| | | State, County, and Incorporated Area Traffic Volume Maps. Traffic Volume and Vehicle Classification Data
|  | /Planning/Pages/Traffic-Counts.aspx | Project | 12 |
| | | Official Highway Map, Roadway System Maps, Functional Classification Maps, Miscellaneous Maps, Interactive Maps
|  | /Pages/Maps-Resources.aspx | Project | 10 |
| | | Programming, Scoping, Alternatives, Small Urban Area, Justification, and Feasibility Studies
|  | /Planning/Pages/Planning-Studies-and-Reports.aspx | Project | 6 |
| | | Statewide, Regional and Small Urban Area Transportation Planning. Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO)
|  | /Planning/Pages/Transportation-Planning.aspx | Project | 8 |
| | | Forecasting Tools, Data, and Reports, Planning and Zoning Information, Traffic Demand Modeling
|  | /Planning/Pages/Traffic-Forecasting-and-Modeling.aspx | Project | 4 |
| | | Roadway Assets, HPMS Reports, Route Systems, Functional Classification, and Geospatial Data
|  | /Planning/Pages/Roadway-Information-and-Data.aspx | Project | 9 |
| | | Congestion Toolbox, Access Management Program and Guidance, Mobility Measures and Analysis
|  | /Planning/Pages/Congestion-Management.aspx | Project | 2 |
| | | Bicycle and Pedestrian Procedures and Policies, Bicycle and Bikeway Commission, and Statewide Bicycle Tour Maps
|  | /bike-walk/ | Project | 3 |
| | | Freight Planning, Intermodal Connectors, Rail Program, Ferryboat Operations, Riverports, and Aviation
|  | /MutilmodalFreight/Pages/FreightPlanningHome.aspx | Project | 7 |
| | | Transportation Improvement Programs, Metropolitan Transportation Plans, Participation Plans, Congestion Management Processes, and Unified Planning Work Programs
|  | /Planning/Pages/Metropolitan-Planning.aspx | Project | 5 |
| | | Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas, Transportation Conformity, Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality
|  | /Planning/Pages/Air-Quality.aspx | Project | 1 |