising, and the population aging, what is to be done?
Scenario Planning Article.pdf

KYTC Traffic Demand Modeling
200 Mero StreetFrankfortKY40601KY8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. EST, M-F(502) 564-7183Fax: (502) 564-2865,+Frankfort,+Franklin,+Kentucky+40601&gl=us&sqi=2&z=16&iwloc=A
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