Questions and Answers


Should there be an "Eliminate Transverse Joint" detail in the proposal?
Yes, an "Eliminate Transverse Joint" detail will be added by addendum.
1/25/2012 12:02 PM
Why is there no geotechnical sheets?
No soil profile sheets were created for the project except there is a subsurface sheet included in the structure plans.
1/26/2012 1:07 PM
What is the load rating of the existing bridge?
The load rating for the existing bridge is HS 5. KYTC makes no guarantee to the accuracy of this rating.
1/26/2012 1:07 PM
12-2907405Jackson, Laurel
Will 4” durable tape be accepted in lieu of the specified 6” durable tape?
Yes, 4” durable tape will be accepted in lieu of the specified 6” durable tape.
1/26/2012 9:13 AM
Why is the test machinery to be given to the utility companies?
The Utility Company will use the testing machinery in their future operations.
1/26/2012 1:07 PM
Where does the 4" sewer line go?
This is shown on the utility plans included in the addendum.
1/26/2012 1:07 PM
When will the utilities be completely moved along with the trailer on the Hampton property?
It is the intent of KYTC to have the trailer and associated utility hookups moved before the award of the contract. If for some reason this move cannot be accomplished before the award, time will added to the contract to  compensate for the delay. The amount of time added will be the only compensation, and no monetary amount will be added to the contract as an adjustment. The amount of time added to the project relating to the removal of the trailer and associated utility lines will be at discretion of the section engineer.
1/26/2012 1:07 PM
Does this need correction, the pipe going under Ky 122 is a 24" RCP not a 48" at the type C manhole?
The plans are incorrect.  The pipe under KY 122 is 24”.  There is pay item for 24” culvert pipe and will be used for payment of the pipe.  The bid price for the manhole should include the change in opening size.  .  Final payment will be for the measured and accepted quantity. No additional compensation after the award of the contract for the change will be considered.
1/26/2012 1:07 PM
Will 4” durable tape be accepted in lieu of the specified 6” durable tape?
Yes, 4” durable tape will be accepted in lieu of the specified 6” durable tape.
1/26/2012 9:13 AM
In regards to the Asymmetrical Wall Section shown on Sheet 116 of the plans.  If the 14” width at the top of the Median Barrier Wall TY 14C MOD is maintained, will the owner allow the contractor to slope each side of the wall at the 10.8 degrees shown and eliminate the short vertical piece on the low side?  The wall will then be approximately 1.5” wider on the bottom of the low side.  It is assumed the contractor would cover the cost of the additional concrete and use this as an option to assist with constructability.  Note that this is only an issue in areas with a super-elevated curve.   
KYTC will allow the contractor to slope the barrier wall all the way down and eliminate the short vertical piece on the low side.  The contractor would have to “make this work” around the inlets of the drainage boxes.
1/26/2012 2:50 PM
Can the CAD files be provided?
Yes.  The contractor can purchase dgn files from Lynn Imaging (502-875-8341).
2/6/2012 3:23 PM
On page R145 it is stated that on NB & SB from the I-471/275 interchange to the south end of the project. work is to be completed when NKU is out of the spring and fall semester.  The I-275 interchange is very long, could a specific station be stated to determine how much work will be effected?
Specific begin and end stations have been added to the final set of plans in the MOT notes for work on I-471 NB & SB between US 27 & I-275
2/7/2012 9:19 AM
Will temporary pavement markings be placed and paid for on the surface course?
Temporary pavement markings will be paid for whenever they  are installed with the approval of the Engineer.
2/7/2012 9:19 AM
Regarding the island integral curb which is called for in several locations on the JPC Pavement Shoulders,  clarify what the overall width of the shoulders are when they have island integral curb.  An example of this is Memorial Parkway Ramp D.  The typical sections show Memorial Parkway Ramp D has a 6’ outside shoulder.  Sheet R71 calls out specific sections of this ramp that has island integral curb.  Where this curb is to be installed along the shoulders, is there 6’ including the integral curb, or is there 6’ plus the width of the integral curb (the curb is 7” wide).   Please also clarify if the pavement that the curb is attached to is paid to face of integral curb, or to back of integral curb. 
The shoulder width shown in the plans is to the face of the island integral curb.  The shoulder pavement quantities have been calculated based on the width of the shoulder shown in the plans.  An additional 7” of pavement will be required for construction of the island integral curb and is paid for by the island integral curb bid item
2/7/2012 9:18 AM
When placing the temporary barrier wall, can contractor openings be installed?
Yes. Detailed drawings for construction access openings have been included in the final set of plans on sheets R150a & R150b.
2/7/2012 9:19 AM
Do weekday holidays (July 4th on a Wednesday) count as a weekday in the “B” portion of the contract? 
2/7/2012 9:19 AM
On plan page R145 the first paragraph under “Phase 1 Construction” mentions repairing the inside shoulder if it fails.  How will the pavement repairs be paid for?  What method of repair will be required (full depth replacement, overlay, patch potholes)?  This same note states we will have 5 weekday days to complete the work, then the weekdays count against the B portion of the contract.  What if large length of the shoulder needs to be replaced?  What is the maximum length of repair which could reasonably be done during 5 days?  In order to determine if 5 days is enough we will need some idea of what type of work will take place.
After careful consideration of Phase 1 construction, the unknown performance of the inside shoulder when traffic is introduced to it, and the potential time impacts to the project associated with this particular phase of work, the Department has decided to change its response to question #1 below.  An addendum will be issued revising plan sheet R145 and R146.  R145 will be altered to address potential failures to the inside shoulder, an anticipated repair scheme, and corresponding payment if work is performed.  In addition, a note will be added to this same sheet allowing the contractor, if he so chooses, to use traffic drums instead of temporary concrete barrier wall for Phase I work only.  R146 was changed to accommodate a carryover note that was previously on sheet R145.  Also, the answer to question #27 in the pre-bid minutes is revised to: Yes, but only in phase I work.
2/7/2012 9:19 AM
On page R145 it is stated that on NB & SB from the I-471/275 interchange to the south end of the project. work is to be completed when NKU is out of the spring and fall semester.  The I-275 interchange is very long, could a specific station be stated to determine how much work will be effected?
Yes. Detailed drawings for construction access openings have been included in the final set of plans on sheets R150a & R150b.
2/7/2012 9:19 AM
If original rock is encountered once subgrade is established, or within the 12” cement stabilization zone, will cement stabilization still be required?
Cement stabilization is expected in all locations indicated in the plans and proposal.  In the event that field conditions prohibit proper construction of the cement stabilization, these situations will be addressed when encountered.
2/7/2012 9:19 AM
The pavement section for the permanent asphalt shoulder, phase 1,  in the JPC alternate is considerably thinner than the permanent asphalt section for the same shoulder in the asphalt alternate.  Is this correct? 
2/7/2012 9:19 AM
Can the I-471 ramps be closed at the same time as the ramps from US 27 north?  The I-471 ramp closures do not affect the ramps north of US 27 and vice-versa.
Only ramp closures as stated in the MOT plans will be permitted.
2/7/2012 9:19 AM
Will the Department please provide more detail concerning the maintenance of traffic pay items.  There are no details on when the temporary paint is used versus temporary tape.  There is no detail about the temporary pavement markers; are they used just in the transition areas or transition and tangent areas?  Please provide a breakdown of all maintenance of traffic items by each phase. 
Adequate quantities have been included in the plans for all the MOT bid items to be installed as shown in the plans or required by the Specifications, Standard Drawings and the MUTCD.  The exact MOT items used in a particular phase will be dependent on the staging of construction but must meet the requirements of the four documents referenced in the prior sentence and be approved by the Engineer prior to installation.
2/9/2012 10:55 AM
Is the appropriate guardrail connector to bridge end bid item being used?
2/8/2012 9:18 AM
Can the LandXML files be provided?
Yes, they will be posted in the project related information section on the website.  Please understand that the proposed DTM and corresponding XML file may not be 100% representative of what is graphically represented on the cross sections.
2/8/2012 12:31 PM
With the note requiring the contractor to maintain the roadway and the cost is to be included in the contractor’s bid without that cost being a separate, standalone pay item, the Department is going to receive different interpretations.  Would the Department include bid items to cover this maintenance?
No, please bid the project according to the plans and proposal provided.
2/8/2012 9:18 AM
Should there be a pay item for removal of Raised pavement Markers Type V?
No, there will not be pay item.  Please see the “Pavement Markers and Delineators” section on plan sheet R2h.
2/10/2012 1:21 PM
Will the Cabinet allow the use of NCHRP350 designed temporary concrete barrier wall as an equal  substitute of the concrete barrier wall type 9T?
The Cabinet will consider for approval the use of temporary barrier wall alternatives that are comparable to the performance of 9T wall (including deflection distances).
2/10/2012 8:13 AM
Does the prohibition of cold joints, per General Note for Final Surfacing on Plan Sheet R2g, apply to the outside shoulder?
No, the note does not apply to the outside shoulder. Cold joints will be allowed on the outside shoulder and on the ramps.
2/10/2012 9:00 AM
On page 25 of 76, the proposal references B00016N.  The rest of the proposal references B00007N    &   B00048N.  Which is correct?
The reference to B00016N is incorrect.  An addendum will be posted to the website.
2/10/2012 8:11 AM
Plan page R191 shows permanent paving being built at the north end of ramp A in phase 1.  This pavement is 4’-6’ wide.  There is a constructability issue here.  How will the cement stabilization equipment fit into this narrow area?
This situation has been corrected in the final plan set of plans to show temporary asphalt pavement placed in Phase I.  The temporary pavement will be replaced in Phase III and permanent pavement installed.
2/7/2012 9:19 AM
On page 76 of 76, the proposal has a Bid qty for acrylic glass of  81 sf.  On page 31 of 76, the proposal calls out 187.5 sf.  Which is correct?
The quantity in the bid items is correct.  An addendum will be posted to the website.
2/10/2012 8:11 AM
This job has a quantity of Asphalt Pave Milling & Texturing set up but the typical drawing doesn’t show it.  Is the quantity of 120 ton of  Asphalt Pave Milling & Texturing for edge keys? 
There are several side roads that intersect KY 1232 in the 3.65 mile project area.  The milling quantity reflects edge keys for the beginning and end of the project as well as those side roads.
2/10/2012 9:02 AM
In the phase IV, which is one side full width Asphalt Waterproof Mix paving of roadways and bridge decks, the bridge deck work of surface prep and blast cleaning is done prior to the Asphalt waterproof Mix. This is a lot of work to be done in one weekend plus the note about no traffic on the decks [plan sheet R34] really limits job access.  The AWM spec on page 22 doesn't say anything about deck prep other than be clean and dry and then receive a tack coat.  Why is the surface prep and blast cleaning needed?
Only the blast cleaning is required in phase IV.  The machine prep of slab (scarification of the bridge deck) can be performed during the lane closures in earlier phases.  Only public traffic is prohibited after blast cleaning.  Normal construction traffic is not prohibited.
2/10/2012 1:21 PM
Regarding the General Note for Final Surfacing  on Plan Sheet R2g, how is a cold joint defined?
The cold joint defined here is in reference to a longitudinal cold joint. The surface should be placed as to eliminate any visible separation on the longitudinal paving paths.
2/10/2012 8:59 AM
Are the existing joints to be resealed after grinding? If so will the appropriate pay items be added as per 503.05? 
The grinding will be removed by addendum.  Therefore, the only joints that will need to sealed, other than random cracks, will be the joints in the replacement areas and those are incidental.
2/13/2012 9:28 AM
Please clarify the maintenance of traffic note on page 41 in the proposal. Will lane closures be allowed to complete the replacement of the finger expansion joints?
Yes, lane closures be allowed to complete the replacement of the finger expansion joints.  The  construction phasing scheme is based on the order of Finger Expansion joints Replacement. Lane closures are required for all work in this contract with the exception of STRINGER BEARINGS REPLACEMENT. For this operation the contractor is required to keep truck traffic off the bridge via a detour.
2/13/2012 1:44 PM
Can the single Slope Concrete Median Barrier – 50 (Line No. 780 of the Bid Items) be Precast?
Yes, the Single Slope Concrete Median Barrier-50 may be precast. If the Contractor chooses to use a precast wall, it shall conform to Standard Drawing No. RBM-053 ‘CONCRETE MEDIAN BARRIER PRECAST(PERMANENT) (50” TALL WALL)’ except the shape of the wall shall not be a jersey barrier shape and shall be a single slope shape as shown on Detail R20 ‘CONC. MEDIAN BARRIER WALL’. Also, the Engineer shall approve shop drawings prior to manufacture and the Engineer shall accept the product prior to placement.
2/10/2012 9:01 AM
Are the time component unit prices correct as a fixed price?
No, an addendum will be posted to the website.
2/10/2012 1:22 PM
Are there underdrains in the existing pavement section and, if so, where are they located?
There are no under drains installed that the Department is aware of. There are some edge drains installed but currently do not function properly. The purpose of the 4" perforated pipe is to construct the under drains laterally from below the pavement to shoulder.
2/13/2012 9:29 AM
Since a previous pre-bid question was answered that excavated material removed from job [concrete and dirt] could not be wasted on site, may recycled concrete be used for producing any aggregate required for project such as: Dense Graded Aggregate Base [DGA], Crushed Stone Base [CSB], JPC Pavement Drainage Blanket, and #57 Aggregate for Concrete?
Recycled JPC pavement may be utilized for the DGA Shoulder Wedge only. The recycled material must meet the gradation requirements for DGA and be thoroughly mixed with water in a pugmill type mixer. All foreign material, such as metal, must be removed by the Contractor.
2/10/2012 1:23 PM
Project is over 3 miles long, however the grinding quantities will grind less than a mile of roadway at 48' (24' width x 2 directions). Is both lanes in each direction to be ground from MP 34.726 to MP 37.126 as per page 29 (target IRI) of the Proposal?
An addendum removing the diamond grinding will be posted to the website.
2/13/2012 9:28 AM
On page 63 in the proposal, the last paragraph states that traffic shall be switched during night hours. The Southbound lane restriction will be scheduled by the hour with hourly penalties. Can traffic be switched at anytime? If not will the penalties stop until the nighttime hours? 
Traffic can only be switched during night hours. Should the completion of Phase I (completed and accepted) on the Southbound direction occur during day time hours, provided the contractor has continuously worked since the start of the construction, the delay due to this requirement shall be considered if penalties are to be assessed.
2/13/2012 1:44 PM
Are these lane closures paid for in the bid item for Lane Closures ?
No, night time lane closures for prep work are not mandatory. The Contractor (Should he/she chooses to use this option) must include the cost in the bid item “MAINTAIN AND CONTROL TRAFFIC”.
2/13/2012 1:46 PM
Why did the partial depth patching (bid item line no 0400) have such a large increase from the original project?  Can you explain where this quantity is anticipated to be used? 
Please refer to newly added plan sheet 33 (deck construction sequence), which shows the extra quantity for partial depth patching.
2/13/2012 2:07 PM
How was the quantity of Line No. 30, Perforated Pipe - 4 IN, determined? 
The quantity of perforated pipe was determined by 67 full depth repair locations needing 30' of pipe each plus 490 feet for extra locations if needed.  (67 * 30 + 490 = 2500 feet) A detail of the 4" perforated pipe is attached. Install the perforated pipe per the standard specifications or as directed by the Engineer.
2/13/2012 9:29 AM
How will inclement weather be handled with regard to the extremely excessive liquidated damages of up to $ 720,000 per day for any lane closure.  For example, on a week night lane closure from 7:00 pm to 5:00 am the milling-refill paving operation gets caught in a rain event that prevents the completion of that lane to be opened to traffic and work cannot be resumed for several days at $ 720,000.00 per day?
The Contractor should be advised that he or she should not begin nighttime operations if inclement weather is forecasted that would prohibit completion of work and opening to traffic at the stipulated time(s).  Care should be taken to minimize the construction limits to that which can be reasonably completed within the timeframe(s) allowed and conditions anticipated.  It is the responsibility of the Contractor to determine measures that may be necessary to complete the work according to the time limitations listed in the contract.  The Project Engineer will make a determination of the minimum requirements necessary for the Contractor to re-open any lanes prior to the work required in a particular phase.
2/10/2012 1:22 PM
Will barrels with lights be required for the short-term exterior lane closures for prep work that are allowed in each direction on the 10 nights prior to the start of the job ?
As stated on page 63 of 224 in the proposal, the Contractor shall “Submits for approval a detail plan specifying the maximum length and time needed for this closure, utilizing Portable Changeable Message Signs, Arrow Panels, Law enforcement Officers”. However ,since adequate lighting, arrow panel(s), etc. are required for these night time closure, barrels equipped with flashing lights will not be required.
2/13/2012 1:46 PM
Please clarify the MOT requirements on Sheet R34 of plans for the work to be performed in Phase V, as well as the time allowed to complete Phase V.  Can contractor install asphalt plug joints during the entire months of August and September using lane restriction schedule shown in first column?  Phase V note states “contractor can only have lane closures from 12am-5am on the following dates: August 2-5, 2012 and August 16-26, 2012.”
Yes, the contractor has the entire months of August and September using the lane restriction schedule shown in the first column of the Traffic Control notes with the additional restrictions on the dates of August 2-5, 2012 and August 16-26, 2012 to complete Phase V.
2/14/2012 12:33 PM
On the railroad crossings, will the Department provide for the railroad flagger, or could this be added as a bid item? 
It is not anticipate a railroad flagger will be needed, but if one is needed, it will be incidental to the bid item “Maintain and Control Traffic”.
2/14/2012 10:08 AM
For the Full Depth Replacement , should there be a pay item for “Relocate Temporary Concrete Barrier” and “Relocate Crash Cushion”?
The relocation of temporary barrier wall and crash cushions are incidental to the bid item Maintain and Control Traffic.
2/14/2012 10:06 AM
Are the bearing all that is to be painted with this contract?
Painting of bridge bearings will include bearings and bearing appurtenances.  This will include painting all metal below the bottom of the bridge beam(s) and above the masonry bridge seat(s).
2/14/2012 10:05 AM
There is a very large area south of I-275 between Northbound I-471 and Southbound I-471 where a concrete plant is currently located.  The concrete plant is located south of a crossing from SB I-471 to NB I-471.  There is approximately 8 acres south of this cross road.  There is an additional 8 acres north of this cross road.  We assume that the contractor for the I-471 project will be permitted to use the area north of the crossing for their concrete plant.  Is this correct?
The Department may allow a concrete plant to be installed on right-of-way. It would be expected that the successful bidder provide a site plan for the concrete plant which would include points of ingress and egress. The Department would evaluate this plan to determine its suitability. Bidders should also be advised that Section 105.06 outlines cooperation between contractors on adjacent projects. It must be understood that the current concrete plant has an established footprint and ingress and egress points. The Engineer would take the current plant location into account in reviewing the location of another plant.
2/14/2012 10:03 AM
Will the completion date be extended to complete the painting of the structures?
The cleaning and painting of bridge bearings must be complete by the contract fixed completion date of September 30, 2012.
2/14/2012 10:06 AM
In the special note for full depth concrete pavement repair (page 16 of 98  in the proposal ), section 2.1 JPC Pavement states that the concrete must achieve 3,000 PSI in accordance with Section 4.4 of this note. However, there is not section 4.4 of this note.  Please advise.
That is a typo.  Section 2.1 JPC Pavement should reference Section 4.3.
2/14/2012 10:07 AM
Due to the rebid of the project, will the completion date be extended to complete all under structure work as long as no mainline lane restrictions are in place?
There are no under structure work in this contract with the exception of “STRINGER BEARINGS REPLACEMENT” operation which has to be completed before any other work can begin. For removal of containment apparatus  under Kennedy bridge a one night one exterior lane closure is allowed after the 30 calendar days allotted for the completion of all works in this project. The completion date for the entire Project remains August 15, 2012.
2/13/2012 1:46 PM
The proposal note for subgrade stabilization on sheet 172 of 321 specifies that a 48 hour curing period is required before constructing the aggregate base layer.  Within the areas of accelerated construction, where the contractor has 9 days or 16 days to complete all the work, virtually ¼ to ½ of the time will be used waiting on cure.  Will the Department modify the current special note for subgrade stabilization?
Yes, the Department will add a note to the proposal via addendum waiving the 48 hour cure period in lieu of proof rolling for the reconstruction of ramps to  be completed in the 9-day or 16-day closure periods, and the expedited work areas on mainline I-471 between station 282+96.77 to station 297+00 (Ohio River).  However, the 48 hour cure period will still apply to all other areas of the project as shown in the plans and proposal.
2/10/2012 1:23 PM
When traffic is Phase 2 and/or Phase 3 pattern, with 2 lanes of traffic maintained, will single lane closures [reducing to 1 lane] be permitted in off peak times - nighttime hours and weekends?
The Contractor will be allowed to reduce traffic to one lane from 10 PM to 5 AM each night and other weekend periods approved by the Engineer.
2/13/2012 1:46 PM
Since the diamond grinding is going to be eliminated, should the pavement markers also be eliminated?
No.  There are currently markers missing and some markers will need to be replaced with slab replacements.
2/14/2012 10:07 AM
Will alternate Maintenance of Traffic phasing be permitted as long as all plan notes concerning time restrictions, required available travel lanes, ramp closures, accelerated construction areas, and interim and final completion dates are adhered to and Northbound is constructed in 2012 and Southbound is constructed in 2013?
Section 112.03.01 in the Standard Specifications states that the Department will consider a deviation from the TCP which must be submitted in writing. It shall be understood that a deviation does not guarantee approval by the Department. It is imperative that potential bidders submit their bids based on the TCP contained in the contract documents.
2/13/2012 1:47 PM
The MOT typical sections for Phase IIIc (Middle Strip Closure – 3-Lane) imply that Phase IIIc must be completed during periods when only 1 lane of traffic per direction is allowed. Is this correct?
2/15/2012 8:36 AM
Are the new, permanent concrete median barriers to be masonry coated? If so, will a pay item be added as per 508.05?
No.  Median Barrier Wall shall be constructed in accordance to Section 601 of KY Standard Specifications.
