Project Details

Project Name

​US 60 Bridge Replacement Study


​This study was conducted with the goal of identifying alternatives that provide a constructable and affordable structure that will improve safety and the standard load capacity of the bridge as well as maintain traffic flow during construction.

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US 60 Bridge Replacement Scoping Study - FINAL Executive Summary.pdfUS 60 Bridge Replacement Scoping Study - FINAL Executive Summary
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Appendix A_Cultural Historic Overview.pdfAppendix A_Cultural Historic Overview
Appendix C_Environmental Overview.pdfAppendix C_Environmental Overview
Appendix D_Environmental Justice Overview.pdfAppendix D_Environmental Justice Overview
Appendix E_Stakeholder and Project Team Meeting Minutes.pdfAppendix E_Stakeholder and Project Team Meeting Minutes
Appendix F_Public Meeting Summary.pdfAppendix F_Public Meeting Summary
Appendix G_Resource Agency Mailings.pdfAppendix G_Resource Agency Mailings
Appendix H_Geotechnical Overview.pdfAppendix H_Geotechnical Overview
Appendix I_Detailed Bridge Cost Estimate.pdfAppendix I_Detailed Bridge Cost Estimate
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