Project Details

Project Name

US 68 Scoping Study​

Green, Metcalfe

The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) initiated two different studies affecting US 68 in Metcalfe County and Green County.  The US 68 Corridor Project examines the need for and types of improvements necessary along the route between the Cumberland Parkway and Greensburg.  The US 68 Greensburg Connector Project investigates alternatives to better connect US 68 through or around Greensburg.  The current studies serve as the first step in establishing project goals, identifying environmental concerns, and evaluating preliminary alternatives.​

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US 68 Scoping Study 3-203 Final Executive Summary.pdfUS 68 Scoping Study 3-203 Final Executive Summary
US 68 Scoping Study 3-203 Final Report.pdfUS 68 Scoping Study 3-203 Final Report
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Appendix A - Crash History - US 68 Scoping Study.pdfAppendix A - Crash History - US 68 Scoping Study
Appendix B - Environmental Overview - US 68 Scoping Study.pdfAppendix B - Environmental Overview - US 68 Scoping Study
Appendix C - Geotechnical Overview - US 68 Scoping Study.pdfAppendix C - Geotechnical Overview - US 68 Scoping Study
Appendix D - Environmental Justice Overviews - US 68 Scoping Study.pdfAppendix D - Environmental Justice Overviews - US 68 Scoping Study
Appendix E - Resource Agency Responses - US 68 Scoping Study.pdfAppendix E - Resource Agency Responses - US 68 Scoping Study
Appendix F - Meeting Summaries - US 68 Scoping Study.pdfAppendix F - Meeting Summaries - US 68 Scoping Study
Appendix G - Traffic Forecast Report - US 68 Scoping Study.pdfAppendix G - Traffic Forecast Report - US 68 Scoping Study
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