2/15/2012 8:12 AM
The Standard Specifications for 501 JPC Pavement, Base, and Shoulders does not address, nor prohibit, the use of a Dowel Bar Inserter [DBI] Machine.  If the contractor can demonstrate conformance to proper alignment, depth, spacing, and consolidation around the dowel bars, will the contractor be permitted to use a DBI machine? 
This project should be bid in accordance with KYTC Standard drawings which require the use of a dowel bar basket assembly. Section 501.03.16 B & D as well as the Standard Drawings all indicate to install load transfer assemblies. The intent is that this is the only approved method of installing the required dowel bars.
2/14/2012 12:34 PM
Is the coarse aggregate in the concrete base under the asphalt (to be full depth sawed for barrier wall removal) limestone or gravel?
The concrete adjacent to the existing barrier wall was constructed in the early 1980's.  It is uncertain what type of coarse aggregate was utilized for construction of this concrete.
2/15/2012 8:12 AM
Is Asphalt Pavement Ride Quality specified for this project?
2/14/2012 12:46 PM
Line Item 1260 Channel Lining Class II has a quantity of 1041 tn. The plans only identify 41 tn. Can you verify that the plan quantity is correct?
The Channel Lining Class II quantity on General Summary Sheet R2ad is 1041 Ton.  Note 2 on that sheet states that 1000 Ton is included for repair of existing ditches and to be used as directed by the engineer and that 41 Tons have been carried forward from the Pipe Drainage Summary.
2/15/2012 8:14 AM
The work time restrictions shown on plan sheet R34 is difficult to understand because of all the am to am times.  Can this table be redone using 11:59 pm as the end of the day and 12:00 am as the beginning of the day?
Where 12:00 a.m. is used as an ending time, it shall be inferred to mean 11:59:59 p.m.
2/14/2012 10:07 AM
Would there be any possibility of the contractor retaining or purchasing some or all of the millings acquired from the job?
No, the Department will retain the millings on this project.
2/15/2012 9:49 AM
Is the additional partial depth quantity intended to be used to cover the entire bridge deck surface area of the Kennedy Bridge with class m concrete, per note 3 on page 33?
Yes. The entire surface area to a consistent grade 2" below the final grade
2/15/2012 9:59 AM
Is a Material Transfer Vehicle required on this project? 
2/14/2012 12:46 PM
Will the median barrier portion of the concrete median barrier box inlet modified shown on sheets R24 & R25 be paid as part of the bid item for the concrete median barrier box inlet items (Line No. 800 & 810) or will it be measured and paid as per Note 1 of Sheet R20 as part of Line No. 780, Single Slope Concrete Median Barrier-50?
The Median Barrier Portion of the concrete median barrier box inlet modified will be paid under the bid item "Concrete Median Barrier Box Inlet". See detail sheet R24, middle of page under plan view, "PAY LIMITS 25'0" MEDIAN BARRIER TO BE INCLUDED IN THE CONTRACT PRICE OF BOX INLET"
2/15/2012 8:13 AM
The PHASE 1 CONSTRUCTION note on plan sheet R145 states “In the event the shoulder fails, the contractor shall have five (5) days to repair the failed areas and reopen the shoulder to traffic.” Does this mean 5 days per occurrence of a failure, or 5 days total? In other words, if the shoulder fails and the contractor repairs it in 4 days, then another section of the shoulder fails 2 weeks later, does the contractor get 5 days or 1 day for the second repair period?
It is anticipated that Phase 1 will be a fast pace, high production phase.  Depending on the type of traffic control selected, the contractor can reduce the exposure to the inside shoulder using traffic shifts.  Therefore, the 5 days to repair areas should be considered total and not per occurrence.
2/15/2012 12:51 PM
Since the contractor is not permitted to do any work in the southbound lanes in 2012, is it correct that the contractor’s maintenance responsibilities will be limited to northbound lanes only in 2012, and southbound lanes only in 2013?
No, the contractor will be responsible for both north and southbound lanes once the notice to begin is issued on the contract.
2/15/2012 12:52 PM
Is it correct that the contractor will not be responsible for snow removal?
That is correct; the contractor will not be responsible for snow removal.
2/15/2012 12:52 PM
Plan sheet R2at includes a note on MAINTENANCE OF EXISTING PAVEMENT which states that current pavement maintenance costs are incidental to the Maintain and Control Traffic bid item. Because the scope of this work is completely unknown and could potentially be quite extensive, could there be separate pay items to cover these costs?
Please bid the project according to the plans and proposal provided.  The contractor should make a determination based on field review.
2/15/2012 12:52 PM
For M-O-T in Phase IIIa in the 3 lane section per drawing on sheet R43, moving the 2 lanes to the outside, if this is done on a week night closure, 7:00 pm to 5:00 am won't Temp Removable tape be required to cover up existing and set on temp lane lines and then be removed by 5:00 am?  There is not enough temp removable tape item set up for this operation and temp paint would be too time limiting to get anything done?
For Phases IIIa and IIIb the intent is that traffic will be shifted to the outside or inside shoulder, respectively, for the duration of the work.  Temporary paint will be used to stripe the 11-foot lanes.  Barrels will be used to close the lane(s) during the allowable night time or weekend closure periods.  New temporary striping will be required prior to opening the lane that has been milled and resurfaced.  It is not the intent to have traffic back into their original 12-foot lanes every morning at 5:00 AM.
2/16/2012 8:50 AM
Should prevailing wages apply to this project? 
No, prevailing wages do not apply.  
2/16/2012 11:16 AM
Bid item line no. 2070 – Joint Seal Replacement has a quantity of 1,031 lf.  This quantity is for the replacement of seals at various bridges on the job.  Currently, there are no plans or drawings depicting the size and type of seals to be replaced at each location.  Will the department please provide existing drawings and/or provide the type and size of each seal to be replaced so the contractor can more accurately price the material portion of this work?
The contractor has the option to replace current seals with either a preformed Neoprene Joint Seal or a Silicone Rubber Sealant from the Departments Approved Materials.  It is the contractor’s responsibility to size them and adhere to the manufactures specifications.  In Standard Specifications 102.06, it says the contractor should examine the site until he is satisfied with existing conditions.
2/16/2012 11:23 AM
Is the existing concrete pavement that gets removed reinforced (mesh or rebar) or plain?
The pavement is Joint Plain Concrete Pavement.  It has dowel bars reinforcing the transverse joints and deformed tie bars across the longitudinal joints.  It also has a wire mesh at T/3 depth.  The mesh is lightweight (~30 lb/100 sq ft).
2/16/2012 10:36 AM
The details for “Full Depth Replacement” on Plan Sheet R29 seem to be conflicting? How many courses, what classification, and what lift thickness of Asphalt Base is required? Is DGA or CSB used?
The detail on the top, left side of Sheet R29 is correct.  The detail on the top, right side of the sheet will be corrected in an addendum to match the left side detail.
2/16/2012 10:20 AM
After doing a takeoff of the temporary concrete barrier wall, the sum of the quantities of bid items line nos. 1140 and 1410 seem low.  Has the Department taken in to account all of the barrier wall to close the ramp openings for the allowed closure times, opening the ramps after the closure times, and tapers in and out of the accelerated areas after completion?
Adequate estimated quantities for these bid items have been included in the plans.
2/16/2012 11:41 AM
Bid item line nos. 2080 and 2090 are for the cleaning of the lower chord at bridges B00039L and B00039R.  Will the Department provide access to the contractor to inspect the lower chord at each of these bridges prior to the bid?  Additionally, will the Department consider eliminating this item from the bid proposal and have the contractor perform this work on a time and material basis during construction of the project? 
No, the Department will not be providing access for the contractor to inspect the lower chord.  This work will remain part of the contract.
2/16/2012 11:39 AM
The detail sheets for bridges B00052L (proposal pg 78) and B00052R (proposal pg 85) show installing new armored edges at both Abutments 1 and 2.  The installation of new armored edges at Abutment 1 seems to conflict with the notes for replacing the joint seals at each of these locations.  Please clarify if new armored edges are to be installed at Abutment 1 for each of these bridges.
All detail sheets for these two bridges are for replacement of the joint at Abutment 1 as shown on the profiles of these bridges on pages 78 and 85 of the Proposal.  The existing seal in the joint at End Bent 1 shown on the same profiles are to be replaced in kind.  As shown on the note below each of these profiles, the contractor is responsible for verifying the size of the new seal.
2/16/2012 10:45 AM
Concerning surface preparation prior to placement of the RCR interlayer, per Special Note for Reflective Crack Relief Interlayer, any moderately or highly “D-cracked” areas, high-severity “punchouts”, “blowups”, and other severe distresses are to be repaired with a doweled, full depth patch in accordance with Section 502. Will this repair method be used or will “Full Depth Replacement” per Plan Sheet R29 be used in these areas? Regardless of the repair method, it seems infeasible that this work could be accomplished within the lane closure restrictions listed in the contract. How will  Maintenance of Traffic be handled in these areas while this extensive remediation is ongoing? How will Liquidated Damages be addressed for continued lane closures while this extensive remediation is ongoing?
The Full-Depth Repair detail on Sheet R29 will be modified.  The Cabinet anticipates that minimal repair areas with this detail will be required and that repair lengths will be 50 feet or less.  Locations will be identified in the field by the Engineer after milling operations have exposed the concrete surface.  The Contractor will be required to complete these repairs and the overlay in the typical section(s) in the time periods allowed.  Repair with concrete pavement as identified in the Special Note for Reflective Crack Relief Interlayer is not required.
2/16/2012 11:15 AM
Will the contractor be required to provide wrecker service on the Southbound lanes and ramps in 2012, and the Northbound lanes in 2013, since we will not be permitted to work in those areas during these time frames?
No.  The Wrecker Service note only applies to areas affected by ongoing work or where MOT restrictions are in place.
2/16/2012 12:09 PM
Please clarify the quantities of bid item line no 1140 – Relocate Temporary Concrete Median Barrier and 1410 – Concrete Barrier Wall Type 9T.  The current quantities relate to the maintenance of traffic drawings which show both NB and SB being constructed at the same time and therefore have more quantity in bid item 1410 and less relocating in bid item 1140.  Will the Department revise the quantities or will the maximum quantity of southbound barrier wall in 2013 be paid under bid item 1410 in addition to the maximum quantity used on northbound in 2012?
The MOT plans include work in both directions but as specified in the MOT Notes, only NB work is to be done in 2012 and SB work done in 2013.  The estimated maximum length of temporary barrier wall needed at one time in each direction will be paid for by bid item 03171 Concrete Barrier Wall Type 9T.  The quantity shown for this bid item in the plans is 64,100 LF which is based on 30,180 LF northbound and 33,920 LF southbound.  Relocations of this wall will be paid for by bid item 02003 Relocate Temp Conc Barrier.  The estimated quantity shown for this bid item in the plans is 93,240 LF which is based on 44,660 LF northbound and 48,580 LF southbound.
2/16/2012 11:41 AM
Bid item line nos. 2120 and 2130 are for the sealing of cracks on bridges B00056L and B00056R.  Additionally, Bid item line nos. 2140 and 2150 are for sealing the decks on bridges B00056L and B00056R.  Each of these items is set up on a lump sum basis.  Currently, the proposal states, “The approximate total length of cracks in 17,000 ft but the contractor is responsible for determining quantities for bidding.”  The proposal also states, “The approximate deck area to be cleaned and sealed is 225,000 sf but the contractor is responsible for determining quantities for bidding.”  With the size of the bridges and the heavy traffic crossing the bridges, it is infeasible for the contractor to field verify these quantities.  Will the department please change the units for each these items from lump sum to either linear feet or square feet? 
The contract quantity will remain Lump Sum.
2/16/2012 10:18 AM
There are two projects on I-65 in Jefferson County in the February Letting (CID 12-2601 and CID 12-1305). Will construction of one have to be completed before the other?
No. The Contractors are advised there may be an active project adjacent to or in proximity of this project. The Engineer will coordinate the work of the Contractors. See Section 105.06.
2/16/2012 8:50 AM
In section 606.03.17 of your specifications, Paragraph A, note 1 – “Pre-wetting and Grout-Bond Coat” requires a grout prior to the latex overlay placement.  This project requires the deck surface to be prepared using hydrodemolition and the area latex modified concrete suppliers are recommending the deck not be grouted, only pre-wetted prior to the overlay material.  Similar projects in Campbell County did not require this grouting procedure for decks prepared using hydrodemolition.  Will the grout bonding coat be required on this project prior to the placement of the latex modified concrete?
The grout bond coat will not be required.
2/16/2012 10:19 AM
There are two projects on I-65 in Jefferson County in the February Letting (CID 12-2601 and CID 12-1305). Will construction of one have to be completed before the other?
No. The Contractors are advised there may be an active project adjacent to or in proximity of this project. The Engineer will coordinate the work of the Contractors. See Section 105.06.
2/16/2012 8:50 AM
The Note for “Asphalt Pavement Drain” on Plan Sheet R32 states that the proposed locations are noted in the plans. However, I cannot find any reference to these in the plan sheets. Where will these be installed?
The “Asphalt Pavement Drains” are to be located in the outside shoulder at sag locations.  The exact locations will be identified by the Engineer in the field.  The locations were inadvertently omitted from the plan sheets.  The bid items and quantities reflect the number of locations based on the size of the drain as depicted on Sheet R32.
2/16/2012 10:20 AM
Can expansion joint reconstruction on bridges which fall within the accelerated work area limits be completed during permitted night closure periods prior to starting the 16 day lane reduction period work?
Yes, with prior approval from the Engineer.
2/16/2012 12:10 PM
Is the contractor to paint only those bearings where the masonry plate is replaced?
No.  All bearings at the end bents for the bridges with the “CLEAN & PAINT STRUCTURAL STEEL” bid item marked will be cleaned and painted.
2/17/2012 9:23 AM
Due to large quantity and lack of availability of temporary concrete barrier required to start project in April 2012, will contractor be permitted to use temporary concrete barrier manufactured to specifications of another state that meet the Federal NCHRP-350, Test Level 3, Crash Test?
This project was conceived and designed assuming the use of 9T temporary barrier wall.  However, the Cabinet will consider for approval the use of NCHRP-350 approved temporary barrier wall alternatives that are comparable to the performance of 9T wall (including deflection distances).  The Cabinet will also consider other NCHRP 350 approved temporary barrier wall with characteristics (including deflection distances)  that are appropriate for the locations proposed for use.  Any alternate barrier proposal must include documentation of NCHRP 350 approval and performance including a detailed description of  proposed use (including locations).
2/17/2012 11:17 AM
Plan sheet R2, note 4, indicates that outside shoulders to be replaced during phase 1 will be bid per square yard and is to include all pavement and base layers necessary to construct the shoulder.  Plan sheet R2ag, Pavement Summary, seems to include either the Drainage Blanket or Crushed Stone Base under these Shoulders.  Is the base layer under the shoulder to be considered incidental to the shoulder or will the base layer be paid separately as either Crushed Stone Base or Drainage Blanket?
The base layer under the alternate outside shoulders for the JPC Alternate will be paid for as Crushed Stone Base or JPC Drainage Blanket regardless of which pavement alternate is used.
2/17/2012 3:30 PM
As specified by 606.03.17, a 24-hour wet cure is to be applied to the deck immediately following the placement of the latex concrete overlay.  At the conclusion of this 24-hour period, the burlap and polyethylene used for the wet cure is to be removed and the overlay is to be air-cured for a 48-hour period when Type I cement is used and for a 72-hour period when Type III cement is used.  Will the department allow the contractor to use a rapid-set modified latex concrete to overlay the bridges to significantly reduce the required cure time?
The department will consider a proposal from the contractor to use a rapid set type cement and take into consideration the cure time from the manufacturer.  However, the contractor is advised to bid according to Section 606.03.17.
2/17/2012 11:42 AM
Because of the high traffic volume and complex phasing requirements on this project, there will be a significant need for Law Enforcement Officers (probably in excess of 1500 hours) to ensure the safety of the traveling public and our workforce while implementing permitted lane closures. Would KYTC please consider adding a separate pay item to cover Law Enforcement Officers and Patrol Cars?
Please bid the project according to current plan and proposal.
2/16/2012 12:09 PM
Should bid item “02676 - Mobilization for Mill and Text” be added to this project?
Yes, an addendum will be posted to the website.
2/17/2012 11:17 AM
Currently, the Class M concrete to be poured in the replacement sections for the expansion joint elimination and removal items shall be in accordance with section 601 of the Standard Specifications.  Will the Department allow the contractor to use a high early strength and/or fast set modified mix that will permit earlier removal of forms, and opening to traffic, provided the 28-day compressive strength requirements of Standard Specification Sections 601.03.14 and 601.03.15 are met?
Yes, provided the mix design is approved by the Department.
2/17/2012 11:31 AM
May the outside shoulder asphalt pavement alternate shown on sheets R2/R2A be used on the outside shoulders of the ramps at the US 27, Grand Avenue, and Memorial Parkway interchanges?  If so, would the department consider reducing the section to match the 11” JCP section?
Please bid according to current plan and proposal.
2/17/2012 3:33 PM
The permanent striping on this project is being specified as Durable Waterborne and Thermoplastic Pavement Markings.  All striping contractors are required to purchase these Durable Striping Materials from a manufacturer that is on KYTC’s Approved Prequalified Material Supplier Lists, whose own internal specs., for proper application of these materials and even KYTC’s own “Section 714 – Durable Pavement Striping” specs., require a minimum air and pavement temperature of 50̊ before these materials can be applied.  Is it KYTC’s intent, as on similar past projects, to accelerate the Prime Contractor schedule even more in order to have the specified Durable Pavement Markings properly installed by mid to late October each year?  Will the Department consider applying temporary pavement markings through the winter for each construction season and then have the permanent Durable Markings installed the following year in late spring?
Supplemental Specification Section 846 does not specify temperature constraints for durable waterborne marking.  If there are temperature restrictions from the paint manufacture that would not allow durable paint to be placed prior to the December completion date, the Department would  pay for the installation of temporary pavement markings.  Standard Specification Section 714 does specify temperature constraints for Pavement-Marking Thermo.  If ambient weather conditions prevent the installation of the markings prior to the December completion date, the Department would  pay for the installation of temporary pavement markings.
2/17/2012 12:33 PM
Do the concrete joints need to be placed as shown on the MOT plans?
The joints should be located as shown on the roadway typical sections.
2/17/2012 3:35 PM
What type of material is to used for Bid Item 200, Backfilling Undercut?
The material to be used for this bid item is detailed in Special Note 2E, the Special Note for Roadbed Stabilization at Bridge Ends.  See Note 7 on Sheet R2af for additional details.
2/17/2012 3:30 PM
As a follow-up to Question #32 from the pre-bid meeting, will the department allow wasting excess roadway excavation material (not from pavement removal items) on property owned by the state assuming all final grading, drainage, landscaping is addressed in the design?
The contractor can propose a waste site on state property to be evaluated in accordance with specifications and other Department policies.
2/17/2012 1:12 PM
Do the existing pier footings on I-275 bridge over three mile road bear on piling? 
Yes, all footings are on piles as shown on the profile on sheet S3 of Drawing No. 26788 included in the plans.
2/17/2012 3:32 PM
Due to delivery times, can the lights on the 6th street bridge be installed after the acceleration period using nighttime closures?
Yes, but must be during off peak hours as specified in the contract and with approval from the engineer.
2/17/2012 3:35 PM
Will plywood false decking be required to protect roadways beneath the hydrodemolition structures?
The contractor will be responsible for protecting the traveling public at all times.  The contractor will propose the method of protection to be approved by the Engineer.
2/17/2012 1:01 PM
The typical sections show tying the new median concrete shoulder to the existing portion of concrete shoulder that is to remain in place.  Will KYTC consider revising this detail to show an un-tied joint at this location?  If this joint is to remain tied, does the joint spacing in the existing shoulder control where transverse joints in the new pavement & shoulders are to be located?
No, this joint will remain a tied joint.  The joints in the new JPC shoulder do not have to match the existing joints in the remaining approximate 2’ of inside concrete shoulder.
2/17/2012 3:38 PM
When placing concrete along the inside shoulder, will the new concrete need to match the existing concrete?
2/17/2012 3:35 PM
Will KYTC consider revising the scope of work that is to be performed in Phase 1 of the project and allow the permanent outside shoulder to be constructed as part of the Phase 3 work?  Much of the existing outside shoulder appears to be in good condition for carrying traffic.  Minor repairs or a thin asphalt overlay may be all that is necessary to ready the existing outside shoulder to carry traffic during Phase 2 work. 
No.  The outside concrete shoulder is only six inches thick and must be replaced where traffic will run on it in Phase 2.
2/17/2012 3:38 PM
In reference to the temporary barrier wall for 12-1002, it was stated that, “The Cabinet will consider for approval the use of temporary barrier wall alternatives that are comparable to the performance of 9T wall (including deflection distances).”  Can you please provide the deflection distances and any other comparable performance requirements of the temporary barrier wall?
The information requested can be obtained at FHWA website for NCHRP 350 compliant wall with an NCHRP code B-70.
2/17/2012 3:42 PM
In reviewing the traffic notes and plans, we do not see when I-471 from approx. stas. 53+00 to 85+00 is to be constructed.  Is this work area to be reconstructed as part of a specific 16 day closure or as part of the B component of the project?  
This area is not included in any accelerated section nor do lane closures in this area have any impact on the B time component of the bid since it is prior to sta. 85+00 where the B component begins.  NB this work must be completed in 2012 and SB it must be completed in 2013.
2/17/2012 3:38 PM
Please refer to plan page R145 the notes for Accelerated Construction in the middle column of the page. Specifically referring to the last & 3rd from last paragraphs, that talk about restrictions to traffic and lane closures in these areas. Contract work on span #8 is going to require a significant amount of under deck temporary access & safety work to prepare for joint removals and replacements plus cleaning of the lower chords of the arches. There is virtually no access under this span by any method other than working over the sides of the deck surface. If this preparatory work could be accomplished before & after the contract repair work to the deck surface (outside the 32 day time period allowed for each direction of traffic) by working with lane closures at night during period of minimal traffic there is a much greater chance the requested completion durations for accelerated construction on span #8 can be accomplished. Will the departments - both Ohio & Kentucky - allow nightly lane closures on & approaching span #8 so the preparatory work under the deck can be installed & removed outside of the 32 day accelerated time period for each direction of travel?  
