Project Details

Project Name

I-65 Conceptual Improvements Study​

Bullitt, Jefferson

​The I-65 Conceptual Improvements Study examines the need for and scope of improvements required to accommodate traffic demand along I-65 through Bullitt County and southern Jefferson County.

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I-65 Conceptual Improvements Study_Executive Summary.pdfI-65 Conceptual Improvements Study_Executive Summary
I-65 Conceptual Improvements Study_Full Report.pdfI-65 Conceptual Improvements Study_Full Report
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5-550 Appendix A - Peak Hour Level of Service Maps.pdf5-550 Appendix A - Peak Hour Level of Service Maps
5-550 Appendix B - Simulation Model Calibration Memorandum.pdf5-550 Appendix B - Simulation Model Calibration Memorandum
5-550 Appendix C - Crash History (2016-2018).pdf5-550 Appendix C - Crash History (2016-2018)
5-550 Appendix D - Traffic Forecast Memorandum.pdf5-550 Appendix D - Traffic Forecast Memorandum
5-550 Appendix E - Environmental Overview.pdf5-550 Appendix E - Environmental Overview
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