Project Details

Project Name
KY 1426 Pike Transportation Study
The purpose of this study is to (1) evaluate catchment systems and/or reconstruction options to mitigate recurring rockfall problems along KY 1426 and (2) identify operational and/or minor reconstructive measures to improve traffic flow and safety at the intersections of (a) KY 1426 with KY 1460 (Chloe Creek Road) and (b) KY 1426 with Summit Drive/Huffman Avenue.  
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KY 1426 Pike Transportation Study - Exec Summary.pdfKY 1426 Pike Transportation Study - Exec Summary
KY 1426 Pike Transportation Study - Final Report KY 1426.pdfKY 1426 Pike Transportation Study - Final Report KY 1426
KY 1426 Pike Transportation Study - 1426 Cover.pdfKY 1426 Pike Transportation Study - 1426 Cover
KY 1426 Pike Transportation Study - Contents.pdfKY 1426 Pike Transportation Study - Contents
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KY 1426 Pike Transportation Study - Apx A - Photos.pdfKY 1426 Pike Transportation Study - Apx A - Photos
KY 1426 Pike Transportation Study - Apx B - Minutes.pdfKY 1426 Pike Transportation Study - Apx B - Minutes
KY 1426 Pike Transportation Study - Apx C - Prelim Int Alts.pdfKY 1426 Pike Transportation Study - Apx C - Prelim Int Alts
KY 1426 Pike Transportation Study - Apx D - Final Alts.pdfKY 1426 Pike Transportation Study - Apx D - Final Alts
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