REVISED ANSWER:Yes, with approval from the engineer.
2/17/2012 1:05 PM
Please confirm that Phases IIIa, IIIb, and IIIc can be performed concurrently?
Phases IIIa, IIIb, and IIIc must be done consecutively.  These phases cannot be done at the same time.  The number of lanes depicted in the detail phase drawings on Sheets R42 and R43 must be maintained during the hours listed in the plans.
2/16/2012 12:11 PM
Note 6 on sheet T04 states that “All existing sheeting signs…are to be removed… and replaced, as shown on the signing plans, unless otherwise specified.”  This note continues to state “In addition to replacing all existing signs, all signs shown on the signing plans must be installed.”  This note appears to contradict itself, as the first sentence refers to the 5 sheeting signs shown on sheet T22, however, it continues to say replace all the signs as well as the signs shown on sheet T22.  Also on sheet T04, notes 3, 4 and 11 put additional constraints on what signs should or should not be disturbed, removed, and/or replaced, further complicating the interpretation of note 6.  Will all sheeting signs on the project need to be replaced, as constrained by notes 3, 4, and 11, regardless of whether they are shown on the plans?  If so, what are the limits for sign replacement?  For example, if a sign is in the median, but the only work being performed on the road is on the outside shoulder (as is the case on I-275) will the median sign need to be replaced?  Because the interpretation of this could be quite open ended, please supply a list of all signs with quantities, final disposition, and method of payment for this project.
Only the sheeting signs shown on sheet T22 are to be removed or installed by the pay items in the Signing Plans.  Other sheeting signs may have to be removed and reinstalled due to construction activity but that work is incidental to Maintain and Control Traffic.
2/16/2012 2:11 PM
In response to the completion date extension for under structure work, the under structure work may consist of a large amount of containment under most structures not only the Kennedy bridge structure, will any time be allowed to remove this containment?
All structures with the exception of Bridge over Ohio river (Kennedy) in this proposal are easily accessible from the roads below them. Removal of Containment apparatus is a  part of the project to be completed by August 15, 2012. Like other projects, it is expected that all parts of this project to be completed by the completion date. A one night one external lane closure (on the Kennedy Bridge) deemed allowable for removal of any containment apparatus Not Removed during normal 30 calendar days allotted for completion of all work.
2/17/2012 8:58 AM
Plan sheet R2at includes a note on CEMENT STABILIZED ROADBED which requires the top 12 inches of the roadbed to be stabilized with Portland cement using “selected soils with a minimum CBR value of 2”.  In the event existing in-situ soils have a CBR value less than 2,  will the contractor be required to remove and replace this material? If so, where does the contractor get paid for removal and replacement? Also, is the contractor required to test the soil for CBR values, and if so who is responsible for testing costs?
The existing subgrade will be treated regardless of the in situ CBR value.  The cement content may be adjusted based on field conditions.  No additional removal and replacement of soil is anticipated for the cement stabilization.
2/16/2012 12:50 PM
What additional quantities of Remove Pavement, Geotextile Fabric Type IV, Crushed Aggregate Size No. 2, Crushed Stone Base, and CL4 Asphalt Base 0.75D PG76-22 were set up for potential full depth repairs?
Approximately 4,500 square yards of full depth replacement is currently in the plan quantities.  This quantity is an estimate and may be increased or decreased as determined by the Engineer.  Actual locations and areas will be identified in the field by the Engineer.  The bid item for Remove Pavement will be full compensation for all pavement and aggregate base removal including saw cutting.  The pavement replacement will be paid with the unit prices for the items shown in the detail on Sheet R29.  Potential bidders should assume that no additional time or compensation other than that listed above will be allowed if the repairs exceed the 4,500 square yards estimated.
2/16/2012 2:56 PM
In response to the answer for the question concerning southbound single lane restriction traffic switch during daytime hours, if the bidders schedule for the project has the projected traffic switch occurring during peak hours and the state delays switching traffic until the off peak hours should the contractor allow for these extra hours in the C portion of the bid?
No. If a delay is caused as a result of enforcing this provision, the lost hours will not be counted against the 192 hours.
2/17/2012 8:58 AM
Will the contractor be allowed to install temporary lane closures on the southbound side during non-peak hours for phase 2 work on the northbound side?  The same question would apply for phase 2 southbound work in 2013.
Yes, with the approval of the Engineer.
2/16/2012 1:49 PM
Is it possible to arrange with District 5 to get a lane closure prior to bid to get a closer look at median barrier wall removal and the drainage boxes under the median wall?
No.  Due to contractual liability and the short timeframe between now and the bid opening this will not be possible.
2/17/2012 9:21 AM
If KYTC does allow the temporary pavement markings to be applied, because weather conditions wouldn’t allow the permanent striping to be installed properly; can the Contractor safely assume that liquidated damages/lane penalties of any kind will NOT be assessed from the time the temporary pavement markings are installed until the time the permanent pavement markings can be installed properly?  
Yes, provided lane closures are during off peak hours and schedule is approved by the Engineer.
2/21/2012 1:38 PM
The widening of I-275 bridge over three mile road will require removal of portions of the barrier wall and curb & gutter due to pier footer excavation.  There is a note on Sheet No. S3 Dwg No. 26788 that says “Existing roadway curbs & pavement are to be protected from any damage during construction of this project.”  Is the work to remove and re-build the wall, curb and gutter incidental to the excavation? 
Construction of the new standard curb and gutter will be paid by bid item 1810 Standard Curb and Gutter.  Removal of the existing curb and gutter will be incidental to item 1810.  Construction of the new gravity retaining wall will be by bid item 2555 Concrete – Class B and bid item 8001 Structure Excavation – Common.  Removal of the existing retaining walls will be incidental to item 2555.  General Summary Sheet R2ad has been revised to include bid item 1810 with a quantity of 58 LF.  Plan sheet R100 has been revised to include construction of additional standard curb and gutter.  Plan sheet R125 shows the details for construction of the gravity retaining wall to be constructed at Three Mile Road in conjunction with the I-275 WB bridge over Three Mile Road widening.  Revised sheets R2ad and R100 will be provided by Addendum.
2/17/2012 3:49 PM
Is there a diesel fuel adjustment that applies to major items of work on this project?
Yes, please see Standard Specification 109.07.
2/21/2012 3:52 PM
In Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference on CID 12-1002 Campbell County, it was mention about I-471 Communication and Telephone lines that were incidental to this project on bridges. Do these need to be moved, relocated, and or new?
The required utility line work involving bridges is detailed in pages 242 through 245 of the Proposal.
2/21/2012 2:04 PM
It appears that Special Note 10E - QC/QA SPECIFICATIONS FOR CLASS P CONCRETE does not apply to this contract. Can you confirm that KYTC intends to perform all testing for the JPC concrete on this contract?
Special Note 10E does not apply and the Department intends to do the testing.
2/21/2012 1:43 PM
The reinforcement depicted in Std. Drawing RDB-241-01 states at the bottom left that the steel quantities are for cast in place construction which includes the “a” bar. Section C-C depicts reinforcement for slip form construction with 5 #6 bars longitudinally spaced the same as the a bars. Are the “a” bars not required in slip form construction?
The “a” bars are not required if slip form construction is used over the median drainage boxes.
2/21/2012 1:24 PM
12-2925429Shelby, Spencer
What is the concrete removal dimension on the deck side of the end joints for sheets 32-33?
Concrete removal dimension on the deck side of the end joints shall be 2’-0”.
2/21/2012 3:39 PM
Does the Performance Bond have to be for the total A+B components or just the A component?
The performance bond must be 5% of the “A” component total.
2/21/2012 3:24 PM
Should there be a bid item added for extra length guardrail post as there is always when they are required for guardrail installation?
No, an additional bid item is not necessary.  Please see Note 7 on plan sheet R2B.  Contrary to standard drawings and standard specifications, 9’ guardrail posts will be required for all guardrail, with cost included in the bid item for W-Beam Guardrail.
2/22/2012 9:39 AM
What is the concrete removal dimension on the deck side of the end joints for sheets 23?
Concrete removal dimension on the deck side of the end joints shall be 2’-0”.
2/21/2012 3:38 PM
Will the department allow wasting the existing DGA material that is to be removed below the existing pavement on a site on state property if the contractor can propose a waste site that can will be in accordance with specifications and other Department policies.
The contractor can propose a waste site on state property to be evaluated in accordance with specifications and other Department policies.
2/22/2012 11:40 AM
The proposal for bridges 13 & 14 call for new 5.5" expansion joints to be installed in the decks at pier #6. The existing bridge plans indicate the existing joints at pier #6 are modular joints supported by significant steel components. It appears these modular joints will need to be removed entirely to allow the new joints to be installed. Is it going to be possible to install the new 5.5" joints as detailed on pages 153 & 163 of the proposal without modifying the structural support steel below to properly provide support for the new deck and joint as specified?
2/22/2012 11:38 AM
Plan Sheet R145 states you will have 16 consecutive days to Complete US 27 Ramps A, B, C, and D.  Since you are not allowed to do any work South bound please confirm that you have 16 consecutive days to complete Ramp A, another 16 consecutive days to complete Ramp B, another 16 consecutive days to complete Ramp C, and another 16 consecutive days to complete Ramp D, thus allowing you  16 consecutive days to complete each ramp separately.
The Contractor will be allowed to close each of the US 27 ramps 16 consecutive days at different times to complete all associated work.
2/22/2012 11:40 AM
Does the Bid Bond amount have to be 5% of the total bid including A+B or does it have to be just the A component?
Revised answer:
Please see page 186 of 321 in the proposal, it will not be necessary for the proposal guaranty to include an amount necessary to cover the product of days bid times the daily cost.
2/21/2012 3:24 PM
Can Phase II and Phase III be performed concurrently? Can Phase III commence prior to Phase II?
Yes, Phase II and Phase III can be performed concurrently.  Yes, phase III can commence prior to Phase II.
2/21/2012 12:26 PM
Could the Department quantify comparable (performance and deflection distance) for the alternate temporary barrier wall, as stated in a previous answer?
This project was conceived and designed assuming the use of 9T temporary barrier wall.  However:  The Cabinet will consider for approval the use of NCHRP-350 approved temporary barrier wall alternatives that are comparable to the performance of 9T wall (including deflection distances).  The Cabinet will also consider other NCHRP 350 approved temporary barrier wall with characteristics (including deflection distances)  that are appropriate for the locations proposed for use.  Any alternate barrier proposal must include documentation of NCHRP 350 approval and performance including a detailed description of  proposed use (including locations).
2/22/2012 10:50 AM
If there are delays for some other reason than weather, that are out of control of the contractor, will the clock stop on the “B” portion of the contract?
Please bid according to contract documents.
2/22/2012 10:50 AM
Will replacement of chip and seal and/or asphalt paved shoulder replacement be incidental to perforated pipe?
2/22/2012 2:24 PM
After reading the specifications and the Department’s answer to the questions regarding special note 10E and QC/QA testing, we are still unclear exactly which testing the contractor will be responsible for and which testing the Department will be responsible for. Who will be responsible for the following testing: Subgrade Compaction Testing, Crushed Stone Base and DGA Material Testing, Crushed Stone Base, and DBA Compaction Testing.  JPC Concrete Pavement Slump, Air Content, Aggregate Gradation, Aggregate Moisture, Yield, Strength, & Thickness Testing at the batch plant and at the placement location
Please see Section 601.03.02 Concrete producer responsibilities and 601.03.03 D) for department tests.
2/22/2012 10:16 AM
On page 12 of the proposal for the above referenced project, it states that if utilities are required to be relocated/adjusted it is the responsibility of the contractor.  It is common that we would have to coordinate with the utility companies for them to do their relocations. However, it is uncommon that we would have the pay the utility company to perform a relocation.   Can you clarify which party will be  responsible for paying the utility companies if it necessary to relocate utilities, the Contractor or KYTC?
If the utilities need to be relocated and there is a cost associated with the relocation, the Department will pay for the relocation.
2/21/2012 1:36 PM
The “Special Note for Replacing Existing Expansion Joint With Asphalt Plug Joints on Bridges” list 3 manufactures which the contractor is to chose from.  Has KY had any experience with this type of joint and where?
Yes.  I-64 near the Clark/Montgomery County line has this type of joint installed in both directions.  Indiana has also used this type of joint on I-64
2/23/2012 8:50 AM
Are geotechnical reports available for use by contractors who will be deep drilling for tower foundations?
No, they are not available.
2/22/2012 10:43 AM
The proposal states that removable lane tape will be measured for payment as temporary striping. However, there is no bid item for temporary striping. Does a bid item need to be added?
The proposal is incorrect concerning payment for removable lane tape.  If the contractor decides to use removable lane tape, payment will be incidental to maintain and control traffic.
2/22/2012 12:12 PM
How will KYTC measure and pay for the item Crushed Stone Base?  Will you pay tons based on the measured area using 115 lb/sy-in factor, or will you pay tons based on delivery tickets?
Payment will be based on delivery tickets.
2/22/2012 10:15 AM
What makes the Type B Bridge connector special?
Please see the drawing in the proposal.
2/22/2012 1:45 PM
Will corrective grinding for the asphalt be allowed without disincentives under the same parameters as the concrete alternate?
2/22/2012 10:50 AM
Please provide diagram and description of bid item line no. 0200 pave mark-therm r/r advance warn symbol, code no. 23756EC.
An addendum will be posted to the website.
2/22/2012 9:09 AM
If the contractor chooses to construct the cement stabilized JPC Pavement Drainage Blanket, how will the Department pay for this item?  Will you measure the area placed and use the factor of 100 lb/sy-in to calculate the tons to be paid?  
The material will need to be weighed.
2/22/2012 1:54 PM
Does the Department have a detailed drawing for the bridge chain link fence, as stated on page 42 of the proposal?
The plans for this work are shown on pages 63 thru 66 of the Proposal.  The fence details are shown on page 65 of the Proposal.  A PDF of the original bridge plans which include the chain link fence details on page 19 have been added to the Project Related Information on the website.
2/22/2012 2:05 PM
If ambient weather conditions prevent the installation of the markings prior to the December completion date, and the contractor installs the final pavement markings during “non-peak” hours once weather permits, will the contractor be charged disincentive fees for work beyond the days bid during the installation of the permanent markings?
No disincentive fees would be charged because no lane closures would be allowed during peak hours.  It is expected that this work be completed as soon as weather permits.
2/21/2012 3:37 PM
Proposal details on page 153 & 163 detail the new 5.5” expansion joint to be installed above pier #6. As discussed in a previous question the existing expansion device is a modular joint. What happens when we cut the existing modular joint at the curb lines of the bridge? It appears the modular joints continue under the parapets in some manner or are part of a steel parapet assembly. Will the new expansion joint seal line up & be compatible with the joint seal space in the parapets to remain as shown? How do we seal the construction joints in the deck at the curb lines so there are not leaks between the new joint/deck & the remains of the old modular joint at the parapets? Will similar problems occur at some of the other joint replacement locations throughout the project?
An addendum will be issued to revise pages 153, 154, 163, 164 in the project proposal to address these questions.
2/23/2012 9:15 AM
Supplemental specification 105.12 states the payment for electrical service is the contractors responsibility.  Is the Department’s intent to have the contractor pay the bills for the newly installed electrical service?  If so, can you provide the cost history of the existing lighting, so we can determine what to put in the bid?
The Standard Specifications 105.12 states “Payment for the electrical service is the responsibility of the Contractor from the time the electrical items are energized until the Division of Traffic Operations has accepted the work” so it is the departments intent that the contractor pay the bills for the newly installed electrical services and payment of the monthly electrical bills until traffic operations has accepted the work (this service should be put in their name and the contractor shall pay all inspection fees that occur for the installation of the electrical service).  Cost history cannot be provided.
2/23/2012 9:15 AM
What are the details for the asphalt plug joint system warranty.
The details for the asphalt plug joint system warranty will be posted in the project related information on the website.
2/23/2012 9:00 AM
Bid item line no 640, Crash Cushion TY VI C, Permanent applies to standard width crash cushion locations.  The electronic plans depict a wide crash cushion; should Crash Cushion TY VII C (Wide) be used instead?   And if so what width is required? 
Yes, a crash cushion ty VII C should be used instead of a ty VI C on plan sheets R8 and R16.  An addendum will be posted to the website.  Crash Cushion TY VII (Wide) should be used for calculations per Standard Drawing RBE-040-09. Exact measurements shall be determined in the field by the Engineer.
2/23/2012 8:56 AM
Page 66 of the proposal requires a wrecker service.  Should this be removed since the barrier wall was eliminated?
No, the wrecker service will be required.
2/23/2012 8:51 AM
Concerning Section I. On-Site Inspection on page 32 of 103, would the Department reconsider their position on the following: "The Department will not honor any claims resulting from site conditions" ?
Although the Department will not honor any claims, the Department will negotiate change orders if additional bid items (Trenching & Backfilling, Conduit, Loop Wire, etc.) or additional quantities are discovered to be required.
2/23/2012 8:56 AM
That same Note requires a 3-year warranty.  Will the contract remain open for the 3 years while the warranty runs?
No. Please see the Special Note for Asphalt Plug Joint System Warranty in the Project Related Information section on the website.
2/23/2012 8:50 AM
Please clarify what the liquidated damages would be for keeping the northbound section of the Ohio River structure closed in phase three for 17 days.  This would be 1 additional day, 24 hours, past the allowable 16 day closure.  Please specify how you calculated these liquidated damages. 
An addendum with an updated Special Note for Fixed Completion Date and Disincentive Fees “A+B” (dated 2-22-12) will be posted on the website.
2/23/2012 8:52 AM
Will Concrete Median Barrier Type 12C pay item be needed?
It will be needed only if necessary, see the first paragraph under “DRAINAGE STRUCTURES AND CURB” on page R2I of the plans.  It will only be used north of Station 115+00 if necessary.
2/23/2012 8:56 AM
What are the liquidated damages for the accelerated areas? Specifically, the Ohio River bridge and the NKU areas.
Please see the amended Special Note for Fixed Completion Date and Disincentive Fees “A+B” dated 2-22-12.
2/23/2012 9:15 AM
There is existing guardrail on this project.  Does KYTC anticipate guardrail remaining on this bridge approach.  If so, how will the remove and replacement be paid for guardrail?
Bid items for removal of the existing guardrail and installation of new guardrail will be added.  An addendum will be posted to the website.
3/12/2012 11:37 AM
Should this proposal include bid items for Fuel Adjustment and Asphalt Adjustment?
The combined quantity of asphalt falls below the minimum requirement of 3,000 tons for fuel and asphalt adjustment.  Therefore, no, this project should not have bid items for fuel and asphalt adjustment.  The quantities and special note will be removed from the proposal.  An addendum will be posted to the website.
3/12/2012 9:27 AM
Phase one and Phase two drawing indicate temporary striping for the lane shift.  How is this striping to be paid?
The temporary striping in Phase one and Phase two for the lane shift is considered incidental to Maintain and Control Traffic.
3/13/2012 8:49 AM
What type of backfill is required at the end bents?
An addendum addressing this will be posted to the website.
3/13/2012 12:51 PM
On page 22 of the proposal it indicates that there will be edgeline rumble strips needed on this project but there is not a bid item for this.  Will there be a bid item added for this?
Yes, an addendum will be posted to the website.
3/12/2012 9:26 AM
What is the pavement design for the roadway?
An addendum addressing this will be posted to the website.
3/13/2012 12:51 PM
Is there a  current specification for the Matrix 502 system?
An addendum adding the specification for the Matrix 502 system will be posted to the website.
3/13/2012 8:49 AM
It is our understanding the Cabinet changed the way splices are handled concerning traffic loops and the Scotchcast #4 resin is no longer needed.  The notes included in the proposal state to use splice kits with Scotchcast #4 resin.  Is this correct?
No, the Scotchcast #4 resin is not needed.  The sentence should read as follows:  Cover butt splices with a 3M Mastic Pad or approved equal and then taped with a 3M brand #33 electrical tape.
3/15/2012 1:04 PM
Will KYTC provide all the required staking for this project?
An addendum addressing this will be posted to the website.
3/13/2012 12:51 PM
It is our understanding the Cabinet changed the way splices are handled concerning traffic loops and the Scotchcast #4 resin is no longer needed.  The notes included in the proposal state to use splice kits with Scotchcast #4 resin.  Is this correct?
No, the Scotchcast #4 resin is not needed.  The sentence should read as follows:  Cover butt splices with a 3M Mastic Pad or approved equal and then taped with a 3M brand #33 electrical tape.
3/15/2012 1:04 PM
This project has 17 locations (18,110 LF) listed for joint repair. The note in the proposal states these areas are to be milled 2’ in width and a depth of 1” and place 1” CL3 0.38D surface in the trench. There are several locations on this project that the shoulder joints are deteriorated considerably beyond a 1” repair. Should this not be treated as a base failure repair and the depth of the trench be increased as to accommodate a minimum of some type asphalt base placed in the repair?
Please bid the project according to the proposal.
3/14/2012 11:50 AM
It is our understanding the Cabinet changed the way splices are handled concerning traffic loops and the Scotchcast #4 resin is no longer needed.  The notes included in the proposal state to use splice kits with Scotchcast #4 resin.  Is this correct?
No, the Scotchcast #4 resin is not needed.  The sentence should read as follows:  Cover butt splices with a 3M Mastic Pad or approved equal and then taped with a 3M brand #33 electrical tape.
3/15/2012 1:04 PM
Is it the KYTC’s intent to have a 3-year manufacturer’s warranty for the asphalt plug joint item?  In the Proposal, the Thorma-Joint reflects this, while the Watson Bowman does not. 
The vendor chose to provide the asphalt plug joint shall provide a written three-year warranty that meets or exceeds the Thorma-Joint warranty.  This warranty can be found on page 20 of 118.
