Project Details

Project Name

Wayne County KY 90 Corridor Study​


​The KY 90 Corridor Study identified and evaluated the need for and scope of concepts to improve the safety, mobility, and capacity of KY 90 in Monticello, KY. The study included analyzing existing conditions, soliciting input from local officials, developing traffic forecasts, and developing and evaluating potential improvement concepts.

KY 90 Corridor Study_FINAL Report.pdfKY 90 Corridor Study_FINAL Report
KY 90 Corridor Study Executive Summary_FINAL.pdfKY 90 Corridor Study Executive Summary_FINAL
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Appendix A - Crash History (2016 - 2020).pdfAppendix A - Crash History (2016 - 2020)
Appendix B - Traffic Forecasting Technical Memorandum.pdfAppendix B - Traffic Forecasting Technical Memorandum
Appendix C - Socioeconomic Study.pdfAppendix C - Socioeconomic Study
Appendix D - Meeting Summaries.pdfAppendix D - Meeting Summaries
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