Designing Transit Into Highway Projects

Will a transit line be a part of the highway project? How far apart should stops be located? Where will the stops be placed? How will the stops be designed? Will transit have signal priority over other vehicles? These questions should be considered and answered in order to develop an effective design that integrates transit safely into a roadway project. Many transit agencies and municipalities have developed design guidelines for implementing transit into their road network.


Improving Transit Stop/Station Access
Riders need safe and convenient routes to get to and from transit. Riders will typically walk one-fourth to one-half mile (about a 5 to 10-minute walk for most people) to and from transit. Riders typically walk to a transit stop, board the bus or train, get off, and then walk to their final destination. This the riders' needs as pedestrians extend beyond the bus stop to and from the surrounding neighborhood.
Improving Transit Stops

Transit Friendly Design Guide (Calgary, Ont.)
Calgary City Council approved a new, comprehensive, long range transportation plan in 1995 May. The vision statement from this plan has been reproduced because it describes our collective desires for Calgary in the future: Calgary, in the year 2024 has grown by over 500,000 people, the equivalent of adding eight cities like Red Deer.
Transit Friendly Design Guide


Design Guidelines for Bus Transit (Riverside, CA)
The stated purpose of this document is to educate local planners, developers and decision-makers about transit's needs and offer them clear and uniform guidance for the design and placement of bus-related facilities and amenities. These guidelines are intended to identify transit-specific design considerations applying only to trip generating and attracting locations and projects.
Design Guidelines for Bus Transit

Bus Stop Design Guidelines (TRI-MET, NY)
The purpose of these guidelines is to develop suggested design criteria that should be considered when designing and placing transit facilities. This information is not to be used as a set of standard details on which to base a final design, but rather as recommended criteria and general guidance for the placement and safe design of transit facilities.
Bus Stop Design Guidelines

200 Mero StreetFrankfortKY40622KY8:00am-4:30pm EST, M-F(502) 564-3280Fax: (502) 564-3324,+Frankfort,+Franklin,+Kentucky+40601&gl=us&sqi=2&z=16&iwloc=A
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