3/13/2012 8:49 AM
It is our understanding the Cabinet changed the way splices are handled concerning traffic loops and the Scotchcast #4 resin is no longer needed.  The notes included in the proposal state to use splice kits with Scotchcast #4 resin.  Is this correct?
No, the Scotchcast #4 resin is not needed.  The sentence should read as follows:  Cover butt splices with a 3M Mastic Pad or approved equal and then taped with a 3M brand #33 electrical tape.
3/15/2012 1:04 PM
It is our understanding the Cabinet changed the way splices are handled concerning traffic loops and the Scotchcast #4 resin is no longer needed.  The notes included in the proposal state to use splice kits with Scotchcast #4 resin.  Is this correct?
No, the Scotchcast #4 resin is not needed.  The sentence should read as follows:  Cover butt splices with a 3M Mastic Pad or approved equal and then taped with a 3M brand #33 electrical tape.
3/15/2012 1:04 PM
It is our understanding the Cabinet changed the way splices are handled concerning traffic loops and the Scotchcast #4 resin is no longer needed.  The notes included in the proposal state to use splice kits with Scotchcast #4 resin.  Is this correct?
No, the Scotchcast #4 resin is not needed.  The sentence should read as follows:  Cover butt splices with a 3M Mastic Pad or approved equal and then taped with a 3M brand #33 electrical tape.
3/15/2012 1:04 PM
Will there be any DGA required in the pavement design?
An addendum addressing this will be posted to the website.
3/13/2012 12:51 PM
It is our understanding the Cabinet changed the way splices are handled concerning traffic loops and the Scotchcast #4 resin is no longer needed.  The notes included in the proposal state to use splice kits with Scotchcast #4 resin.  Is this correct?
No, the Scotchcast #4 resin is not needed.  The sentence should read as follows:  Cover butt splices with a 3M Mastic Pad or approved equal and then taped with a 3M brand #33 electrical tape.
3/15/2012 12:59 PM
It is our understanding the Cabinet changed the way splices are handled concerning traffic loops and the Scotchcast #4 resin is no longer needed.  The notes included in the proposal state to use splice kits with Scotchcast #4 resin.  Is this correct?
No, the Scotchcast #4 resin is not needed.  The sentence should read as follows:  Cover butt splices with a 3M Mastic Pad or approved equal and then taped with a 3M brand #33 electrical tape.
3/15/2012 1:03 PM
It is our understanding the Cabinet changed the way splices are handled concerning traffic loops and the Scotchcast #4 resin is no longer needed.  The notes included in the proposal state to use splice kits with Scotchcast #4 resin.  Is this correct?
No, the Scotchcast #4 resin is not needed.  The sentence should read as follows:  Cover butt splices with a 3M Mastic Pad or approved equal and then taped with a 3M brand #33 electrical tape.
3/15/2012 1:04 PM
Under Special Note For Replacing Pier Pedestals, bearings shall be cleaned and painted in accordance with the specifications. Please clarify actual paint or lubricant that is in Special Note for Clean and Paint Structural Steel on page 42 of the proposal.
Please see Section III B. in the “Special Note for Clean and Paint Structural Steel”.  The contractor is to paint new structural steel in accordance with Specification Section 607.03.23.  Existing steel and new structural steel in assemblies are to be cleaned and then be coated with “Never-Seez Mariner’s Choice Lubricant by Bostick” or approved equal in accordance with the “Special Note for Clean and Paint Structural Steel”
2/23/2012 10:27 AM
12-2925429Shelby, Spencer
On Page 11 of the proposal, the bituminous asphalt specified is CL4 ASPH SURF 0.38A PG76-22.  Is this the mix that should be specified for 50 foot and 100 foot patches on bridge ends on rural roads that have CL2 ASPH SURF 0.38D PG64-22 currently adjacent to the bridges?
The Contractor may use CL2 ASPH SURF 0.38D PG64-22 for the 3 bridges with asphalt approaches in lieu of the specified CL2 ASPH SURF 0.38D PG76-22.
2/23/2012 9:24 AM
Is the intent of the Department to place the loop saw slot & fill for the traffic loops after the milling & texturing is completed and prior to the new asphalt surface?  If so how does this affect the special note for asphalt milling and texturing, “Begin paving operations within 48 hours of commencement of the milling operation.  Continue paving operations continuously until completed” ?
The loops can be placed prior to milling with the new notes and details. After the loops are installed, the milling can be done.
2/23/2012 10:30 AM
In response to Addendum #4, regarding the new note on Acceleration Construction, are we correct in our assumption that the contractor will be charged a maximum of one (1) B day per calendar day on the project? In other words, if a contractor has traffic restricted to two (2) lanes between 85+00 and the Ohio River, and at the same time he also has a 2-lane restriction in one of the mainline Acceleration Construction areas, will the contractor be charged one (1) B day or two (2) B days?
The contractor would be charged 1 B day.
2/23/2012 11:45 AM
A temporary signal is to be installed by the contractor for the duration of the lane closure.  Can we tap into the existing power source on the McCracken side, or should we plan on providing our own meter base?
The Department is unable to confirm if the existing power source can be used.
2/23/2012 10:42 AM
Addendum #3 updated the prevailing wages for Indiana.  What about pages 112 through164 that appear to be wage rates from the project when it was let in January?
Pages 112-164 were inadvertently included in the proposal.  Please disregard those wage rates.  Use pages 165 through 178 for Kentucky and the pages in addendum #3 for Indiana.
2/23/2012 11:09 AM
Would it be possible to get a large size of the plan sheets in the proposal?
Yes, they will be posted in the project related information on the website.
3/12/2012 9:25 AM
Sign no.5 is labeled remove and relocate behind barrier wall.  The existing sign is presently behind wall.  There is no detail of this sign size in the plans.
Sign no. 5  must be moved because the existing barrier it is behind is being removed and a new barrier wall is being constructed farther south.  See plan sheet R89.
2/23/2012 2:56 PM
On page 23 and 25 of the proposal, the removal with hydraulic impact equipment is limited around beams, girders, or other supporting structures.  Is this the intention of the Cabinet or is the intention to limit the removal with hydraulic impact equipment to not within 6” of the deck that is to remain as per usual specification for joint removal.
Concrete removal will be as specified on pages 23 and 25 of the proposal.
2/23/2012 11:47 AM
On page 78 and 85 of proposal at end bent 1, It is detailed to replace seal and install armored edge but there is no detail for the armored edge.  Is the contractor supposed to just replace seal and not install armored edge?
Replacement of the seal is required but replacement of the armored edge will not be required.
2/23/2012 11:47 AM
It is our understanding the Cabinet changed the way splices are handled concerning traffic loops and the Scotchcast #4 resin is no longer needed.  The notes included in the proposal state to use splice kits with Scotchcast #4 resin.  Is this correct?
No, the Scotchcast #4 resin is not needed.  The sentence should read as follows:  Cover butt splices with a 3M Mastic Pad or approved equal and then taped with a 3M brand #33 electrical tape.
3/15/2012 1:04 PM
It is our understanding the Cabinet changed the way splices are handled concerning traffic loops and the Scotchcast #4 resin is no longer needed.  The notes included in the proposal state to use splice kits with Scotchcast #4 resin.  Is this correct?
No, the Scotchcast #4 resin is not needed.  The sentence should read as follows:  Cover butt splices with a 3M Mastic Pad or approved equal and then taped with a 3M brand #33 electrical tape.
3/15/2012 1:04 PM
It is our understanding the Cabinet changed the way splices are handled concerning traffic loops and the Scotchcast #4 resin is no longer needed.  The notes included in the proposal state to use splice kits with Scotchcast #4 resin.  Is this correct?
No, the Scotchcast #4 resin is not needed.  The sentence should read as follows:  Cover butt splices with a 3M Mastic Pad or approved equal and then taped with a 3M brand #33 electrical tape.
3/15/2012 1:04 PM
The typical diagram shows a detail for “joint milling” utilizing a 2’ cut.  The quantities for this are lumped in along with the standard milling quantity. Can the items be separated? 
Yes.  An addendum will be posted to the website.
3/15/2012 2:09 PM
12-2142420Boone, Kenton
It is our understanding the Cabinet changed the way splices are handled concerning traffic loops and the Scotchcast #4 resin is no longer needed.  The notes included in the proposal state to use splice kits with Scotchcast #4 resin.  Is this correct?
No, the Scotchcast #4 resin is not needed.  The sentence should read as follows:  Cover butt splices with a 3M Mastic Pad or approved equal and then taped with a 3M brand #33 electrical tape.
3/15/2012 1:04 PM
The typical detail makes no mention of side road approaches. Will the intersecting roads be milled and paved back? And if so how far back in the intersections? 
Typically, an edge key will be milled to have a smooth joint on the side roads. Where possible, mill an edge across the side road about as wide as the milling machine, just to keep a smooth transition.  The distance back at intersections will be as detailed in the Incidental Surfacing section on page 11 of 73 in the proposal.
3/19/2012 12:09 PM
The bid items have 880 LF of Remove Concrete Median (Remove & Replace), Line 0040.  However, the plans have a total quantity of 294 LF.  Which is correct?
The plans are correct.  An addendum to change the quantity in the proposal will be posted to the website.
3/19/2012 12:13 PM
May the contractor use “Portable Steel Barrier w/ Redirective Impact Attenuator” in lieu of Pay Item 02005 “ Water Filled Barrier”? 
To be an “Approved Equal” the product must meet the following conditions: 1) Provide certified letter from manufacturer that the proposed installation method (anchoring the Barrier wall at each end of the Bridge deck) is approved by the manufacturer and will meet or exceed NCHRP for water filled barrier wall to include limiting deflection; and 2)Provide crash cushion at no additional cost if alternative system is used.
3/19/2012 12:07 PM
It is our understanding the Cabinet changed the way splices are handled concerning traffic loops and the Scotchcast #4 resin is no longer needed.  The notes included in the proposal state to use splice kits with Scotchcast #4 resin.  Is this correct?
No, the Scotchcast #4 resin is not needed.  The sentence should read as follows:  Cover butt splices with a 3M Mastic Pad or approved equal and then taped with a 3M brand #33 electrical tape.
3/15/2012 1:05 PM
What is the flowable fill bid item to be used for?
The flowable fill bid item is for filling concrete slope wall undermining.
3/19/2012 1:44 PM
What ramp Type is to be installed?
All ramps on the project are type 1.
3/16/2012 7:44 AM
There are 19 right-of-ways markers shown in drawings; however, they are not reflected in quantities.  Are they incidental?
The right-of-way markers will not be required with the bid.  However, they may be added once the project begins.
3/22/2012 9:54 AM
Can the Excess Purchase Property (P4) be used for Excess Roadway Excavation?
Due to the existing steep slopes of the area acquired as Excess Purchase and the risk of erosion into the adjacent stream, the KYTC will not allow this site to be used as a waste site.
4/5/2012 11:58 AM
It is our understanding the Cabinet changed the way splices are handled concerning traffic loops and the Scotchcast #4 resin is no longer needed.  The notes included in the proposal state to use splice kits with Scotchcast #4 resin.  Is this correct?
No, the Scotchcast #4 resin is not needed.  The sentence should read as follows:  Cover butt splices with a 3M Mastic Pad or approved equal and then taped with a 3M brand #33 electrical tape.
3/15/2012 1:05 PM
Where is the granular embankment going to be used?
Granular Embankment shall be placed at the toe of the fill with a 2-ft vertical thickness.  This material should be completely wrapped with Type IV Geotextile Fabric.
3/20/2012 11:03 AM
Could more time be allowed to complete the project?
Yes, the contractor will be given 60 calendar days instead of the 30 indicated in the proposal.
3/22/2012 10:07 AM
On the typical section featuring base failures it indicates 1.5 ft as the maximum width for asphalt base.....Is this accurate or should it read 3 ft?
The 1.5 ft maximum width dimension noted on the Typical Section refers to the right side shoulder wedge, not the width of the base failure repair trench.  The nominal width of the trench is 3 feet as noted in the Base failure Summary and the detail on the typical section.  The Engineer will determine the exact locations (including length and width and location within the typical section) at the time of Construction as specified in the Special Note for Base Failure Repair.  The entire trench width as excavated is to be backfilled as specified in the Special Note.
4/9/2012 8:35 AM
We anticipate that there is concrete under the existing asphalt pavement where the trenching and base failure repairs are to take place.  Is it the intent for the concrete to be trenched out?  If so, will it need to be saw cut?
The Special Note for Base Failure Repair specifies that the existing pavement, including PCC Pavement if present, is to be saw cut and removed.
4/9/2012 8:35 AM
Could a slag alternate be added to this project?
The successful bidder may propose this once the project begins.
3/22/2012 9:55 AM
Will embankment benching be required? If so, has the quantity been included in “Embankment in Place”?
Yes, benching is required in accordance with RGX-010-03.  Yes, the quantity has been included in the “Embankment in Place” quantity.
3/22/2012 1:05 PM
What will be done with the storm boxes at each end of the bridge?
Line 0091, item 02690, SAFELOADING was added to the bid form by addendum for filling existing storm boxes and storm drain pipe.
3/22/2012 1:05 PM
Should there be a Pay Item for “Remove Fence” and “Fence-Woven Wire Type 1” to remove and replace the existing R/W Fence along WK Parkway?
No, the existing R/W fence along the WK parkway shall not be disturbed.
3/22/2012 1:05 PM
Is there a specific calendar date by which the construction is to be complete?
The project shall be completed by August 14, 2012.
4/6/2012 11:53 AM
Is there an estimated square footage for the bridge?
The square footing will be posted under project related information on the cabinet’s website.  The Square Foot Figure for the structure posted is for information only and shall not be intended for bidding purposes.
4/3/2012 1:38 PM
Will the Square Footage of Structural Steel be posted?
The square footing will be posted under project related information on the cabinet’s website.  The Square Foot Figure for the structure posted is for information only and shall not be intended for bidding purposes.
3/19/2012 11:35 AM
Are the detectable warning on Pen Grove Avenue to be installed in an existing ramp?
The ramp at Pen Grove Ave should have a quantity of 6.94 SY of concrete with the detectable warnings installed in the new sidewalk.  An addendum will be posted to the website.
3/16/2012 7:45 AM
Could a location table be provided for the One Step Membrane work?
Please see the “project related information” section on the website for that information.
4/11/2012 10:39 AM
Could a more detailed location map be provided for the north end of the US41 section around the Ramps and KY 2084 intersection?  It is difficult to determine the project’s northern limits from the description.
Please see the “project related information” section on the website for that information.
4/11/2012 10:39 AM
In the “Special Notes for Aluminum Structural Plate Box Culvert Assembly & Installation”, Page 18 of the proposal, it is stated in Paragraph II. A., “The Contractor will furnish unassembled structural plates and accessories … .”  Paragraph III states “Except as specified in these notes, assemble and install the Aluminum Structural Plate Box Culvert furnished by the Department … .”.  Please confirm which entity is to furnish the relevant materials.
The contractor is to furnish the materials for the Aluminum Structural Plate Box Culvert as stated in Section II, A.  on page 18 in the proposal.
4/10/2012 8:36 AM
Will the excavation for the wing walls be included in the foundation prep?
Excavation for the wing walls will be included in the Foundation Preparation.
4/12/2012 10:52 AM
Is the entire width of the culvert to be excavated to flowline? Or do you wish to maintain as much of the existing stream as possible? If rock is to be removed from the entire culvert area, how is to be paid for? How is the existing stream to transition to the ends of the proposed wing walls? What kind of base is to be provided for this footing?
The stream disturbance should be minimized at the inlets and outlets.  Three bid items are included with the plans which will cover the installation of the 3 sided culvert, Structural Excavation-Solid Rock, Foundation Prep, and 3 Sided Culvert.  With the addendum, foundation recommendations have been included.  Three options for the footing design have been noted in the geotechnical report included in the addendum.  This provides the most flexibility to the contractor to adhere to any nuances in the manufacturer specifications.
4/11/2012 1:42 PM
Could a location table and a description for the Trenching and Backfilling  pay item be provided?
Please see the “project related information” section on the website for that information.
4/11/2012 10:40 AM
Will the areas behind the wing walls require flowable fill?  Is the quantity included in the plan quantity?
Flowable Fill will not be required behind the wingwalls.
4/12/2012 10:52 AM
Would the Cabinet consider the use of steel barrier in lieu of portable concrete barrier Type 9T on this project based on the project’s short-term schedule and based on the barrier will rest atop the bridge deck (load restrictions)?  Steel Barrier weights approximately 80 lbs per foot.
Concrete barrier wall Type 9T is required by this contract.  Steel barrier wall will not be allowed as an acceptable alternative.
4/11/2012 1:42 PM
On Page 21 of the proposal, Item J indicates the roadway is to be opened to through traffic after the asphalt base course is in place.  After the Engineer determines the backfill and base are sufficiently stable, the asphalt surface course is to be installed under traffic.  On Pages 33 and 34, it states the asphalt surface course is to be installed prior to opening the roadway to traffic. Please clarify what sequence is intended.
The paragraph J on page 21 is correct.  Surface will be placed after the Engineer determines the culvert backfill and base are sufficiently stabilized.
4/12/2012 10:52 AM
This job requires a 3-sided arch culvert. The plan sheet that is always included that addresses the arch culvert plan, profile and several notes is not included in the project drawings.  Will this sheet be furnished?
Yes, an addendum with those sheets will be posted to the website.
4/11/2012 10:41 AM
On page 81 of the proposal where the bid items are listed, it shows quantities for the micro surfacing mainline and microsurfacing shoulder.  Using the typical sections shown on pages 28 -30, the quantities are not correct.  The micro surfacing mainline should be approximately 52,075 sqy d and the micro surfacing shoulder should be approximately 37,710 sq yd.  Can an addendum be issued changing the quantities?
Yes, an addendum will be posted to the website.
4/12/2012 3:16 PM
Will the drawings or sketches of the layout be provided?
The Culvert Manufacturer will provide Plate Layout Drawings and no other drawings will be provided.
4/12/2012 10:52 AM
Which type of temporary crash cushion is required for this project – Type 6BT or Type 6CT?
Type 6CT is required.
4/11/2012 1:42 PM
On page 81 of the proposal, it lists a bid item for micro surfacing-leveling course shoulder.  Since this is a single course application shouldn’t the bid item be micro surfacing-surface course shoulder?
Yes, an addendum will be posted to the website.
4/12/2012 3:16 PM
In reference to the wrecker requirements for this project, will the contractor be responsible for the service in the area any closures are being utilized or for the entire area of the stationary signing?
The note referring to wrecker requirements was inadvertently included.  An addendum removing it will be posted to the website.
4/16/2012 8:33 AM
What is the 20 CY of CONCRETE-CLASS B to be used for?
The Class B Concrete is for anchoring of the toe wall on the upstream and downstream ends of the culvert.
4/17/2012 9:21 AM
Should there be an item for  "Trenching and Backfill"?
Yes, an addendum will be posted to the website.
4/17/2012 9:37 AM
The Notice to Contractors details this as Grade & Drain project.  The work type listed on the cover sheet of the proposal is Guardrail.  The qualifications to bid this project covers about everything except Guardrail.  If this is actually considered a Guardrail project, should I04 be added as prequalification item for this project or change the description on the proposal cover?
The correct description on the cover sheet of the proposal should be “Grade & Drain”.
4/16/2012 7:28 AM
Will the KYTC consider using concrete instead of the chip and seal items for that area where it is required?
4/16/2012 8:33 AM
The special note states that an automated joint maker and edge follower be utilized in the longitudinal joint construction. It appears this product has been discontinued.  Does the Cabinet have a recommended manufacturer for this equipment? Can the special note be removed from the proposal?
The Special Note for Longitudinal Joint Construction and Special Note for Longitudinal Joint Construction (Joint Maker/Edge Follower Technique) will not apply on this project.
4/17/2012 9:59 AM
Most (all) of the information contained in the subject project proposal is concerned with the construction of the Aluminum Structural Plate Box Culvert item.  Little (no) mention is made of the work associated with the 30” Equivalent Culvert Pipe installations.  Please address the relevant issues, including but not limited to, road closures, schedule, maintenance of traffic, etc., for this work.
The pipe installation is to be performed at any point during the road closure for the aluminum box culvert.  Also, plan quantity for the item “Culvert Pipe- 30” Equiv” should be 26 LF instead of the 52 LF in the proposal as the 30” Equivalent Pipe is set up to replace 2- 18” Pipes.  An addendum will be posted to the website.  These pipes are to be installed in accordance with Standard Specifications listed in Section 701.
4/16/2012 8:29 AM
Regarding addendum 2, since the drawing is not to scale, how long the plate is?  Is this one 10’ wide plate or can 2-5’ plates be used?  Will all joints require welding so that it is , basically, one continuous plate?
The intent is to have a solid 10’ wide plate spanning 5’ either side of the gas line.  The plates should extend  a minimum of 130’ along the length of the gas line to meet the 60’ spacing left and right of centerline.  The plates do not need to be welded.
4/17/2012 3:20 PM
Note 13 on R2N refers to sheet R11A for details on the safety fencing but I can find no such sheet.  Is it missing?
Yes, an addendum with the sheet will be posted.
4/16/2012 8:36 AM
Will the KYTC be taking possession of the message boards at the project completion?
4/16/2012 8:33 AM
Can the plates be hauled across?  Will there be a weight/size restriction on the hauling equipment?
Hauling is allowed across the gas line protection with no weight restrictions.
4/17/2012 3:20 PM
Should there be bid items for wire, fused connector kits?
No, these are being provided by Ashland Community and Technical School.
4/17/2012 1:17 PM
Is the quantity for bid item line no 0290 , pave marking thermo cross-hatch, of 13350 sq ft. correct?
No, the quantity is incorrect.  An addendum will be posted to the website.
4/18/2012 9:00 AM
On page 13 of 90, the proposal states to wash all truss steel members….  Does the limit of washing the truss members stay within the 10 ft measurement from the joint or are we supposed to wash all truss members across the entire span?
