Project Details

Project Name

​I-64 Corridor Study


​The I-64 Corridor Study aims to evaluate potential improvement strategies to address safety and operational performance on I-64 between Story Avenue and I-264.

I-64 Corridor Study Final Report.pdfI-64 Corridor Study Final Report
I-64 Corridor Study Final Executive Summary.pdfI-64 Corridor Study Final Executive Summary
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I-64 Corridor Study Appendix A Speed Data.pdfI-64 Corridor Study Appendix A Speed Data
I-64 Corridor Study Appendix B Traffic Forecast and Analysis.pdfI-64 Corridor Study Appendix B Traffic Forecast and Analysis
I-64 Corridor Study Appendix C Crash Data.pdfI-64 Corridor Study Appendix C Crash Data
I-64 Corridor Study Appendix D Environmental Resources.pdfI-64 Corridor Study Appendix D Environmental Resources
I-64 Corridor Study Appendix E Meeting Minutes.pdfI-64 Corridor Study Appendix E Meeting Minutes
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