Project Details

Project Name
KY 181 Scoping Study Muhlenberg
The study limits are from the intersection of KY 181 and KY 189 northwest of Greenville to the entrance to the Wendell H. Ford National Guard Training Center north of the Western Kentucky Parkway.

1 Reduce the number of crashes along the route by improving shoulder and lanewidths, and by providing recovery areas for vehicles that may leave theroadway.

2 Provide adequate sight distance by improving vertical and horizontal alignments.

3 Improve truck, school bus and emergency vehicle access.

4 Provide improved connectivity to the City of Greenville from the Western Kentucky Parkway.

5 Provide adequate capacity to support Design Year 2025 traffic volumes.
KY 181-Final Report.pdfKY 181-Final Report
KY 181-Final Report.pdfKY 181-Final Report
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