The truss members are to be washed across the entire span, not just the 10’ adjacent to a joint.
4/17/2012 10:03 AM
Should there be an item for  " Mobilization For Mill & Text"?
Yes, an addendum will be posted to the website
4/17/2012 1:22 PM
Is the 8/15/12 completion date correct?  
No, the completion date will be December 15, 2012.
4/18/2012 11:52 AM
Item 220  Detectable Warnings  – Can detectable plates be installed in existing ramps instead of bricks? 
4/18/2012 11:59 AM
The pole base detail calls for a 2x2 square footer, can the pole base be 24" diameter below grade and 2x2 square above grade?
4/17/2012 1:17 PM
Is a geotechnical report available? 
No, a geotechnical report is not available.
4/18/2012 11:52 AM
Is the Department’s intent for work to continue on weekends and holidays once work starts to avoid the liquidated damages mentioned on page 11 of the proposal?
No, cessation of work for any reason other than weather or conditions beyond the Contractor’s control (as determined by the Department) shall result in assessment of liquidated damages by the Department in the amount of $500.00 per working day that work is not performed.
4/18/2012 10:51 AM
Should there be a  Trench and Backfill bid item?
4/17/2012 1:17 PM
Please define truss members.  Does it include stringers, cross bracing, diaphragms, etc. or is it only chord, verticals and diagonals that construct the “Truss” panels? 
The truss members are only the chord, verticals, diagonals, and the connection points.  This does not include stringers, cross bracing, diaphragms, etc. except where they connect to the truss member.
4/17/2012 10:03 AM
Should there be an item for  "Trenching and Backfill"?
Yes, an addendum will be posted to the website.
4/17/2012 10:16 AM
Should there be an item for  "Trenching and Backfill"?
Yes, an addendum will be posted to the website.
4/17/2012 11:17 AM
Many of the patches listed on the spreadsheet seem to overlap.  Example is West Bound 2+30 is 23.61 feet in length and then there is a patch at 2+40.  This happens throughout the table.  Can you check these calculations and make sure they are correct?  
Yes, the spreadsheet is correct.  The patches are located by the station within a patch not the beginning of the patch.
4/17/2012 10:07 AM
Is there a traffic loop summary?
Yes, an addendum will be posted to the website.
4/17/2012 11:17 AM
The typical sections show Milling and Texturing, as directed by the Project Engineer (full length), but the quantity of milling and texturing set up on the project is 120 tons.  Could you clarify if it is the intent to mill the full length of the road or if I am misinterpreting the note on the typical?
Disregard the typical note.  The project will not be milled entirely.
4/17/2012 11:47 AM
According to a site visit and the documents provided that shows the patch location,  it appears that the original road was constructed roughly 24ft wide with one longitudinal joint in the center then sometime after approximately another 4.5 ft of pavement and curb & gutter was added to the outside of the existing. If this is correct, then it appears we will be adding some mid panel longitudinal construction joints where the center lane and either the EB or WB lanes meet.  Please confirm this is correct or provide a typical sections of the existing condition and advise if we will be construct mid panel longitudinal construction joints.
Yes, a construction joint will be created along each yellow line.  Please see the drawing in the project related information.
4/18/2012 12:48 PM
Are there are specifications on  30-ft MTG HT Pole?  Is there a bid item for an arm?
Please see the Project Related Information on the website. This type of luminaire does not have extended arms.
4/17/2012 1:17 PM
Has the thickness of the existing asphalt pavement been consider in the bid item JPC Pavement 9 In/24?
The current pavement does not have an asphalt overlay.  It has been milled off.
4/18/2012 12:48 PM
There does not seem to be a bid item for Excavation or Staking.  Will this work be performed by others?
All staking and site preparation necessary to complete the layout and execution of the project to the satisfaction of the Engineer shall be incidental to DGA Base.
4/17/2012 1:17 PM
Are there specifications on the HPS Luminaire...Wattage, Voltage, Type of Fixture?
Please see the Project Related Information on the website.
4/17/2012 1:17 PM
The existing road surface appears to have been overlaid with asphalt.  If this is true, are we to finish our JPC pavement to the surround asphalt surface?
The current pavement does not have an asphalt overlay.  It has been milled off.
4/18/2012 12:48 PM
Can CAD info be provided to the bidders for quantity takeoff purposes?
Yes, please see section 00800 in the proposal on page 137.
4/18/2012 1:44 PM
Since Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) has in the past only seemed to be used on Interstate/Parkway Projects, is it correct that it is to be used on the above referenced? 
Yes, the Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA) is correct.
4/18/2012 3:18 PM
Should a separate pay Item Detectable Warnings Retrofit Existing Ramps be created since you are only replacing 3 ramps on the entire project and the remaining you are adding detectable warnings only?
No, please bid accordingly.
4/18/2012 11:59 AM
What is the bid item line # 230 Pave Mark Thermo Cone Cap-Solid Yellow?
It is the solid yellow semi-circular shaped cap at the wide end of a cone shaped flush island.
4/18/2012 3:24 PM
Is  railroad liability insurance needed or required? 
Railroad liability insurance is not required.  The Contractor shall stay out of the railroad right-of-way.
4/19/2012 1:20 PM
Is the quantity for new ramps correct?
No, an addendum will be posted to the website.
4/18/2012 3:25 PM
For bid item line no. 0130, item 06427, the description is “Trenching”. What does the work for this item consist of?
Please see the Special Note for Trenching and the typical sections in the proposal.
4/19/2012 10:15 AM
Please identify where Line No 0140  “Joint Sealing” 12,572 LF is being used. Per page 20 of the proposal under the Special Note for Full Depth Concrete Pavement Repair paragraph 4.3 & 4.4,  the joint sealing is consider incidental.
The joint seal bid item is for the non-replacement areas of the project.
4/19/2012 9:45 AM
Sheet R41J indicates that if footings are embedded into rock 2' no  paved flowline is necessary.  However, it appears from the geotechnical notes that rock on a good portion of the eastern footing is several feet below footer elevation.  There are options to extend to bedrock below the culvert footer using granular material or mass concrete.  If one of these options is used, does one have to install the paved flowline for the width of the culvert?  If so, that means the rock (>10') on the western side will have to be excavated to allow construction of the flowline as well as much of the existing stream bank on the eastern side, and in the steam also.  Assuming that to be correct, will the rock removed be paid as Structural Excavation - Solid Rock or will it be part of Foundation Preparation?  If the granular material or mass concrete is extended to 2' below top of rock does that mean the flowline will not have to be paved?  If the flowline does not have to be paved, what about the removal of the material inside the barrel of the culvert?  Is it paid as Structural Excavation - Solid Rock or will it be part of Foundation Preparation?  Or can it be left in place?  If the footers are keyed into rock 2' (or it's allowable to extend the granular material or mass concrete 2' into rock) and the flowline paving is not required and the material inside the barrel is left, will the Department pay for removal of the rock necessary (especially on the western side) to set the 3-sided structure as it appears that more rock will have to be removed to install the structure than is necessary to construct the footers (it appears that the haunch of the structure could be partially in solid rock)? If it will be paid, will it be paid as Structure Excavation – Solid Rock or will it be part of Foundation Preparation?
Remove all material in the barrel down to the flowline elevation to obtain minimum flow area of 418 sq ft listed on sheet R41I – 3 Sided Culvert Plan.  Rock excavation would be paid for as Structure Excavation Solid Rock, and any other material excavated, should be included in the Foundation Preparation Bid Item.  At the ends of the culvert, the material excavated shall include anything within the limits of the culvert sidewalls or barrel section projected, from the flowline elevation, and may slope upward using a 2 to 1 slope, at the wings near the inlet and outlet. A paved flowline all the way between sidewalls must be used unless the footings are embedded in rock, or mass concrete embedded in rock for the full length of the barrel.  The Department will not consider paying for additional concrete and steel quantities to bring unacceptable footings up to an acceptable level.  The vendor should provide feasible foundation drawings for estimating purposes.
4/18/2012 4:12 PM
Is the intent to use  S & F Box Inlet-Outlet-24” with 18” Entrance Pipe?
No, a S&F Box Inlet-Outlet 18”, item #01450, will be required for the 18” entrance pipe.  A supplemental agreement will be necessary once a contract is in place.
4/19/2012 1:24 PM
On pages 35 to 42  the drawings show temporary double yellow striping.  Are these items to be considered incidental?  Will the removal of existing striping also be considered incidental?
Yes, temporary striping is incidental.  Removal of existing stripe, if needed, will be incidental.
4/19/2012 12:07 PM
Do the KYTC general bridge cleaning specs require the contractor to retain/vacuum wash water from the cleaning? 
The general specs for this project do not require the capture of wash water.
4/19/2012 1:20 PM
Concerning the bridge over Brittle Road (B00072), there is a joint that calls for a 4” strip seal and Armored Edge.  What type of repair is currently there as it is not shown in plans?  What is contractor responsible for performing below deck level of this location?
Currently, there is a repair at 030B00072 US 60 approach that the District has done removing a sliding plate.  The District has repaired a spall on the end of the PCI BEAM.  The contractor is to remove deck as shown in the drawing.  In addition, the contractor is to remove the extra concrete between the back wall and the PCI Beam to allow for expansion and contraction.  Resident may require the contractor to patch end of beam with Class M Concrete.  This will be paid at the unit price for Class M Concrete “full depth repair”.  Removal of old concrete shall be incidental to joint repair.
4/19/2012 2:26 PM
Will MSE Walls (designed in accordance with KYTC Standards) be allowed as an alternate to the Segmental Retaining Walls Specified in Section 323223?  The MSE walls can be furnished with a form liner finish resembling a limestone finish.
No, MSE Walls will not be approved as an equal to the Segmental Retaining Walls. Segmental Retaining Walls must meet the specifications in Section 323223.
4/26/2012 11:06 AM
Does the chipped material from the brush and tree trimming have to be removed from jobsite or can it be blown back on right-of-way?
This may be allowed at the discretion of the Engineer.  There are environmental factors that must be considered in the disposal of this material.
4/19/2012 9:05 AM
Since a SMA requirement is that traffic not be allowed on the new surface until it cools to approx 140 degrees, all side streets and there are many besides heavily  traffic streets such as Stilts Ave, Cannons Lane, and Ewing will have to be closed for at least 15 to 20 minutes even with the use of water.  Is this acceptable?
The Traffic Control plan allows work be done at night. During off peak hours, ADT will be less of an issue and traffic can possibly be either rerouted or delayed for a longer time as directed by the Engineer.
4/18/2012 3:18 PM
Are the county wage rates listed  in effect for this contract?
The prevailing wages applicable to this project are in the proposal.
4/19/2012 1:20 PM
Have the Perforated Pipe Pay Items been quantified separately for Edge Drain, Underdrains at cut/fill transitions (per Geotechnical Note 7), and Subgrade Drainage at vertical sag locations (per Geotechnical Note 8)?
Perforated pipe for Geotech Note 8) is included in the Summary quantity.  Any perforated pipe for Geotech Note 7) installed by direction of the Engineer will be field measured and paid by bid price.
4/19/2012 12:08 PM
If the contractor needs to clear and dispose of vegetation that obstructs the project tasks from being properly completed, will there be any additional compensation?
There will be no additional compensation.  This will be considered incidental to other bid items.  Contractor is responsible to visit the site before placing bid.
4/19/2012 1:20 PM
The approach pavement/wedge is incidental to work.  What are the limitations of this wedge?
The limits of approach wedge are as follows: the width shall be out to out of bridge parapets.  The length shall be to up to three feet from end of bridge or additional asphalt damaged by the contractor as determined by the Engineer.
4/19/2012 1:27 PM
On page 29 of the proposal, Pavement markings No. 2 (first paragraph ) states the engineer could require temporary tape in lieu of grabber cones.  Will the Department provide a bid quantity for this item?
No.  On page 29 of the proposal, #2, it states “the Department will not measure removable lane tape for separate payment.”  If the contractor uses tape, it will be incidental to Maintain and Control Traffic bid item.
4/19/2012 9:05 AM
If there is a conflict between KYTC specs and 21st Century Parks specifications contained in the contract document, which apply?
21st Century Parks specifications will override KYTC specifications. In many instances the 21st Century Parks specifications refer to the KYTC specifications.
4/26/2012 11:33 AM
I can’t find any typical drawings to show what size of curb and gutter for line 0070, and 0080. Can you tell me what size of curb and gutter this is calling for?
Please see standard drawing RPM-100-09 as reference on the first plan sheet for the dimensions of bid item line no. 0070.  Or see the typical on the second page of the plans.  For bid item line no. 0080, please Standard Specification 102.06 that requires bidders to examine the site of work.
4/19/2012 2:27 PM
There are 2 different deadlines and contacts mentioned in the proposal for questions to be submitted.  Which is correct?
Questions about the project during the advertisement should be submitted in writing to the Division of Construction Procurement. This may be done by fax (502) 564-7299 or email to The Department will attempt to answer all submitted questions. The Department reserves the right not to answer if the question is not pertinent or does not aid in clarifying the project intent.  No questions or inquiries will be allowed beyond 5:00 p.m. EST, May 4, 2011.
4/26/2012 11:06 AM
Sheet DB-C1.4 refers to drainage structure DB-111 as a 8’ x 2.5’ RCBC, while Sheet LT-C1.6 refers to DB-111 as a 38” x 60” RCEP, which is correct?  Also, DB-119 is referenced as a 8’ x 2.5’ RCBC on sheet DB-C1.4, and on sheet LT-C1.7 as a  38” x 60” RCEP, and then again on sheet RW-S101 a 8’ x 2.5’ Box Culvert in a completely different drainage configuration, which is correct?  In both cases if the RCBC is the choice, can these structures be pre-fabricated? 
The box structures were modified to elliptical pipe structures, reference to 38x60 RCEP is correct. This will be further clarified in an addendum.
4/26/2012 1:27 PM
The proposal (specs) refers to bridges T110 & T111, but we haven’t found any information in the plans. Are T110 & T111 included in this phase of the project?
Bridges T110 & T111 will be boardwalk bridges in Project 3A. They were not included in the Bid Set; their design will be clarified in an addendum.
4/24/2012 8:22 AM
Item 260  Detectable Warnings Retrofit Existing Ramps – Can detectable plates be installed in existing ramps instead of bricks?
4/18/2012 3:25 PM
Will you consider cement stabilization in lieu of lime stabilization?
REVISED ANSWER: Bidders shall provide bids based on the use of lime at the percentage specified.        
 The successful Bidder shall be required to field verify the percentage of lime needed to stabilize the sections of the roadway identified in the plans in accordance with Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Division of Materials Kentucky Method 64-520-08 and other associated tests.  The successful Bidder shall submit a written report prepared by a Geotechnical Testing Laboratory with a qualified staff experienced in testing and designing chemical stabilization and capable of conducting tests referenced in KM 64-520-08. The report shall be prepared under the direction of a Kentucky-licensed Professional Engineer.  The report shall clearly identify the percentage of lime required to meet the performance standards established in KM 64-520-08 as well as provide all other information needed to ensure that proper density of the chemically stabilized soils is attained.
For estimating purposes, 21st Century Parks has determined that a six (6)% lime content, based upon dry unit weight of the soil, should be sufficient to provide the proper performance results.  Based upon field verification tests provided by the successful Bidder, the lime content may be increased or decreased as required or as directed by 21st Century Parks or their authorized representative. Accordingly, it is anticipated the Contractors bid price would be increased or decreased based on final test results using the unit prices submitted as part of the bid process (Specifications Section 012200 – Unit Prices).
Appendix D of the Report of Subsurface Exploration is available as part of the geotechnical reports as outlined in Section 00800 of the Project Manual included in the bid proposal; it  has the results of laboratory classification tests on soil samples collected from the test borings.  The results of Atterberg Limits tests and grain size tests (percent finer than No. 200 sieve) suggest that lime is the appropriate chemical additive to stabilize the roadway.  However, other chemical additives, such as Portland cement (or lime kiln dust), may be considered, provided that the successful Bidder demonstrates to 21st Century Parks that the performance of an alternative chemical additive material is equal to or greater than the performance of the lime as per Kentucky Method 64-520-08 and other associated tests. In order for an alternative chemical additive to be considered by 21st Century Parks, the successful Bidder shall be required to clearly demonstrate in the laboratory as well as in the actual field applications (mock up installation of stabilized section of roadway using the alternative chemical additive at the proposed %, optimum moisture, and mixed to the proper depth)  such that the requirements as set forth in Kentucky Method 64-520-08 and Section 208 of the KY Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction are met.
5/3/2012 10:11 AM
Where are the notes for the Section 0005 ITS bid items?
Those notes were inadvertently left out of the proposal.  An addendum to add the notes will be posted to the website.
5/4/2012 11:18 AM
Is the use of stainless steel anchor bolts needed on the pole and pedestal bases?
No, stainless steel anchor bolts are not required for the pole and pedestal bases.
5/7/2012 11:01 AM
Can portion 2A and bridge F-102 be used for construction hauling and material deliveries? 
No construction hauling or heavy material deliveries will be allowed through the Project 2 area or over Bridge F-102.
5/3/2012 10:39 AM
Is there a specific technical reason why MSE walls will not be allowed for this project?
MSE will not be accepted for this project if they cannot meet the specifications in Section 323223. In addition to the technical specs, the Segmental Retaining Walls must meet the aesthetic specifications regarding pattern, module and color. Substitutions are subject to conditions outlined in Section 012500.
5/4/2012 9:50 AM
Where are the notes for the Section 0006 Intelligent Transportation Systems bid items?
Those notes were inadvertently left out of the proposal.  An addendum to add the notes will be posted to the website.
5/4/2012 10:26 AM
Does KYTC liquid asphalt price adjustment per spec. 109.07 apply to this project?
No. The project is a lump sum based on quantities per the plans.
5/4/2012 9:48 AM
On the concrete pavement for the Louisville Loop, are all contraction and expansion joints to be sealed per the spec section 321373?
Yes, all contraction and expansion joints in the concrete pavement for the Louisville Loop are to be sealed per the spec section 321373.
5/7/2012 1:40 PM
Is the primary completion date of 136 working days correct for this project?
Yes, 136 working days is correct.
5/7/2012 1:39 PM
Plan G 0.6 in addendum 1 shows plan sheets 224 and 236 as being revised by addendum #1, but those sheets are not included in the addendum.
Sheets 224 (BR-S203) and 236 (BR-S303) were omitted from Addendum #1. They will appear in a future addendum.
5/4/2012 9:48 AM
Can you clarify the locations of borrow materials and areas for the disposal of waste materials?
Borrow soil materials for the Grand Allee area will be obtained from within the Grand Allee area from the existing on-site stockpile and the borrow area as designated on the plans.
Borrow material for all other areas of the project may be import material to meet the specifications for each location.
Surplus satisfactory and unsatisfactory soil and waste material will be disposed of on-site within each project area for the Grand Allee, Trestle Point, and Tyler Schooling areas as directed by the owner.
The minor quantities of surplus satisfactory and unsatisfactory soil and waste material for the Distillery Bend and Floyds Fields areas are to be disposed of within the overall project boundaries as directed by the owner.
All surplus materials will be placed outside of floodplain limits.
5/4/2012 9:50 AM
Bridge F-104 requires MSD salvaged limestone. Is there information about this product – cost? location? who loads? who hauls? etc.
Both bridge F-103 and F-104 require irregular “IRR” salvaged limestone as part of their bank stabilization as shown on the drawings. The salvaged limestone is located in downtown Louisville at the Vogt Industrial Commons, 1000 West Ormsby Avenue. The material is free but will require loading and hauling at the cost of the contractor.
5/3/2012 10:38 AM
Is lime kiln dust an acceptable product for the chemically stabilized roadbed?
REVISED ANSWER: Bidders shall provide bids based on the use of lime at the percentage specified.
The successful Bidder shall be required to field verify the percentage of lime needed to stabilize the sections of the roadway identified in the plans in accordance with Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Division of Materials Kentucky Method 64-520-08 and other associated tests.  The successful Bidder shall submit a written report prepared by a Geotechnical Testing Laboratory with a qualified staff experienced in testing and designing chemical stabilization and capable of conducting tests referenced in KM 64-520-08. The report shall be prepared under the direction of a Kentucky-licensed Professional Engineer.  
The report shall clearly identify the percentage of lime required to meet the performance standards established in KM 64-520-08 as well as provide all other information needed to ensure that proper density of the chemically stabilized soils is attained.
For estimating purposes, 21st Century Parks has determined that a six (6)% lime content, based upon dry unit weight of the soil, should be sufficient to provide the proper performance results.  Based upon field verification tests provided by the successful Bidder, the lime content may be increased or decreased as required or as directed by 21st Century Parks or their authorized representative. Accordingly, it is anticipated the Contractors bid price would be increased or decreased based on final test results using the unit prices submitted as part of the bid process (Specifications Section 012200 – Unit Prices).
Appendix D of the Report of Subsurface Exploration is available as part of the geotechnical reports as outlined in Section 00800 of the Project Manual included in the bid proposal; it  has the results of laboratory classification tests on soil samples collected from the test borings.  The results of Atterberg Limits tests and grain size tests (percent finer than No. 200 sieve) suggest that lime is the appropriate chemical additive to stabilize the roadway.  However, other chemical additives, such as Portland cement (or lime kiln dust), may be considered, provided that the successful Bidder demonstrates to 21st Century Parks that the performance of an alternative chemical additive material is equal to or greater than the performance of the lime as per Kentucky Method 64-520-08 and other associated tests.  In order for an alternative chemical additive to be considered by 21st Century Parks, the successful Bidder shall be required to clearly demonstrate in the laboratory as well as in the actual field applications (mock up installation of stabilized section of roadway using the alternative chemical additive at the proposed %, optimum moisture, and mixed to the proper depth)  such that the requirements as set forth in Kentucky Method 64-520-08 and Section 208 of the KY Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction are met.
5/3/2012 10:28 AM
Is lime kiln dust an acceptable product for the chemically stabilized roadbed?
Bidders shall provide bids based on the use of lime at the percentage specified.
