Project Details

Project Name

​US 60 Connectivity Study​


​The US 60 Connectivity Study was initiated to examine a more direct corridor between US 60 in western Kentucky and I-57 in southern Illinois.

1-80250 - US 60 Connectivity Study Final Report.pdf1-80250 - US 60 Connectivity Study Final Report
1-80250 - US 60 Connectivity Study Executive Summary.pdf1-80250 - US 60 Connectivity Study Executive Summary
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1-80250 - Appendix A - Traffic Forecast and Economic Analysis Reports.pdf1-80250 - Appendix A - Traffic Forecast and Economic Analysis Reports
1-80250 - Appendix B - PEL Environmental Technical Report.pdf1-80250 - Appendix B - PEL Environmental Technical Report
1-80250 - Appendix C - Meeting Summaries.pdf1-80250 - Appendix C - Meeting Summaries
1-80250 - Appendix D - FHWA PEL Questionnaire.pdf1-80250 - Appendix D - FHWA PEL Questionnaire
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