Project Details

Project Name

​Newport Two-Way Feasibility Study​


​The objective of the study was to determine the feasibility of converting the one-way couplets of Monmouth/York Streets and 4th/5th Streets in Newport, Kentucky to two-way operation.

6-377 - Newport Two-Way Feasibility Study Report_Full Report.pdf6-377 - Newport Two-Way Feasibility Study Report_Full Report
6-377 - Newport Two-Way Feasibility Study_Executive Summary.pdf6-377 - Newport Two-Way Feasibility Study_Executive Summary
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6-377 - Appendix A - Simulation Model Technical Calibration Memorandum.pdf6-377 - Appendix A - Simulation Model Technical Calibration Memorandum
6-377 - Appendix B - Crash History (2018 - 2022).pdf6-377 - Appendix B - Crash History (2018 - 2022)
6-377 - Appendix C - Socioeconomic Study.pdf6-377 - Appendix C - Socioeconomic Study
6-377 - Appendix D - Traffic Forecasting Technical Memorandum.pdf6-377 - Appendix D - Traffic Forecasting Technical Memorandum
6-377 - Appendix E - Meeting Summaries.pdf6-377 - Appendix E - Meeting Summaries
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