The successful Bidder shall be required to field verify the percentage of lime needed to stabilize the sections of the roadway identified in the plans in accordance with Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Division of Materials Kentucky Method 64-520-08 and other associated tests.  The successful Bidder shall submit a written report prepared by a Geotechnical Testing Laboratory with a qualified staff experienced in testing and designing chemical stabilization and capable of conducting tests referenced in KM 64-520-08. The report shall be prepared under the direction of a Kentucky-licensed Professional Engineer.  
The report shall clearly identify the percentage of lime required to meet the performance standards established in KM 64-520-08 as well as provide all other information needed to ensure that proper density of the chemically stabilized soils is attained.
For estimating purposes, 21st Century Parks has determined that a six (6)% lime content, based upon dry unit weight of the soil, should be sufficient to provide the proper performance results.  Based upon field verification tests provided by the successful Bidder, the lime content may be increased or decreased as required or as directed by 21st Century Parks or their authorized representative. Accordingly, it is anticipated the Contractors bid price would be increased or decreased based on final test results using the unit prices submitted as part of the bid process (Specifications Section 012200 – Unit Prices).
Appendix D of the Report of Subsurface Exploration (included in bid documents) has the results of laboratory classification tests on soil samples collected from the test borings.  The results of Atterberg Limits tests and grain size tests (percent finer than No. 200 sieve) suggest that lime is the appropriate chemical additive to stabilize the roadway.  However, other chemical additives, such as Portland cement (or lime kiln dust), may be considered, provided that the successful Bidder demonstrates to 21st Century Parks that the performance of an alternative chemical additive material is equal to or greater than the performance of the lime as per Kentucky Method 64-520-08 and other associated tests.  In order for an alternative chemical additive to be considered by 21st Century Parks, the successful Bidder shall be required to clearly demonstrate in the laboratory as well as in the actual field applications (mock up installation of stabilized section of roadway using the alternative chemical additive at the proposed %, optimum moisture, and mixed to the proper depth)  such that the requirements as set forth in Kentucky Method 64-520-08 and Section 208 of the KY Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction are met.
5/3/2012 10:33 AM
Will the contract time be extended if adverse weather conditions and/or flooding occurs?
Delays and Extensions are addressed in the AIA document A201, Articles 8 and 15, as included in the Project Manual.
5/3/2012 10:33 AM
Will railroad insurance or railroad flagmen be required in the vicinity of the railroad trestle?
No special railroad insurance or flagmen will be required at the trestle.
5/3/2012 10:38 AM
Segmental Retaining Wall Setback: I would recommend going with a near vertical setback vs the normal 5.1 degree setback of the blocks to A) keep as much real estate at the top of the walls as possible (otherwise we lose up to ~4' by the time the wall is built to height at the tallest sections), and B) make the job of pouring the copings at the tunnel a lot easier to do. 
Retaining walls 1, 2 & 3 shall be constructed to a near vertical condition as shown. The typical section on sheet RW S101.
5/9/2012 10:06 AM
Pre-bid meeting minutes mention limitations on access through the 2A portion of the park. What are these limitations? Are there no limitations until end of October? 
No heavy construction traffic will be allowed to access the Project 3A site through the Project 2 area, including access from Blue Heron Road and S. Beckley Station Rd. and the existing Egg Lawn Road, from the time of contract award.  Only typical vehicular traffic of cars and pickups will be allowed.  The Project 2 area will remain under the control of the Project 2A and 2B contractors until October 2012.  In October, this area of the Park will be turned over to 21st Century Parks and opened to the public.
5/3/2012 10:39 AM
Regarding the rock fences – Is the approximate quantity of 845 feet stated in the pre-bid meeting correct? The reason for asking is that some of the fences are shown but not labeled (possibly future ?). Also, some of the knuckle areas have fences, and it appears that knuckle #2 has fence but the label is not correct. 
The approximate quantity of 845 linear feet of rock fences stated in the pre-bid meeting minutes refers to the rock fences (not associated with any knuckles) in the Grand Allee area only as shown on Sheet A4-101. There is an additional 92 linear feet of rock fences associated with knuckles throughout the project for an approximate total of 937 linear feet in Project 3A. There are other rock fences that are shown on the drawings but are part of future phases.
Knuckle #2 does not have any rock fences; the dashed lines shown are culvert headwalls and are labeled correctly. Please reference civil drawings for the detail.
5/7/2012 3:57 PM
The typical section “Park Road and Louisville Loop at Trestle Point” on plan PR-C3.1 indicates stone and asphalt pavement for the Park Road. Plan PR-C1.9 seems to indicate grading & sub-grading only in this area. Which is correct? Also, what roadway is “the value added option” that does not get chemical stabilization referred to on plan PR-C3.1?
There will be no “value added optional roadway” scope of work; the roadway segment within Trestle Point is to be constructed to sub-grade only, and only to a point just past where the Louisville Loop departs away from the roadway alignment (see revised plan sheets within Addendum 1 for further clarification).
5/3/2012 10:38 AM
Specification Section 323223 1.2(A): Does this require all SRW systems covered under this specification to have a mechanical connection between the reinforcement and block facing unit?
All walls that have ground reinforcement shall be mechanically connected to the facing units.
5/9/2012 10:06 AM
Do the areas within the disturb limits get seeded? If so, what is the seeding specification?
Yes, this information is provided on the C 1.5 series drawings, SWPPP Plans, General Note #2.
5/3/2012 10:38 AM
Segmental Retaining Wall 1: Just beyond the running slope at the face of the wall we encounter a 3:1 toe slope. Normal NCMA specifications for retaining wall designs call for a minimum of 16" plus 1" per foot of wall height embedment in order to deal with global stability effectively. I've done my take offs to account for this - I would recommend that others do the same to insure the structural stability of the wall.
Each bidder is responsible for the applicable quantities to complete the project. The wall design provided must meet the minimum global stability requirements of the project.
5/9/2012 10:06 AM
Will the contract time be extended if adverse weather conditions and/or flooding occurs?
Delays and Extensions are addressed in the AIA document A201, Articles 8 and 15, as included in the Project Manual.
5/3/2012 10:27 AM
Will alternate finishes be considered for the stainless steel boardwalk handrail components?
Bidders shall bid the stainless steel finish specified (#4 Satin). In addition to the base bid, bidders may submit a voluntary deductive alternate finish for consideration.
5/8/2012 12:13 PM
Does the 81,200 LF of tree and brush removal include both sides of the right of way, or just one side?
It includes both sides. Please see the work location sheet on page 22 of the proposal.
5/8/2012 9:02 AM
On page 32 of 89, section IV line B. states that the parking lot symbols and words will be paid unit price for each however there is no unit price line item on the bid item’s. Can you please advise?
That bid item was inadvertently left off the bid items.  An addendum to add the bid item will be posted to the website.
5/9/2012 10:05 AM
Segmental Retaining Wall Slip Joints: I would recommend that these are incorporated into the final wall design to address any differential settlement that may occur at the tunnel location, as well as at any RCP locations in the wall that are greater than 24" diameter.
Slip Joints shall be provided on each side of the tunnel and as appropriate at each drainage structure.
5/9/2012 10:06 AM
Specification Section 323223 1.3(A) & (B): These sections reference "AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges" and "AASHATO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges" respectively. Since KYTC Standard Specification Section 613.03.12(2) indicates that the current edition of AASHTO design standards should be used in the design of retaining walls, should these references be more appropriately stated as, "AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications-6th Edition, 2012"?
The AAHSTO standard specifications for Highway Bridges shall be used for the MSE walls on this project.
5/9/2012 10:06 AM
Segmental Retaining Wall 1: The embedment on the 2:1 running slope seems a bit light to me. I am concerned about erosion during rain events undermining the wall along that section.
Final bottom of wall elevations may require adjustments in the field to meet the existing conditions for each wall. Bidders should adjust their quantities as needed to meet this requirement.
5/9/2012 10:06 AM
Paragraph D on page 12 of the proposal details several different types of materials that are acceptable for cribbing.  This paragraph further states other approved materials may be used.  Would the department consider the use of tongued and grooved southern yellow pine, visually graded in accordance with Southern Pine Inspection Bureau (SPIB) Grade #2 (Structural Joists & Planks) with an Extreme Fiber in Bending (Fb) of 1,200 psi and will receive preservative treatment with Osmose CCA-C to a 0.60 lb./cu. ft. retention conforming to AWPA U1-UC4B (AWPA C-14)? 
Wood material is hereby rejected for cribbing purposes. Additionally, the chain link fence fabric and geogrid materials are hereby removed as options. Paragraph D on page 12 has been revised accordingly. An Addendum will be posted to the website.
5/9/2012 12:48 PM
The bid quantity for item 0030, Guard Rail Steel W Beam S-Face is 41,812.50 L.F.  The guard rail work location sheets total 44,762.50 L.F.  Can you please explain the reason for the discrepancy?
Table 1 lists the approximate beginning and ending milepoint lengths for each guardrail string location without consideration of the pay limits for the end treatment type.  The bid quantity for line number 0030 does not include the pay limits for the type 1 end treatments since the end treatments are listed in the bid separately. The bid quantity for line number 0030 is correct; however, prior to ordering Guardrail materials, the Engineer and the Contractor shall meet on the job site to check the Guardrail end treatments locations designated against actual field conditions to determine if the locations and end treatment types are appropriate. Adjustments will be made as appropriate and final location and end treatment types will be approved by the Engineer. If considered necessary, the Engineer will consult with the Division of Design.
5/9/2012 12:48 PM
Cribbing Materials
Will used guardrail in either 12’-6” or 25’ lengths be acceptable, as long as it  is not damaged badly ?
Is discolored guardrail acceptable, as long as not rusted ?
Yes, used guardrail either 12’-6” or 25’ lengths is acceptable.  Yes, discolored guardrail is acceptable. “Like new” used guardrail material is considered as structurally sound and in generally good condition, as specified already. Used guardrail for cribbing purposes must perform like new guardrail that would be used for cribbing.  This includes a galvanized coating, uniform thickness, and straight sections so as to prevent the backfill from escaping between installed sections. Paragraph D on page 12 has been revised accordingly. An Addendum will be posted to the website.
5/9/2012 12:48 PM
Is a geotechnical report available? 
No, a geotechnical report is not available.
5/14/2012 11:29 AM
Evidently there are no permanent sign quantities for this project.
Per Note on Sheet T2 of plans: Permanent Signs to be placed by the Highway Department.
5/11/2012 12:07 PM
How do are the arrows and word stencils to be bid?
There are no words or arrows needed.
5/14/2012 9:43 AM
Please specify what is involved with finger dam repair bid item line no. 0220?
Proposal pages 58-62 will be replaced by addendum to show the required repairs.  The repairs are on the filler plates only.  The addendum will be posted to the website.
5/14/2012 2:56 PM
With regard to Bridge F-104: We find no details pertaining to “Bridge Handrail” for this structure. Is there a preferred manufacturer & model number for the metal mesh panels? There appears to be a bust in elevations pertaining to this structure, when evaluating existing grades shown in profile drawings (LT-C1.18) and those shown in structure drawings.  Has the bridge or its location changed and some drawings not revised?  Please clarify.
Details for the handrail have been added to sheets BR S202 & BR S203. The elevations for this bridge will be revised prior to beginning construction. The quantities for the bridge will be unaffected by this revision.
5/9/2012 10:06 AM
All of the sites on this project have existing rail piles that have failed and may have to be removed in order to install the new rails. Do removed rails become the property of the contractors?
The contractor may keep any material that is removed from within the project limits as is necessary to complete the project.
5/14/2012 9:41 AM
Page 14, paragraph F, states the precast vehicle stops are to be reset in accordance with Standard Drawing RPM-140-04. Is this the correct standard drawing number?
No, it should be RPM 130-03.
5/11/2012 12:07 PM
Please clarify the sign quantity GMSS GALVANIZED STEEL TYPE A.
The bid item, GMSS GALVANIZED STEEL TYPE A, was in advertently added to the bid items.  An addendum to remove the item will be posted to the website.
5/11/2012 12:09 PM
Will working days be assessed for time the contractor is waiting for various government agencies’ permit approval for off-site waste areas?
5/14/2012 11:10 AM
Considering that the first paragraph in the SPECIAL NOTE TO CONTRACTOR FOR GRAY BATS states “construction activities will occur only during daylight hours during times when the bat may be utilizing the area (31 March through 15 October)”, effectively limiting/prohibiting multiple shift work, please confirm that the primary completion date of 136 working days correct for this project?
The working days will be changed to 156 working days.
5/14/2012 11:10 AM
Regarding Special Notes for Guard Rail & Cribbing, paragraph D on page 12 of the proposal states that acceptable cribbing materials include new or like new used steel beam guard rail.  Can it be assumed that “like new” is used guard rail that is structurally sound and in generally good condition?  Can the department establish some guidelines as to what will be acceptable if used guard rail is the material chosen for cribbing?
“Like new” used guardrail material is considered as structurally sound and in generally good condition, as specified already. Used guardrail for cribbing purposes must perform like new guardrail that would be used for cribbing.  This includes a galvanized coating, uniform thickness, and straight sections so as to prevent the backfill from escaping between installed sections. Paragraph D on page 12 has been revised accordingly. An Addendum will be posted to the website.
5/9/2012 12:48 PM
Will QA for the dirt work be handled by the consultants/Project Engineer?
The project inspection will be done by the Department.
5/14/2012 11:30 AM
Will updated AutoCADD files be available to reflect addenda changes? Can the provided files be saved down to previous versions of AutoCADD?
Yes, revised AutoCADD files are available following the procedure outlined in Section 00800 of the Project Manual. AutoCADD files will also be available in Version 2004.
5/9/2012 3:58 PM
Concerning bid item line no 0010 Geogrid Reinforcement for ASPH; please specify what type of Geogrid.
The material is TENSAR 8502 Glass Grid to be installed as per manufacturer’s specifications under the new pavement full width in locations as specified by the Engineer.
5/10/2012 9:02 AM
Page 14, paragraph F, states all cost associated with the precast vehicle stops shall be incidental to the asphalt surface. There is a bit item to Remove & Reset 21 Vehicle Stops. What is the intent for this bid item?
An addendum will change the bid item to “Precast Vehicle Stop”.  These are new and will be placed at locations as directed by the Engineer.  Existing precast vehicle stop will need to be removed, stored and reset.  This work will be incidental to the asphalt surface.
5/11/2012 12:08 PM
Which type of temporary crash cushion is required for this project – Type 6BT or Type 6CT?
REVISED ANSWER: Type VI CT is the preferred crash cushion. However, Type VI BT(meeting TL3) is also acceptable.
5/14/2012 9:40 AM
Can a specification, special note, or other information be provided for the purpose and equipment specification for Item #21117ND VARIABLE MESSAGE SIGN-DYNMIC?
The bid item, VARIABLE MESSAGE SIGN-DYNMIC , is incorrect.  An addendum will be posted to the website.
5/14/2012 9:41 AM
Specification Section 323223 2.1(B): What is the reference for "nominal size aggregate no. 30"? This is not a KYTC designated size.
The granular backfill shall meet the requirements of Section 805.11 of the KYTC standard specifications. The reference to “nominal size aggregate no. 30” shall be deleted.
5/9/2012 10:06 AM
Specification Section 323223 1.3(C): This section stipulates that the SRW units for Wall 1, 2 and 3 shall be Redi-Rock or equal. Given the need for reinforced wall design as well as gravity wall design, shouldn't this section indicate the "Redi-Rock Positive Connection System" or approved equal?
The wall provided shall have ground reinforcement mechanically connected to the facing units.
5/9/2012 10:06 AM
Specification Section 323223 1.3(H): It is unclear what test procedure is required here. If it can be assumed to be ASTM D6638, Standard Test Method for Determining Connection Strength Between Geosynthetic Reinforcement and Segmental Concrete Units (Modular Concrete Blocks), then the reductions of the service state connection strength and peak connection strength are completely arbitrary and without basis in any formal design guidance or method for segmental retaining wall design. Shouldn't the better specification reference be AASHTO (2012), Section This section details the requirements for conversion of both the short-term connection test data (ASTM D6638 or FHWA NHI-10-025, Appendix B4) and the long-term connection test data (FHWA NHI-10-025, Appendix B3) for a 75-year design life connection.
The AASHTO specification is acceptable for this project.
5/9/2012 10:06 AM
Specification Section 323223 2.4(A): What "pull-out test" is referenced here? Is this another reference to ASTM D6638 or is it ASTM D6706 - Standard Test Method for Measuring Geosynthetic Pullout Resistance in Soil?
The specification section referenced above can be deleted from the project.
5/9/2012 10:06 AM
Specification Section 323223 2.4(G) 1&2: The products provided appear to be biaxial geogrids intended for pavement subgrade reinforcement. These geogrids do not have sufficient tensile strength to be used in MSE retaining wall design. If products that have completed the AASHTO NTPEP evaluation program are deemed acceptable, would the Miragrid XT products manufactured by Ten Cate Geosynthetics in Pendergrass, Georgia be a suitable alternative? Data sheets for the five (5) XT product styles required for use with the Redi-Rock Positive Connection System are attached for consideration.
The Miragrid XT products or equal are acceptable for this project.
5/9/2012 10:06 AM
Specification Section 323223 2.4(B): Can a more complete reference for this certification requirement be provided? Again, this information does not appear to be available on the KYTC website.
The Miragrid XT products or equal are acceptable for this project. Other manufactures can submit their product information for review by the engineer prior to construction.
5/9/2012 10:06 AM
With regard to Bridge F-103: Drawing BR-S101 (I know it’s “For Information Only”) indicates 73 Cubic Yards of Retaining Wall Gabion at Abutment #2, but no such work is indicated elsewhere in the drawings.
This quantity has been removed from the Estimate of Quantities on Sheet BR S101.
5/9/2012 10:06 AM
Specification Section 323223 1.3(C)2: Module width "w" for the Redi-Rock units should be 28", 41" or 60", not 23".
The wall facing units provided shall have block dimension similar to those shown on the drawings. The 28” units would be acceptable.
5/9/2012 10:06 AM
Specification Section 323223 2.3(A): What is aggregate no. 53? This does not appear to be a KYTC standard material.
The aggregate for the leveling pad shall meet the requirements of Section 302 of the KYTC Standard Specifications. The reference to aggregate no. 53 shall be deleted.
5/9/2012 10:06 AM
Specification Section 323223 2.4(F): Can the list of KYTC approved geogrids be provided? Again this information does not appear to be available on the KYTC website.
The Miragrid XT products or equal are acceptable for this project.
5/9/2012 10:06 AM
Can you please specify where bid item line no. 0230 concrete patching repair is located? Are there pictures available?
Concrete patching shall include but not be limited to the following:  The east abutments of both bridges require 7’ wide patches for the entire height of the abutment under both curbs.  The west abutment of the Left bridge requires one 7’ wide patch for the entire height of the abutment under one curb and an additional 7’x7’ patch near the top of the abutment.  No pictures are available.
5/14/2012 2:56 PM
Concerning bid item line no 0130,  Remove trees or stumps, do the stumps need to be excavated out or can they be sawed or ground out flush with the ground?
The work involved with bid item line item no 0130 shall be completed as per Standard Specification 202 which is complete removal and disposal of the tree, stump and roots.
5/14/2012 3:09 PM
Item 0260 partial depth patching, what material should be used, how is the deck prepared, how is this item measured for payment?
Material shall be Latex Modified Concrete in accordance with Section 606 of the 2008 Standard Specification, and shall be measured as outlined in 606.04.06.   The removal of existing overlay and blast cleaning shall be in accordance Section 606 of the 2008 Standard Specification, and shall be measured as outlined in 606.04.01 and 606.04.05, respectively.
5/14/2012 2:56 PM
Concerning item line no. 0020, where is this aggregate to be placed and what is the thickness?
The traffic bound base will be placed (14 feet wide and 4 inches thick) from the end of the asphalt pavement to the picnic area on the Welcome Center Road as per the proposal.
5/15/2012 3:45 PM
Will the PVC fence be removed and reset?
No work will be in the locations of the decorative white plank fence.
5/15/2012 12:49 PM
What size aggregate should be used for the traffic bound base? 
The aggregate size shall be 610 or 710.
5/15/2012 3:45 PM
What is the 1" PVC Conduit to be used for?
This item was inadvertently included in the proposal.  It will not be used.
5/17/2012 10:17 AM
On plan sheet 25A under project phasing and construction procedures, the plans call out milling the outside shoulder to remove the existing rumble strip and resurface the shoulder which will then be used as a traffic lane.  How is this paid for? 
Plan sheet R25, first paragraph, states that “all items necessary to maintain and control traffic … will be paid at the lump bid price to “Maintain and Control Traffic.  This includes additional milling and asphalt base lift.”
5/16/2012 1:43 PM
What is the bid item Roadway Excavation 10% Muck for?
This bid item is for excavated material that is unsuitable for fill material.  This bid item will only be paid in the event there is unsuitable excavated material that cannot used on the project for fill material and must be hauled off the project.
5/16/2012 1:20 PM
Please clarify the Foundation Prep item for 26530, the 3-span bridge and the Structure Excavation-Common  quantity of 1,277 CY.   This 1,277 CY is the total for both bridges, but there is no Foundation Prep item for the 1-span bridge, 26803. 
26530 has Structure Excavation Common at the piers and the foundation preparation covers all other excavation at integral end bents and elsewhere as stated in the Foundation Preparation note on sheet S2
Drawing Number 26803 has quantities set up for all common excavation required at the location of this structure.  See the excavation note with the box around it on sheet S3.
5/15/2012 1:22 PM
Is the "Cable NO. #14/3 C" correct? If so where is it run to?
The #14/3 C cable is correct and runs to the Advanced Warning Flasher.
5/17/2012 10:18 AM
12-2813328Livingston, Lyon, McCracken, Marshall
Is the mileage on the row mowing a total or just for one side?  Also, is the total acreage converted to miles or is there a total of ROW mileage and the additional acreage?
The mileage indicated on the “Work Location Sheet” is the lane miles for each designated route. The mowing acreage is the total acres to be mowed on each side of the route and median if the route is a divided roadway.
