Project Details

Project Name

US 119 to Phelps Corridor Study​


The purpose of this study is to identify and evaluate improvements within the existing corridor on KY 194 from US 119 southeast to KY 632 in Kimper, and on KY 632 from KY 194 in Kimper east to KY 194 in Phelps.  The goal is to investigate a complete reconstruction with passing opportunities available every 5 miles along the 22.7 mile corridor while identifying associated impacts and costs.  Additionally, the study identifies smaller spot improvements to fit into an overall reconstruction.​

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KY 194 KY 632 Executive Summary.pdfKY 194 KY 632 Executive Summary
KY 194 KY 632 Final Report.pdfKY 194 KY 632 Final Report
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Appendix A - Project Identification Forms.pdfAppendix A - Project Identification Forms
Appendix B - Horizontal and Vertical Geometry.pdfAppendix B - Horizontal and Vertical Geometry
Appendix C - Adequacy Ratings.pdfAppendix C - Adequacy Ratings
Appendix D- Right of Way Widths.pdfAppendix D- Right of Way Widths
Appendix E - Crashes.pdfAppendix E - Crashes
Appendix F - KYTC Traffic Forecast.pdfAppendix F - KYTC Traffic Forecast
Appendix G - Environmental Overview Documentation.pdfAppendix G - Environmental Overview Documentation
Appendix H - FIRM Maps.pdfAppendix H - FIRM Maps
Appendix I - KYTC Geotechnical Report.pdfAppendix I - KYTC Geotechnical Report
Appendix J - Early Stakeholder Meetings.pdfAppendix J - Early Stakeholder Meetings
Appendix K - Project Meetings.pdfAppendix K - Project Meetings
Appendix L - Safety Improvements.pdfAppendix L - Safety Improvements
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