Project Details

Project Name

KY 30 Planning Study - KY 11 in Owsley County to KY 15 in Breathitt County​

Breathitt, Owsley

The Planning Study investigated the existing conditions, evaluated the improvement options and developed study recommendations for the corridor.​

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KY 30 Planning Study - Executive Summary.pdfKY 30 Planning Study - Executive Summary
KY 30 Planning Study - Final Report.pdfKY 30 Planning Study - Final Report
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Appendix A - Summary of Geometric Deficiencies.pdfAppendix A - Summary of Geometric Deficiencies
Appendix B - Traffic Forecast Report.pdfAppendix B - Traffic Forecast Report
Appendix C - Crash Records.pdfAppendix C - Crash Records
Appendix D - Environmental Justice Review.pdfAppendix D - Environmental Justice Review
Appendix E - Preliminary Geotechnical Assessment.pdfAppendix E - Preliminary Geotechnical Assessment
Appendix F - Project Team Meetings.pdfAppendix F - Project Team Meetings
Appendix G - Stakeholder and Public Meetings.pdfAppendix G - Stakeholder and Public Meetings
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