Other Agencies Manuals


​​The following manuals are created and maintained by agencies outside the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet and are included here for reference purposes only.
Agency Guide for the Commonwealth's Vehicles
The Kentucky Finance and Administration Cabinet's Division of Fleet Management details the policies and procedures that state agencies are to follow to administer the state's fleet program.
Class Specifications for Kentucky State Employees
The Kentucky Personnel Cabinet lists the job titles for all positions offered by the Commonwealth.
Design Guidance, Accommodating Bicycle and Pedestrian Travel: A Recommended Approach
The U.S. Department of Transportation policy to improve bicycling and walking facility inclusion into all transportation projects.
Drivers Guide for the Commonwealth's Vehicles
The Kentucky Finance and Administration Cabinet's Division of Fleet Management details requirements and responsibilities of drivers and passengers of state vehicles.
Federal OSHA Regulations for Construction
The U.S. Department of Labor lists the contents of 29 CFR Part 1926, "Safety and Health Regulations for Construction."
FHWA Environmental Guidebook
The FHWA provides an up-to-date information center designed to accelerate the delivery of transportation projects and includes FHWA contact information, FHWA policy and guidance, and related transportation and environment website links.
Government Auditing Standards (Yellow Book)
The U.S. Government Accountability Office details the standards applicable to government audits and attestation engagements.
IFTA Audit Manual
IFTA, Inc. establishes a uniform procedure for IFTA jurisdictions to follow in establishing audit procedures, employing and supervising audit staff, planning and conducting audits, and reporting audit findings.
IFTA Procedures Manual
IFTA, Inc. details the procedures involved with the International Fuel Tax Agreement.
Kentucky Commercial Drivers License (CDL) Manual
The Kentucky State Police details the requirements for obtaining each class of CDLs.
Kentucky Driver Testing Manual
The Kentucky State Police provides the requirements for obtaining a Kentucky driver's license and the knowledge and basic skills needed to become a safe and courteous driver.
Kentucky Motorcycle Testing Manual
The Kentucky State Police details the requirements for the operator, passenger, and motorcycle.
Kentucky Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and Construction
The Kentucky Labor Cabinet includes in this unofficial posting the Kentucky-specific standards and amendments to federal OSHA standards.
Kentucky Personnel Cabinet Employee Handbook
The Kentucky Personnel Cabinet discusses the general benefits available to all state employees.  Transportation Cabinet employees should refer to the General Administration and Personnel Manual for the policies and procedures specific to Cabinet employees.
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
The FHWA defines the standards used by road managers nationwide to install and maintain traffic control devices on all streets and highways.
Safety Implementation Guides (NCHRP 500 series reports)
The National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) offers reports that contain many different types of strategies for making roadways safer, covering all categories.
Urban Drainage Design Manual (Hydraulic Engineering Circular 22)
The FHWA provides a comprehensive and practical guide for the design of storm drainage systems associated with transportation facilities.

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