Project Details

Project Name

​Turkeyfoot Road KY 1303 Planning Study


​The purpose of this study is to examine opportunities to improve safety and reduce congestion along Turkeyfoot Road.

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Turkeyfoot Road - KY 1303 Final Planning Study Executive Summary.pdfTurkeyfoot Road - KY 1303 Final Planning Study Executive Summary
Turkeyfoot Road KY-1303 Final Planning Study Final Report.pdfTurkeyfoot Road KY-1303 Final Planning Study Final Report
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There are no items to show in this view of the "Planning Studies and Reports" document library.
Turkeyfoot Road - KY 1303 Final Planning Study Appendix A - Traffic Forecast.pdfTurkeyfoot Road - KY 1303 Final Planning Study Appendix A - Traffic Forecast
Turkeyfoot Road - KY 1303 Final Planning Study Appendix B - Crash Records and Locations.pdfTurkeyfoot Road - KY 1303 Final Planning Study Appendix B - Crash Records and Locations
Turkeyfoot Road - KY 1303 Final Planning Study Appendix C - Environmental Overview.pdfTurkeyfoot Road - KY 1303 Final Planning Study Appendix C - Environmental Overview
Turkeyfoot Road - KY 1303 Final Planning Study Appendix D - Geotechnical Overview.pdfTurkeyfoot Road - KY 1303 Final Planning Study Appendix D - Geotechnical Overview
Turkeyfoot Road - KY 1303 Final Planning Study Appendix E - Project Team Meeting Summaries.pdfTurkeyfoot Road - KY 1303 Final Planning Study Appendix E - Project Team Meeting Summaries
Turkeyfoot Road - KY 1303 Final Planning Study Appendix F - Local Officials and Stakeholders Meeting Summaries.pdfTurkeyfoot Road - KY 1303 Final Planning Study Appendix F - Local Officials and Stakeholders Meeting Summaries
Turkeyfoot Road - KY 1303 Final Planning Study Appendix G - Traffic Operational Analysis.pdfTurkeyfoot Road - KY 1303 Final Planning Study Appendix G - Traffic Operational Analysis
Turkeyfoot Road - KY 1303 Final Planning Study Appendix H - Resource Agency Coordination.pdfTurkeyfoot Road - KY 1303 Final Planning Study Appendix H - Resource Agency Coordination
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