Project Details

Project Name

Western Bardstown Connectivity Study​


​The purpose of this project is to improve network connectivity to the west of Bardstown and reduce congestion as well as improve safety by reducing crash rates in the downtown area.

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Western Bardstown Connectivity Study Executive Summary.pdfWestern Bardstown Connectivity Study Executive Summary
Western Bardstown Connectivity Study Final Report.pdfWestern Bardstown Connectivity Study Final Report
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Appendix A - Western Bardstown Connectivity Study Roadway Geometrics.pdfAppendix A - Western Bardstown Connectivity Study Roadway Geometrics
Appendix B - Western Bardstown Connectivity Study Pedestrian and Bicycle Consideration Review.pdfAppendix B - Western Bardstown Connectivity Study Pedestrian and Bicycle Consideration Review
Appendix C - Western Bardstown Connectivity Study Traffic Forecast Reports.pdfAppendix C - Western Bardstown Connectivity Study Traffic Forecast Reports
Appendix D - Western Bardstown Connectivity Study Socioeconomic Study.pdfAppendix D - Western Bardstown Connectivity Study Socioeconomic Study
Appendix E - Western Bardstown Connectivity Study Meeting Minutes.pdfAppendix E - Western Bardstown Connectivity Study Meeting Minutes
Appendix F - Western Bardstown Connectivity Study Public Engagement Plan.pdfAppendix F - Western Bardstown Connectivity Study Public Engagement Plan
Appendix G - Western Bardstown Connectivity Study Geotechnical Overview.pdfAppendix G - Western Bardstown Connectivity Study Geotechnical Overview
Appendix H - Western Bardstown Connectivity Study Resource Agency Responses.pdfAppendix H - Western Bardstown Connectivity Study Resource Agency Responses
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