Project Details

Project Name

​KY-1286 / KY-998 Planning Study


​KY 1286 and KY 998 Planning Study was completed to evaluate options to improve safety and traffic operations along these routes between US 45 and US 60

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KY 1286 and KY 998 Executive Summary 4-22-14.pdfKY 1286 and KY 998 Executive Summary 4-22-14
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Apx A - Bridge Info.pdfApx A - Bridge Info
Apx B - 1-153 KY 1286 TF Report.pdfApx B - 1-153 KY 1286 TF Report
Apx C - KY 1286 and KY 998 Crashes.pdfApx C - KY 1286 and KY 998 Crashes
Apx D - Env Justice Report.pdfApx D - Env Justice Report
Apx E - Agency Correspondence.pdfApx E - Agency Correspondence
Apx F - Geotechnical Assessment.pdfApx F - Geotechnical Assessment
Apx G - Project Team Mtgs.pdfApx G - Project Team Mtgs
Apx H - Stakeholer + Public Mtgs.pdfApx H - Stakeholer + Public Mtgs
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