5/15/2012 3:45 PM
There is no bid item for staking.  Is the staking the responsibility of the contractor?  Who is responsible?
Please see note 11, “Contractor is required to furnish all staking required for completion of the job from the horizontal and vertical controls established by the engineer”, and note 22, “Any work shown on the plans, without specific pay item shall be considered incidental to the project and the cost of such work shall be included in the cost of mobilization” on sheet 2 of the plans.  An addendum adding the bid item, mobilization, will posted to the website.
5/15/2012 9:06 AM
12-2813327Calloway, McCracken, Marshall
Where and how does one get their flaggers certified?
For information concerning certification classes you may contact the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) at or call 877-642-4637. The Kentucky Transportation Center in the College of Engineering at the University of Kentucky conducts classes as well. Contact Martha Horseman at 859-257-4513, and for more information contact Rob Hecker in the Division of Construction of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet at 502-564-4780.
5/15/2012 3:34 PM
Proposal states that there are 30 calendar days for Structure 003B00007L, and another 30 calendar days for 033B00007R.  Is it acceptable to complete both Asphaltic Plug Joint Items at end of project to allow for a single mobilization to complete this work?
Yes, but no additional payment will be made for lane closures due to remobilization for asphalt plug joints.
5/16/2012 9:11 AM
Can a pay item be added for the temporary crash cushion type VI-CT required along with a pay item to relocate the crash cushion? 
No, the bid item will not be added.  Any relocation work should be included with the unit bid, Crash Cushion TY VI Class CT.
5/16/2012 1:43 PM
The typical Section indicates MP 0 to 4.  Are you expecting the typical to match throughout the entire project or just at location outlined in the worksheets?
The typical section will just be applicable to locations shown on the worksheets.
5/15/2012 12:49 PM
Are box beam stiffening assemblies required for any of the temporary concrete barrier?
No, box beam stiffening will not be required.
5/17/2012 10:23 AM
Are there Mile Post locations for the Remove and Reset Fence and the Temporary Fence bid items?
A mile point list is not available but the areas to be removed and reset will be areas where there is proposed embankment and existing fence.  This will be removed and reset at the discretion of the Engineer.
5/15/2012 12:49 PM
Are the milepoints correct for KY 744?
No, the correct milepoints are 15.5-15.65.
5/16/2012 3:15 PM
Is hydrodemolition an acceptable option to item 0200 blast cleaning?
5/14/2012 2:56 PM
Are quantities for bid proposal items 0850 and 0860 (class A concrete and steel reinforcement) also included in bid proposal items 1080 and 1090?
Yes.  An addendum to correct the quantities will be posted to the website.
5/15/2012 1:31 PM
Is there a breakdown of quantities for the Masonry Coating item available?
No, an itemized list is not available.  The masonry coating will be used on the culvert headwalls.
5/16/2012 3:16 PM
Will Clearing and Grubbing be required from ROW to ROW?  Or, is Clearing and Grubbing only limited to the areas of disturbance? 
The quantity for Clearing and Grubbing is from right-of-way line to right-of-way.  Any adjustments would have to be approved by the Engineer.
5/17/2012 1:21 PM
The General Notes in the plans reference the need for variable message boards and portable flashing arrows.  Can a bid item be established for those items or are they incidental or even required?
The bid items will not be added before the bid.  If necessary during construction, the Department will provide or a supplemental agreement will be done.
5/17/2012 1:19 PM
The bid items list 5 EA Modified Junction Boxes, however, the proposal page  30 lists 9 EA.  Which is correct?
Proposal page 30 is correct.  A supplemental agreement will be necessary during construction.
5/17/2012 10:19 AM
The Loop Summary mentions "remove and reset junction boxes", 6 each...there is no bid item.
Line Item 0270 Remove and Reinstall Junction Box in the proposal is to be used.
5/17/2012 10:17 AM
How many loops at each location?
There will be one loop in each through lane just before the Advanced Warning Flasher.
5/17/2012 10:18 AM
The bid items only call for 17 CY of Concrete Class A and 2,010 LBS of Steel Reinforcement.  However, on proposal pages 33 and 39 it shows 16.634 CY and 16.805 CY of Class A respectively for the two culvert extensions as well as approx. 2,000 lbs of steel for each culvert extension.  Which is correct?
Proposal pages 33 and 39 are correct.  A supplemental agreement will be necessary during construction.
5/17/2012 10:19 AM
The footage relationship between "Loop Saw Slot and Fill" and "Loop Wire" appears to be incorrect.
The quantities are correct.
5/17/2012 10:18 AM
Will there be Approach Pavement work done on this Project?  If so, what are the limits of the approach pavement?  Since placing the approach will be done with AWM and paid per ton, how will the removal/prep be paid?
The AWM shall extend approximately 50’ past each end of both bridges as shown on sheet 53/114.  This work is to be performed monolithically with the AWM paving operation on the bridge.   The quantity of AWM in item #21138ED “ASPHALT WATERPROOFING MIX” in the bid form accounts for this additional work.  Milling and edge keys required at each bridge end shall be incidental to this bid item.  If “blockouts” are used to ease the removal of AWM for the asphalt plug joint, they should not exceed ½” in thickness or 18” in width.  Paving operation must be continuous over the “blockouts” and edges for the asphalt plug joint must be sawcut in accordance with chosen manufacturer’s specifications.
5/17/2012 2:41 PM
Does replacement go from gutter to gutter or plinth to plinth?  If from plinth to plinth, how will this be measured/paid?
Limits of removal are curb to curb to the widths and depths shown on page 22 of 61 in the proposal.  Joint seal shall extend through the entire curb and will not be measured for payment.  No concrete is to be removed on sidewalks, curbs, or plinths.  Bridge 122 consists of both end joints being replaced.  Bridge 123 consists of only the westernmost end joint being replaced.
5/17/2012 1:59 PM
Can a bid item be established for Traffic Bound Base for the purpose of maintenance stone for private entrances and construction entrances? 
The bid items will not be added before the bid.  If necessary during construction, the Department will provide or a supplemental agreement will be done.
5/17/2012 2:51 PM
Please verify the sheet sign quantities to be used with the 1104 lf. of type 1 post.
The SBM Alum Sheet Signs 0.08 IN were left out of the proposal.  A supplemental agreement will be executed during construction.
5/17/2012 2:40 PM
The erosion control plan seems to be a normal KYTC plan. What are the special conditions of the erosion control plan?
Enhanced BMPs at Outfalls #8A, #8B, #8C, #8D, #17, #18, and #19.
5/30/2012 9:36 AM
Sheet R2i mentions Indiana Bat and to see the proposal for more information.  Where in the proposal can more information be found?
Contrary to sheet R2i, the proposal does not provide further Indiana Bat information.  The Department has gotten authorization for clearing within the project plan limits.  However,  the contractor should be aware that if they remove any additional trees outside of the existing project plan limits, the contractor will be responsible for coordinating that effort with the USFWS.
5/17/2012 2:50 PM
Note T-3 also states “All work performed under this certification shall also adhere to the design and specifications set forth  in the Gladie Basin Supplemental Information …” Where is this information? What are the requirements that apply to the contractor that are within these documents?
An addendum including this information will be posted to the website.
5/30/2012 9:36 AM
Are there other specific conditions of the Water Quality Certification that restrict the contractor?
The specific conditions are listed in the Water Quality Certification included in the proposal.
5/30/2012 9:36 AM
Will working days be charged while the utility relocation is underway? 
Yes, working days would be charged until the utility relocation conflicts with the controlling item.
5/17/2012 1:21 PM
Note T-5 states “No in-stream work or disturbance shall be conducted or in place within the Mariba Fork of Gladie Creek watershed … during fish spawning season (APRIL 15th through JUNE 15th).” Can KYTC clearly identify what portions of the project this restricts?
Please see condition No. T-2 on page 48 of the proposal.  This lists the portions of the project that are restricted from April 15th - June 15th.
5/30/2012 9:36 AM
Is there any Geotechnical Information for this project?
No, a geotechnical investigation was not performed for this project.
6/1/2012 3:13 PM
The Water Quality Certification has conditions on pages 47-50 of the proposal. Many of these appear to either be informational or the responsibility of KYTC.   Note T-3 states “All work performed under this certification shall adhere to the design and specifications set forth in the Water Quality Certification Application submitted to the KDOW on January 11, 2012.” Where is this information? 
The information is on proposal pages 39-44.
5/30/2012 9:36 AM
Will Geotechnical notes #9 and #11 be followed as written?  If so, can a bid item be established for Geotextile Type III? 
The bid items will not be added before the bid.  If necessary during construction, the Department will provide or a supplemental agreement will be done.
5/17/2012 2:51 PM
There is 111 lf of 30” storm to bore and jack at Sta 200+98 on Ring Road (plan sheet R179).  Should there be a bid item for this?
Yes.  An addendum will be posted to the website.
6/7/2012 1:46 PM
Who will be providing the foundation and wing wall drawings?
The contractor is responsible as per sheet R8.
6/7/2012 1:45 PM
Concerning bid item line no. 0590, Steel Strain Pole, is this an electrical signal bid item?
Please see plan sheet R15 and signing plan sheet T20 for details of bid item line no. 0590, Steel Strain Pole.
6/6/2012 9:32 AM
Page 22 of the proposal: “Special Note Concerning Biological Assessment and Begin work on Project” states “KYTC has committed to hold the award until November 15, 2012.” If tree cutting is allowed on November 15, 2012, can the note be changed to award the job earlier so that preconstruction activities and erosion control work can be completed prior to the November 15, 2012 tree cutting date?
Yes, an addendum revising the date in the note will be posted to the website.
5/30/2012 9:36 AM
What are the special conditions of the KPDES permit application that apply to the contractor?
An addendum including this information will be posted to the website.
5/30/2012 9:36 AM
Concerning item 24133EC "Install Wireless Sensor System". Being that this is a relatively new item, could you provide detail for installation procedure as well as manufacturer and model of this item?
The installation procedure is the responsibility of the contractor per the bid item. The manufacturer of the KYTC-supplied material is SENSYS. The Product help can be from the manufacturer or ( Baldwin and Sours phone: 614-851-8800 ).
6/7/2012 1:47 PM
TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN - PHASE 1, SHEET R58, KY 1747 Lane Closures are only permitted between the hours of 9 pm to 6 am. It is noted that a disincentive amount of $100,000 per hour shall be assessed in quarter hour intervals for any time after the 6 am that all lanes are not open to traffic. The amount of the disincentive is substantial.  Is this dollar amount correct?
The disincentive amount will be revised.  An addendum will be posted to the website.
6/8/2012 11:07 AM
In the Material, Installation, and Bid Item Notes for Permanent Traffic Data Acquisition Stations portion of the proposal;  section 2.15.3, 3.11 and 4.8 refer to Junction Box 10x8x4. Where are these Junction boxes used? 
The junction boxes 10”X8”X4” will not be used on the project.  There is not a bid item for this.
6/11/2012 2:09 PM
Are all service drops limited to 35 Ft Wooden Pole the service & control cabinet is on? (Meaning- there is no long runs and or extension to bring power feeders to this 35 Ft Wooden Pole?)
All drops are straight to the pole that the service is on.
6/11/2012 11:30 AM
The specifications call for 2” Air Release Valves and the detail shows 4”. Please confirm the size.
The plans call for the installation of (2) - 2-inch Air Release Valves and that is the correct size.
6/11/2012 2:22 PM
With having to clear for utilities drops as stated in proposal, would this call for a bid item, “CLEAR & GRUBBING”?
No, clearing of R/W for the electrical service drop is incidental to the item “Install Electrical Service.”
6/11/2012 11:30 AM
On page 5 of 304 Proposal, it says “ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT 00”.  What District be handling administration for this project?
Katy Renfroe in District 5 will be overseeing the contract.
6/11/2012 11:30 AM
These questions are for Line 0140 Item 04899 Electrical Service 20 each and Line 0150 04901 Telephone Service 20 each. In the Material, Installation, and Bid Item Notes for Permanent Traffic Data Acquisition Stations portion of the proposal; section 3.5 Electrical Service paragraph 3 it indicates that “Contractor shall obtain electrical inspections, memberships, meter base, service disconnect and any other requirements by the utility serving the installation and pay all fees as required.” section 4.3 Electrical Service indicates that “Electrical Service shall include furnishing and installing all necessary materials and payment of all fees toward the complete installation of an electrical service which has passed all required inspections.” section 4.16 Telephone Service indicates that “Telephone Services shall include furnishing and installing all necessary materials and payment of all fees toward the complete installation of a telephone service, which has passed all required inspections.” Are the charges from the individual utility companies for their portions of work billed to and paid for by the state or are these charges included under the umbrella of “fees” as mentioned in the above paragraph? If these charges are included as “fees” does the state have a listing of the individual utilities and contacts for each of the locations so that contractors can contact them for the cost of their services?
As stated in the question, the contractor is required to cover “payment of all fees toward the complete installation of an electrical service.” This would include any charges from the individual utility companies.  Other than what’s included in the Utility Impact notes in the proposal, this office does not have a listing of the utilities and contacts for each location.
6/11/2012 11:30 AM
After reviewing all soil classifications, it seems cement stabilization would be appropriate for this project.  Would KYTC consider cement stabilization?
Yes, cement stabilization will be required instead of lime stabilization.  An addendum will be posted to the website.
6/12/2012 9:02 AM
Typically, when there are 35Ft-Wooden Poles as a Bid Unit, there is always a call for “ANCHOR GUYS” or “ANCHORS”. Would this bid item be added?
On page 43, the proposal states, “Incidental to this item shall be furnishing and installing guy wire, anchor and anchor rod, strand vise, and guy guard, if specified.” Some site layouts show an anchor and guy wire and state, “install…anchor, guy wire, and guy guard.” Therefore, no individual bid item will be used for “Anchor.”
6/11/2012 11:30 AM
What is the depth of the proposed water main? What is the depth of each of the jack & bore crossings?
The proposed 36-inch water main shall be installed with a minimum 42-inch cover below existing and proposed grade.  A minimum 18-inch separation shall be maintained at all locations of sewer, drainage, gas, electric and all other utility conflicts while maintaining the 42-inch cover.  Conflicts will require a depth of cover greater than 42-inches.  The bore and jack crossings shall be installed at a minimum 42-inch cover including the adjacent ditch lines.
6/11/2012 2:22 PM
Section 3.9 and 4.6 refer to Install Pad Mount Enclosure but the Figure sheets do not show pad mounted enclosures. If these are used, where are they being used?
The pad mounted enclosures will not be used on the project.  There is not a bid item for this.
6/11/2012 2:10 PM
Are there any LIQUIDATED DAMAGES on this project?
Yes. Please see Standard Specification 108.09.
6/11/2012 11:30 AM
Concerning Items: Signs, Arrow Panel, Portable CMS & Truck Mounted Attenuator, the quantities for these items appear to be set up for working one location at a time. Will the quantities be increased if the contractor feels it is necessary to work multiple locations at the same time in order to meet the completion date?
Yes, provided that the Contractor shows due diligence in their efforts and the Engineer is in agreement that multiple locations be worked in order to meet the completion date, quantities may be increased to cover the cost of Traffic Control items at the additional sites.
6/11/2012 11:30 AM
Please clarify the identity of the “system provider” and “system supplier” mentioned beginning on page 158 (ITS–19). Specifically, is the Electrical/Signal contractor or the adaptive traffic signal system provider responsible for the adaptive micro-simulation and before-and-after study?
This item is bid as a single bid item for each intersection that includes all elements stated in the proposal for that intersection. It is not our decision of how any element in the single bid item is provided.  The proposal does require that the evaluations and the simulations shall be performed by a prequalified firm according to KYTC.
6/12/2012 9:47 AM
Will LWC be furnishing the pre-stressed concrete transition fittings for connection to existing concrete water mains?
The contractor shall procure all of their own materials.  All materials shall be approved by the Louisville Water Company prior to the placement of any material order.
6/11/2012 2:22 PM
The SPECIAL NOTES FOR UTILITY CLEARANCE indicates that Level 3 will be relocating buried facilities from the edge of the paved shoulder of SB Hurstbourne Pwy and placed under the proposed sidewalk. This work is scheduled to be completed on or before August 20, 2012. This work is in Phase 1 of the project and will impact the work schedule of the roadway widening and relocation of the 36" LWC line. What is the detailed schedule for this relocation work and when can work be completed above the existing facilities and adjacent to the proposed facilities? Will the proposed relocated facilities be completed prior to earthwork operations? If the relocation is not completed prior to the earthwork operations will the widening of the roadway be permitted over the existing buried facilities?
The 36" waterline relocation is on the same side as the Level 3 relocation and work on these two utilities can be done simultaneously. Level 3 construction will be slated in the first part of July and be completed by August 10 with all splicing and testing to be completed by August 20, 2012.
Until the new Level 3 facilities are placed, earthwork and any other work should not be completed that could interfere with their old facilities.
The existing system has to remain operational until the relocation work is complete.
While work is on-going for the utility relocation on SB KY 1747, the contractor can work on NB KY 1747, ramps on the NB side, and Bluegrass Parkway.
6/11/2012 2:25 PM
Can the contractor use Life Rings attached to life lines in lieu of a skiff due to no boat ramp, low summer water levels, and the fact that the stream is not monitored regularly by the Coast Guard, and low height from deck to water level? Also the lack of Navigation Lights on the structure indicates this may not be a navigable waterway.
No, the contractor cannot use Life Rings attached to live lines in lieu of a skiff. "If the danger of drowning exists", this statement and this alone determines if a skiff is needed in the waterway.  See project related information for OSHA interpretation.
6/12/2012 9:07 AM
Will the agency please provide photos of the inside of each traffic cabinet? This will assist with specifying the right components based on cabinet size and space available.
It is a standard 332 cabinet so the Department will not be providing any photos.
6/12/2012 10:31 AM
On pg. 159 (ITS-20), it is stated that “The initial evaluation should include micro-simulation (VISSIM) of the selected system. The micro-simulation should utilize a “hardware-in-the-loop” or similar system.” Does the micro-simulation specified in the RFP include construction of the original VISSIM file in addition to running the simulation and measuring the results?
6/12/2012 9:47 AM
Which intersections are equipped with pedestrian call buttons?
Please see the signal plans.  KY 1747 (Hurstbourne Parkway) & Bluegrass parkway/I-64 EB Off-Ramp (see sheet T39).  KY 1747 (Hurstbourne Parkway) & I-64 WB Ramp (see sheet T41).  KY 1747 (Hurstbourne Parkway) & Caritas Way (see sheet T42).  KY 1747 (Hurstbourne Parkway) & Linn Station Road(see sheet T43)
6/12/2012 10:31 AM
What amount of funding is designated for the adaptive portion of this project?
The information is not available.
6/12/2012 10:31 AM
Are there any geotechnical reports/soundings for this project? If so, how may bidders obtain them?
No geotech work was done for this project.  Subsurface Utility Exploration/Engineering Quality Level “A” was performed and the results are on Sheets R 2I and R 2J.
6/11/2012 2:24 PM
On pg. 161 (ITS-22), it is stated that “The system shall be compatible with the existing local controller hardware/firmware and the KYTC’s TransPHAT system along with Louisville Jefferson County Metro Government’s Advanced Traffic Management System (CENTRACS). The reconstructed traffic signals will continue to operate with TransPHAT and it is envisioned that this group of signals will eventually be under CENTRACS control and monitoring.” Do the intersections have separate system detectors aside from vehicle detectors so that the CENTRACS system can operate side-by-side and still be able to monitor all operations?
6/12/2012 9:47 AM
Is the agency open to seeing two different product options from the adaptive system provider? If so, how should these two options be presented?
No, The adaptive system should be a system that runs exclusively off our provided detection in the signal plans.
6/12/2012 10:31 AM
In light of the issue concerning Electrical and Telephone "fees", would the Department consider letting this project at a later date to allow sufficient time to investigate and consult with the individual utility companies involved?
No, the project has been advertised for 2+ weeks now and will remain in the June 15th letting.
6/12/2012 9:52 AM
There is a single line item on the bid form (p. 231) for “Adaptive Signal System: Qty: 5.” Please confirm that this unit and combined cost should encompass not only the adaptive system hardware and software, but also deployment services, installation, a third-party micro-simulation and a third-party before-and-after study.
6/12/2012 10:31 AM
At which of the five intersections (if any) is Jefferson County currently using or planning to use in the next 12 months emergency vehicle preemption (EVP), transit system priority (TSP), or any other form of preemption or signal priority?
6/12/2012 9:47 AM
One pg. 164 (ITS – 25), there is a list of documentation deliverables with a request for five hard copies and one electronic copy each. There is also a requirement to provide a comprehensive training plan.  Are these deliverables due by June 15, 2012 (bid letting date) or are these due at a later point in time after contractor selection?
These are due at a later point in time after contractor selection.
6/12/2012 10:31 AM
Please clarify the identity of the “system provider” and “system supplier” mentioned beginning on page 158 (ITS–19). Specifically, is the prime contractor or the adaptive traffic signal system provider responsible for the adaptive micro-simulation and before-and-after study?
This item is bid as a single bid item for each intersection that includes all elements stated in the proposal for that intersection.   It is not our decision of how any element in the single bid item is provided.  The proposal does require that the evaluations and the simulations shall be performed by a prequalified firm according to KYTC.
6/12/2012 10:31 AM
At which of the five intersections, if any, is Jefferson County currently using or planning to use in the next 12 months emergency vehicle preemption (EVP), transit system priority (TSP), or any other form of preemption or signal priority?
6/12/2012 10:31 AM
For adaptive system performance, it is necessary that at least one wireless in-ground sensor is placed in each lane. Please confirm that this will occur before adaptive system implementation.
All detection will be provided in the signal plans for each lane. The proposal specifies when adaptive system should be installed.
6/12/2012 10:31 AM
Is there sufficient capacity in the conduit between the cabinet to the signals for installation of power and Ethernet cabling to provide for one detection camera per approach?
There should not be any cameras installed because we are using our own detection.  If needed, all intersection will be rebuilt and everything shall be new.
