Project Details

Project Name

Clays Ferry Bridge Closure Detour Study​

Fayette, Madison

​The objective of the study was twofold. First was to identify detour options and determine ways to optimize operations within the existing network in the event of an unplanned, long-term closure on I-75. Second was to determine options for a new corridor for a potential river crossing that would help capacity constraints on existing routes caused by a closure on I-75.

7-264 - Clays Ferry Bridge Detour Study.pdf7-264 - Clays Ferry Bridge Detour Study
7-264 - Clays Ferry Bridge Detour Study_Executive Summary.pdf7-264 - Clays Ferry Bridge Detour Study_Executive Summary
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7-264 - Appendix A - Phase 1 Traffic Volumes.pdf7-264 - Appendix A - Phase 1 Traffic Volumes
7-264 - Appendix B - Meetings.pdf7-264 - Appendix B - Meetings
7-264 - Appendix C - Statewide Corridor Plan Sheets.pdf7-264 - Appendix C - Statewide Corridor Plan Sheets
7-264 - Appendix D - Playbook.pdf7-264 - Appendix D - Playbook
7-264 - Appendix E - Project Sheets.pdf7-264 - Appendix E - Project Sheets
7-264 - Appendix F - Historic Overview.pdf7-264 - Appendix F - Historic Overview
7-264 - Appendix G - Phase 2 Traffic Forecast.pdf7-264 - Appendix G - Phase 2 Traffic Forecast
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