Project Details

Project Name

I-265 Programming Study​


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and capacity of the corridor and to identify needed improvements and priorities as a result of the expected increased traffic due to major transportation and development changes in the Louisville Metro area.​

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I-265 Programming Study Executive Summary.pdfI-265 Programming Study Executive Summary
I-265 Programming Study Final Report.pdfI-265 Programming Study Final Report
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Appendix A - Planned Projects.pdfAppendix A - Planned Projects
Appendix B - Geometric Features.pdfAppendix B - Geometric Features
Appendix C - Crash Rate Analysis.pdfAppendix C - Crash Rate Analysis
Appendix D - Geotechnical Overview.pdfAppendix D - Geotechnical Overview
Appendix E - Cultural Historic Overview.pdfAppendix E - Cultural Historic Overview
Appendix F - Environmental Constraints.pdfAppendix F - Environmental Constraints
Appendix G - Socioeconomic Study.pdfAppendix G - Socioeconomic Study
Appendix H - Local Officials and Stakeholder Meeting Minutes.pdfAppendix H - Local Officials and Stakeholder Meeting Minutes
Appendix I - Public Meeting Summary.pdfAppendix I - Public Meeting Summary
Appendix J - Resource Agency Materials.pdfAppendix J - Resource Agency Materials
Appendix K - Project Development Team Meeting Minutes.pdfAppendix K - Project Development Team Meeting Minutes
Appendix L - ITS Meeting Minutes.pdfAppendix L - ITS Meeting Minutes
Appendix M - Initial Alternative Development Memorandum.pdfAppendix M - Initial Alternative Development Memorandum
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