6/12/2012 10:31 AM
What are the payment terms?
See Section 109 in the Kentucky Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction
6/12/2012 2:38 PM
Pay Item 0090 02900 Install Temporary Crash Cushion, is not found in the specification book.  Going by current specification categorization, shall the contractor use a Type VI BT or Type VI CT?
Crash Cushion Type VI CT is preferred, however, Type VI BT is also acceptable as long as it meets TL3 requirements.
6/12/2012 11:55 AM
Pay Items 0340 & 0090 (02900) Install Temporary Crash Cushion, is not found in the specification book.  Going by current specification categorization shall the contractor use a Type VI BT or Type VI CT?
Crash Cushion Type VI CT is preferred, however Type VI BT (must meet TL3) is also acceptable.
6/12/2012 12:59 PM
On pg. 159 (ITS-20), it is stated that “The initial evaluation should include micro-simulation (VISSIM) of the selected system. The micro-simulation should utilize a “hardware-in-the-loop” or similar system.” Does the micro-simulation specified in the RFP include construction of the original VISSIM file in addition to running the simulation and measuring the results?
6/12/2012 10:31 AM
In how many instances will there be a cable run greater than 320 feet between the traffic cabinet and a camera at that same intersection?
There should not be any cameras installed because we are using our own detection.  If needed, all intersection will be rebuilt and everything shall be new.
6/12/2012 10:31 AM
Please describe the criteria that will be evaluated during the Final Acceptance Test of the adaptive traffic control system.
The Final System Acceptance Test for this project will verify that all of the functionality of the Adaptive Traffic Control System meet the requirements as  specified in the bid document (both hardware and software) and the system is successfully operating and working properly and as envisioned.
6/12/2012 2:38 PM
On pg. 161 (ITS-22), it is stated that “The system shall be compatible with the existing local controller hardware/firmware and the KYTC’s TransPHAT system along with Louisville Jefferson County Metro Government’s Advanced Traffic Management System (CENTRACS). The reconstructed traffic signals will continue to operate with TransPHAT and it is envisioned that this group of signals will eventually be under CENTRACS control and monitoring.” Do the intersections have separate system detectors aside from vehicle detectors so that the CENTRACS system can operate side-by-side and still be able to monitor all operations?
6/12/2012 10:31 AM
Is there any way the Department would be able to set up an allowance in the bid form to handle the fees for power and telephone services for this project?
No, the Department will not be able to do that.  However, the requirement for the telephone service has been removed and will not be required.  An addendum will be posted to the website.
6/12/2012 2:48 PM
The proposal states that “The system shall provide capability for the operator to establish a manual override function for signal changes or to revert to programmed time-of-day and day-of-week schedules programmed into the local controller.” It also states, “The system should have the ability to run a fixed time of day pattern if necessary.”  InSync works by placing detector calls into the controller which is in free mode. The controller recognizes InSync as a detection system. InSync only submits detector calls for up to one pair of concurrently permissible phases. In this way, the controller does exactly what InSync wants it to do. In order for the controller to run its programmed timing plans, it of course must stop running in free mode. The way to remotely command the controller to stop running in free mode and start running its coordination plans is by associating such a command with a configurable 24V pin. What this means is when that 24V pin is actuated, the controller ceases running free and instead runs its programmed plans. Does the existing firmware allow a command like this to be associated with a 24V input/output pin? is there at least one free pin available for this function?
6/12/2012 10:31 AM
There is some landscaping along some of the store fronts (ie; Olive Garden, Keller Williams, etc.) that is sure to be damaged by the waterline installation.  It may very well be damaged by other trades as well.  Where should the replacement of this landscaping be figured?  For instance, should that be figured in with the waterline installation or with other portions of this project?
Replacement of landscaping is part of the ROW phase. The Department pays the owner for landscaping within the construction zone so they can replace it after we are done.
6/13/2012 9:04 AM
The proposal states that “The system shall provide capability for the operator to establish a manual override function for signal changes or to revert to programmed time-of-day and day-of-week schedules programmed into the local controller.” It also states, “The system should have the ability to run a fixed time of day pattern if necessary.”  InSync works by placing detector calls into the controller which is in free mode. The controller recognizes InSync as a detection system. InSync only submits detector calls for up to one pair of concurrently permissible phases. In this way, the controller does exactly what InSync wants it to do. In order for the controller to run its programmed timing plans, it of course must stop running in free mode. The way to remotely command the controller to stop running in free mode and start running its coordination plans is by associating such a command with a configurable 24V pin. What this means is when that 24V pin is actuated, the controller ceases running free and instead runs its programmed plans. is there at least one free pin available for this function?
6/12/2012 10:31 AM
Does the State supply the Controller Cabinets for Line 0200 Install Controller Cabinet?
No, the contractor must supply the controller cabinet.  Please see page 42 of the proposal.
6/14/2012 12:22 PM
Would it be possible to use the State Certified material,  Crafco Poly-Fiber Type 3 for this project?
Yes, that would be acceptable.
6/12/2012 11:20 AM
Where the 4’ outside shoulder edge key is placed, what is to be done at entrances, and side roads with respect to both the edgs key and asphalt paving?
Edge keys and paving for private entrances will be to the back of the 10 foot shoulder.  Edge keys and paving for State and County roads will be to the back of the radius.
6/14/2012 12:32 PM
The above referenced bid is out for an Adaptive control system to be installed at 5 new controllers along Hurstbourne Pkwy. The specification requires us to use the 170E controller with WAPITI software. Econolite has an Adaptive module for Centracs that interfaces directly with an ASC3 (NEMA, 2070 or rackmount) controller. The Adaptive module does not interface with WAPITI.  Would the Department consider a proposal from PMI and Econolite that would replace the 170 controllers with an ASC3 Rackmount  controller or 2070 with ASC3 Software with full adaptive capabilities?
6/14/2012 2:27 PM
Please confirm quantity for Bid Item Line No. 0120 for Eliminate Transverse Joint.
The quantity is incorrect for Eliminate Transverse Joint.  An addendum correcting this will be posted to the website.
6/13/2012 2:33 PM
Can a low water crossing be constructed in the east fork of Indian Creek at the bridge site to transport excavation and move equipment east and west?
6/14/2012 2:59 PM
Please consider extending completion date.  Bearing delivery is quoted 12 to 16 weeks.  Since this is the only item on the job it will be hard to meet the schedule.
Contrary to the bid proposal, the completion date will be November 15, 2012.
6/14/2012 1:12 PM
Under what bid item will "Maintain Lighting" be paid for? Bid note on plan sheet T44 refers to this but there is no line item for payment.
There will not be a “Maintain Lighting” bid item. Maintaining the lighting will be incidental to the bid item “Remove Lighting”.
6/14/2012 2:58 PM
How will the expansion joint replacement for piers 1 and 5 be paid (see p. 54 and p. 60)?
An addendum adding the bid item will be posted to the website.
6/13/2012 1:58 PM
On page 63 in the proposal, the plan dimensions and typical section dimensions do not seem to match.  Which are correct?
An addendum with a corrected page will be posted to the website.
6/13/2012 1:58 PM
The above referenced projects both include language relating to the cleanup of milled debris from the milling of centerline and shoulder rumble strips as follows:  “Clean rumble strip and roadway grease, oil, mud, dust, dirt, grass, loose gravel, millings, or other deleterious material upon completion of the milling operation.  Use only Engineer approved cleaning methods.”  Does the Department want the material swept up off of the roadway surface by use of a pickup type broom, loaded, and hauled to an offsite disposal area or can the material  be wasted to the side of the road by use of a sweep to side type broom?
Revised Answer:
The material shall be swept up off of the roadway surface, loaded, and hauled to an offsite disposal area.
6/28/2012 12:16 PM
Please clarify the intent and purpose for  bid item “Excavation Unclassified” in the water line section. Is this for rock?
This item includes all excavation work performed that relates to the waterline relocation work.  This includes payment for all materials excavated, including (and not limited) to soil and rock.  The quantity for this item includes all sending and receiving pits (for boring and jacking), for all trenchwork and for all other earthwork necessary as part of the waterline installation.
6/14/2012 2:27 PM
Specification allows for fuel adjustment for Embankment In Place. There is not an item established in the bid proposal for fuel adjustment. Will an item be added or will a change order be prepared for fuel adjustment?
Standard Specification 109.07 will apply.  The adjustment bid items will be included by supplemental agreement, if necessary.
6/14/2012 3:01 PM
The 42" storm pipe at sta 147+91 on the pipe sheet pg R-163 shows flowable fill 12'rt to 36' rt this is in the new construction area.  Shouldn't the flowable fill be in the limits of the existing pavement?
Yes.  The flowable fill limits were denoted where the pipe is within 1 pipe diameter of the subgrade.  In addition to these areas, pipe backfill shall be in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.
6/14/2012 12:20 PM
How many feet of the rumble strip retrofits are in concrete? 
Although it is possible that a small quantity of locations may be in concrete, the Department does not believe there are.  However, it is up to the bidder to verify field conditions.  It is expected that rumbles be installed regardless of the surface material type and that no adjustments will be made for locations based on the type of material that the rumbles are to be milled.
7/3/2012 1:47 PM
There are two bid items for Demobilization. Is this correct?
No, an addendum removing one will be posted to the website.
6/26/2012 9:13 AM
On proposal page 23, last sentence; please verify the contractor retains possession of the arrow panels.
Yes, the contractor shall retain possession of the arrow panels upon completion of the construction.
6/28/2012 10:27 AM
The excel file that was provided contains end areas/volumes from the beginning to Sta 2200+00.  The end of the project is Sta 2277+80.  The file also does not include KY 55 and ramps.  Is this information available in excel?
Yes, the information is in the project related information on the website.
6/28/2012 11:55 AM
What is the type of seed mixture to be used on this job?
Please refer to Section 212 of the Kentucky Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction (Current Edition)
6/28/2012 2:26 PM
The above referenced projects both include language relating to the cleanup of milled debris from the milling of centerline and shoulder rumble strips as follows:  “Clean rumble strip and roadway grease, oil, mud, dust, dirt, grass, loose gravel, millings, or other deleterious material upon completion of the milling operation.  Use only Engineer approved cleaning methods.”  Does the Department want the material swept up off of the roadway surface by use of a pickup type broom, loaded, and hauled to an offsite disposal area or can the material  be wasted to the side of the road by use of a sweep to side type broom?
Revised Answer:
The material shall be swept up off of the roadway surface, loaded, and hauled to an offsite disposal area.
6/28/2012 12:16 PM
May the contractor use “Portable Steel Barrier w/ Redirective Impact Attenuator” in lieu of Pay Item 02005 “ Water Filled Barrier”?
Portable Steel Barrier will be acceptable if: (1) It is certified by the manufacturer that Portable Steel Barrier NCHRP 350 performance, including deflection, will meet or exceeds that of Water Filled Barriers without any anchoring the walls to the deck. Anchoring Walls to the deck is not permitted under any circumstances, and  (2)  Any needed crash cushion/attenuator shall be provided at no cost to the Cabinet.
6/28/2012 1:02 PM
Along the Keller Williams property (in the existing berm) what should the cover be for that pipe?  With no profile it is hard to determine whether or not we’ll have to have extra depth in that area to cover other trades of work.
If conflicts are encountered, the contractor shall install the proposed water main below the conflict point and maintain a minimum 18-inch of separation under said conflict while maintaining a minimum 42-inch of cover.
6/13/2012 9:04 AM
Is there a profile available for the waterline?
A profile for the proposed waterline is currently being completed, and is not available at this time.  The completed profile for the proposed waterline will be provided at the preconstruction conference.
6/13/2012 9:04 AM
The irrigation meter described in item #4 will most likely have to be removed.  Will the re-installation of that meter be our responsibility?  Is there anywhere in particular it should be relocated?
The irrigation meter should be treated like any other water meter relocated by the water company. It is normally relocated just outside the ROW line.
6/13/2012 9:04 AM
There is a bore crossing Linn Station Road.  The plans indicate for the bore pit to be on the North side of Linn Station Road.  Is there a reason we couldn’t bore from the South side of the road?  There seems to be a lot of existing utilities as well as an irrigation meter, etc. that exist on the North side of the road making it harder to bore from that side.  Does the Department prefer the contractor to bore from a particular side?
The contractor may choose the location of the bore and receiving pits and shall verify the locations prior to construction with the KTC and LWC inspectors.  Either side may be used as bore and receiving pits based on current site conditions.
6/13/2012 9:04 AM
Item # 00078 Crushed Aggregate # 2 Bid document list 914 tons, plan tabs show 3 tons.  Where does the remainder go?
On item no. 6-362, plan sheet R2D shows 3 Tons of Crushed Agg #2 and, on item no. 6-361, plan sheet R2H shows 911 Tons of Crushed Agg #2 for a proposal total of 914 Tons.
6/13/2012 11:51 AM
There are no bid items for seed/straw or asphalt / concrete replacement within the waterline section of the bid items.  Is it ok to assume that all seed/straw (landscaping included) as well as asphalt and concrete pavement replacement is included within the other bid items that the general highway contractors will bid?
All grading, erosion control and seeding/restoration work is to be completed in accordance with the current edition of the Department’s Standard Specifications.  Similarly this work is to be paid for (or incidental) in accordance with the current edition of the Department’s Standard Specifications.
6/13/2012 9:04 AM
Item no. 6-362.00 sheet R2D note #1 states the removal of the temporary pavement is incidental to roadway excavation.  How is the prep for the temporary pavement paid for?  There is no diversion item.
All “prep” work is covered under the bid item for earthwork.  The temporary widening did not extend out past the ultimate construction limit.
6/13/2012 11:51 AM
How many trains per day?   What is the approximate speed?   What else is needed to establish the required insurance premium?
Please see page 35 of 103 in the proposal for train count and train speed.  Bidders should contact their insurance companies to determine what is necessary to quote premiums.
7/5/2012 11:36 AM
If we are bidding the microsurfacing, do we need to bid the 125 ton of wedging?
No.  The leveling and wedging is not included in the microsurfacing alternate.
7/6/2012 11:18 AM
Can the centerline be temporary taped after microsurfacing prior to permanent striping?  If so, what is the spacing supposed to be?
If the contractor chooses to use temporary tape that will be acceptable.  The spacing the striping is in the Standard Specifications.
7/6/2012 11:18 AM
The cover sheet index states that the last cross section sheet should be X299.  The cross sections on the disk that we received end at sheet X285.  Are there sheets missing or is the cover sheet wrong?
The cover sheet is correct.  There were sheets missing in the online plan room and from the plans sent out from Lynn.  The missing sheets will be sent.  Also, there are incorrect cross section sheets that will be corrected in an addendum.
7/3/2012 1:58 PM
Is an extruded PVC sound barrier wall system an acceptable alternative for this project?
7/3/2012 3:06 PM
The cover sheet of the Roadway Plans indicates Traffic Control drawings are Sheet Nos. R78-R123.  Sheet No. 102 is not included in the files found on  the disk from Lynn Imaging.  Is there a Sheet No. 102 as part of the bid documents?
No, there is not a plan sheet R102.  Please see the box on plan sheet R1 right below the “Index of Sheets”.
7/5/2012 3:00 PM
There is a note that says, "Apply surface course to ramps."  Is the contractor installing any microsurfacing on the ramps?  All on ramps and off ramps? How wide will each section be?  Is the contractor responsible for including all costs to close each ramp?
No ramp work will be required.
7/6/2012 1:09 PM
Could you please provide the Special Note for Lightweight Cellular Concrete Fill that is referenced on Sheet S2 of Drawing #26787, Note #3?
Yes, it is posted in the project related information section on the website.
7/3/2012 3:28 PM
Why is there 30,000 lf of temp. paint for micro surfacing but only 3,000 lf of temp. paint for Ultra Thin Overlay?
The Department included more temporary striping for the micro because of the striping needed between the leveling course and the surface course.  The ultra thin will only require temporary striping in the areas where leveling and wedging is completed.
7/6/2012 11:18 AM
The proposal does not specify if we are to “Raise” the bridge on the corner or where we “Jack & Sup’t – Do Steel Repair”.   Are we to raise the bridge to the original elevation or leave it +/- 2” low?
There is no need to raise the bridge. The beam end needs to be raised enough to have the proposed repair completed. The deck is settled about an inch and one half at the extreme corner and levels off in about 12’ across the width of the bridge and about 10 feet  across the length. Steel repairs may improve this differential but certainly not worsen it. That difference must be corrected when the adjoining joint is replaced and LMC overlay.
7/10/2012 11:12 AM
On page 28 of 48 in the proposal,  if we are to “Raise the Bridge” to the Original Elevation, it seems the repair as detailed may not suffice. This may require shimming at/above the Bearing to make up the distance.  Can you please confirm the Proposal is correct, or revise if required?
The proposed repairs are not intended to raise the bridge.
7/10/2012 11:12 AM
Where is the proposed “Jacking Point(s) that we are to use?
The Contractor shall provide Jacking plan. See the addendum posted on the website.
7/10/2012 11:12 AM
The proposal work type description classifies the project as asphalt pavement patching, but there are no proposal notes for base failure repairs, typical sections or other information showing types of patching.  Is it intended that the milling and asphalt pavements be placed in a patching/piecemeal method as directed, or will these items of work be uniformly performed on the defined lengths of the two ramps onto and off of SB I-75 per the typical sections?
The intent is to mill and replace the pavement within the project limits on the ramps as defined on the typical sections.
7/10/2012 2:12 PM
Could plans for the existing bridges over Bullskin Creek be provided for informational purposes? 
Yes, the plans will be in the Project Related Information section on the website.
7/6/2012 12:06 PM
Page 26 of 48 in the proposal references a 2” Strip Seal.  Should this be a compression seal?     
The proposal is correct. Strip seals for 2” openings are available from most manufacturers.
7/10/2012 11:29 AM
There is an intersection at one end of the bridge.  Will a 2-phase traffic signal work?
7/10/2012 11:12 AM
12-1024407Anderson, Washington
In regards to sheet R29 Slide Repair Detail.  Note 2 States the the soil embankment will be paid for as Embankment in Place.  Will there be a bid item added for this or is this going to be incidental to roadway excavation.
Sheet R29 has had note number 2 revised to say “soil embankment will not be paid for on this project, but shall be incidental to ROADWAY EXCAVATION”.  An addendum will be posted to the website.
7/10/2012 11:32 AM
On page 22 of 48 in the proposal, Section VI. seems to indicate there should be a pay item for PAVE STRIPING-TAMP REM TAPE-B.  Is the pay item missing?
Yes, An addendum to add the bid item will be posted to the website.
7/10/2012 11:12 AM
Can the specified (8) each Type VI Class ‘CT’ units (pay item 08905) be revised to (8) each Type VI Class ‘BT’ units per KYTC Specification 725.02.01?
No, please bid according to the plans.
7/10/2012 2:02 PM
What is the address for the State Maintenance facility that the asphalt milling and the excess aggregate that is not needed to construct the shoulder is to be wasted at? Also, are we required to stockpile this material or just dump and go?
The Laurel County Maintenance Facility is located 1995 Russell Dyche Memorial Highway London, KY 40741 (1 mile West of London on KY 80). The Contractor will be responsible for dumping the material and the state will pile the material up.
7/11/2012 8:16 AM
There are no special notes or plans for the curb repair.  What does this repair entail?
As required by Section 606.03.03, remove all deteriorated and spalled concrete from Curbs, leave all reinforcing intact, blast clean, coat with epoxy bonding agent (grout-bond  coat), and restore to original configuration with overlay material. Seal with epoxy – sand slurry.
7/12/2012 2:00 PM
The bid items include “0070 - Arrow Panel”. Where are these to be used?
They shall be located in advance of the project area as directed by the Engineer.
7/10/2012 11:12 AM
Will a approved White Membrane curing be accepted as a curing method on Concrete Median Barrier Wall ?
Only curing compounds that are on the approved materials list will be allowed.  Refer to section 601.03.17 for curing methods.
7/11/2012 8:15 AM
What is the thickness of the base of the barrier wall below finish surface in the tangent sections?
The thickness is 8”.  See standard drawing RBM 050.
7/12/2012 1:55 PM
The typical sections given do not show locations or dimensions for DGA/sealed shoulders, yet there are quantities of DGA, asphalt seal aggregate, and asphalt seal coat set up, with a typical/standard note for DGA base for shoulders.  Where are these work items to be constructed?  If it’s intended to remove & rebuild the DGA shoulders, how will removal of existing shoulders be paid?
The intent is to rebuild the existing DGA shoulders and chip seal no more than 4 feet wide.  Ditching and shouldering line item covers all preparation for installation of DGA shoulders and asphalt seal coat.
7/10/2012 2:12 PM
Drawing S3 shows guardrail posts bolted to the deck the length of the structure.    Should the contractor plan to taper the guardrail to the shoulder on each end as shown on TTC-110-02 by driving guardrail posts through the asphalt pavement?   If the ends of the guardrail were protected could some other type of channelizing device be used for the taper?
No, the intent is not to use the guardrail for the taper.  The guardrail is to be rolled down to the pavement in two pieces on each end of the bridge and secured to the pavement.  Use other channelization devices for the taper in accordance with TTC-110-02.
7/12/2012 11:03 AM
Will the Department entertain wasting excess material over the existing KY 756 once traffic is switched to the new alignment?
7/12/2012 10:45 AM
It appears Items 0390 Concrete-Class B (For Retaining Walls) and 0430 Handrail-Type A-1 (For Retaining Walls) are covering the same activities as Items 0730 and 0760.  Should they be deleted?
Yes, the bid items were inadvertently repeated in the list of bid items.  The duplicate items will not be removed since it is so late.  Please bid accordingly.
7/12/2012 1:31 PM
The sign plans show S-3,4,5,8 on type 1 post with type A support. Please verify.
Yes, that is correct.  These signs are behind guardrail.
7/12/2012 1:50 PM
Will a approved White Membrane curing be accepted as a curing method on Concrete Median Barrier Wall ?
Only curing compounds that are on the approved materials list will be allowed.  Refer to section 601.03.17 for curing methods.
7/10/2012 4:00 PM
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