Project Details

Project Name
US 41A Study Kingdom Hall Rd to KY 670
Hopkins, Webster
Scoping study for improvements to US 41A from Kingdom Hall Road in Hopkins County to KY 670 in Webster County
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US41A_FinalReport_Scoping Study_Executive Summary.pdfUS41A_FinalReport_Scoping Study_Executive Summary
US41A_FinalReport_Scoping Study_Full.pdfUS41A_FinalReport_Scoping Study_Full
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US41A_AppendixA_Route Data from HIS and KY State Police, Capacity Analyses and Traffic Data.pdfUS41A_AppendixA_Route Data from HIS and KY State Police, Capacity Analyses and Traffic Data
US41A_AppendixB_Access Points Inventory.pdfUS41A_AppendixB_Access Points Inventory
US41A_AppendixC_US 41A Hopkins Webster Co EJ Study, July 20_2011 Final Draft.pdfUS41A_AppendixC_US 41A Hopkins Webster Co EJ Study, July 20_2011 Final Draft
US41A_AppendixE_US 41A First Search Report.pdfUS41A_AppendixE_US 41A First Search Report
US41A_AppendixF_US 41A Agency Coordination.pdfUS41A_AppendixF_US 41A Agency Coordination
US41A_AppendixG_Hopkins and Webster Counties Threatened and Endangered Species.pdfUS41A_AppendixG_Hopkins and Webster Counties Threatened and Endangered Species
US41A_AppendixH_Project Team Meeting Minutes.pdfUS41A_AppendixH_Project Team Meeting Minutes
US41A_AppendixJ_Shared Four Lane Brochure.pdfUS41A_AppendixJ_Shared Four Lane Brochure
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