Archaeological Reports (redacted)


Report Category
An Archaeological Overview of the US 119 Improvement Project, Letcher County, Kentucky.pdfAn Archaeological Overview of the US 119 Improvement Project, Letcher County, KentuckyLetcherOverview
Archaeological Interpretation of Side-Scanning Sonar Survey for the Ohio River Bridges Project, Jefferson County, Kentucky.pdfArchaeological Interpretation of Side-Scanning Sonar Survey for the Ohio River Bridges Project, Jefferson County, KentuckyJeffersonPhase I - Survey
Archaeological Monitoring of Geotechnical Borings for Ohio Rivers Bridges, Jefferson County, Kentucky.pdfArchaeological Monitoring of Geotechnical Borings for Ohio Rivers Bridges, Jefferson County, KentuckyJeffersonPhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Addendum Survey Along KY 185 in Warren County, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Addendum Survey Along KY 185 in Warren County, KentuckyWarrenPhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Report Addendum on Fishtrap Road in Pike County, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Report Addendum on Fishtrap Road in Pike County, KentuckyPikePhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Report on KY 32 east of Sandy Hook, Elliott County, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Report on KY 32 east of Sandy Hook, Elliott County, KentuckyElliottPhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Survey Addendum Along KY 56 in Union County, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Survey Addendum Along KY 56 in Union County, KentuckyUnionPhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Survey Addendum on US 42 at Rice Pike in Boone County Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Survey Addendum on US 42 at Rice Pike in Boone County KentuckyBoonePhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Survey Along Hikston Pike in Montgomery County, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Survey Along Hikston Pike in Montgomery County, KentuckyMontgomeryPhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Survey along I-71 in LaGrange, Oldham County, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Survey along I-71 in LaGrange, Oldham County, KentuckyOldhamPhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Survey along I-75 in Kenton County, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Survey along I-75 in Kenton County, KentuckyKentonPhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Survey Along KY 1057 in Powell County, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Survey Along KY 1057 in Powell County, KentuckyPowellPhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Survey along KY 11 in Lee and Owsley Counties, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Survey along KY 11 in Lee and Owsley Counties, KentuckyLeePhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Survey Along KY 111 in Bath County, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Survey Along KY 111 in Bath County, KentuckyBathPhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Survey Along KY 1297 in Glasgow, Barren County, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Survey Along KY 1297 in Glasgow, Barren County, KentuckyBarrenPhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Survey Along KY 1357 in Hardin County, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Survey Along KY 1357 in Hardin County, KentuckyHardinPhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Survey Along KY 185 in Warren County, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Survey Along KY 185 in Warren County, KentuckyWarrenPhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Survey Along KY 192 in Laurel County, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Survey Along KY 192 in Laurel County, KentuckyLaurelPhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Survey along KY 194 in Pike County, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Survey along KY 194 in Pike County, KentuckyPikePhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Survey along KY 1991, Montgomery County, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Survey along KY 1991, Montgomery County, KentuckyMontgomeryPhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Survey along KY 2021, Perry County, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Survey along KY 2021, Perry County, KentuckyPerryPhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Survey Along KY 213 in Powell County, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Survey Along KY 213 in Powell County, KentuckyPowellPhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Survey along KY 2498 in Morgan County, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Survey along KY 2498 in Morgan County, KentuckyMorganPhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Survey along KY 2871 in Oldham County, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Survey along KY 2871 in Oldham County, KentuckyTrimblePhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Survey along KY 2885 in Spencer County, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Survey along KY 2885 in Spencer County, KentuckySpencerPhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Survey along KY 32, Rowan and Elliott counties, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Survey along KY 32, Rowan and Elliott counties, KentuckyRowanPhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Survey Along KY 329 in Oldham County, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Survey Along KY 329 in Oldham County, KentuckyOldhamPhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Survey along KY 3376 in Madison County, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Survey along KY 3376 in Madison County, KentuckyMadisonPhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Survey along KY 36, Nicholas County, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Survey along KY 36, Nicholas County, KentuckyNicholasPhase I - Survey
Phase I Archaeological Survey Along KY 363 in Laurel County, Kentucky.pdfPhase I Archaeological Survey Along KY 363 in Laurel County, KentuckyLaurelPhase I - Survey
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