Count= 15504
In regards to bid item #0780 - Fill & Grade Median - Will the topsoil need to be removed before fill is placed or can the contractor spray and kill the grass before the fill is placed.
The Contractor may apply the fill directly on the existing median or if the Contractor deems the fill likely to slide, the Contractor may remove the topsoil or spray and kill the existing grass as long as the final slope matches that detailed in the "Typical Sections".
5/20/2011May 2011
Should there be a pay item for remove and reset end treatment?
Yes, it is bid line # 0870 of the proposal.  Item #24096EC “REMOVE AND RESET END TREATMENT” with a quantity of 26 Each.
5/20/2011May 2011
Does the new lighting at the 416 interchange have to be completed by the August 1, 2011 completion or the December 1, 2011 completion?
The new lighting at the KY 416 interchange must be completed by December 1, 2011.
5/20/2011May 2011
Is the bid item #1370, steel post type 2, correct?
No, an addendum will be posted to the website.
5/20/2011May 2011
Which Sheet R13 is correct?
The plan sheet R13 with “POC 424+00.00” is the correct sheet.  Please disregard the other sheet R13.  It has been removed from the website.
5/20/2011May 2011
Does the Department intend on requiring the Contractor to place a 1 foot Soil Subgrade free from shale prior to the placement of a 1 foot Rock Subgrade wrapped in Geotextile Fabric as per note 6 in the geotechnical notes on sheet R18?
The contractor will not have to place one foot of soil before placing the rock roadbed.  Geotechnical note 6 on sheet R18 can be disregarded.
5/20/2011May 2011
There are two lines of pipe  at Station 118+53 that are called Culvert pipe.  Do they need to be backfilled with flowable fill?  Which specs apply – entrance or culvert?
The pipe at station 118+53 need to be treated as culvert pipe.  They are for approach roads.
5/20/2011May 2011
Plan note #3 on sheet 19 of 198 provides that “Roller Compacted Concrete – X inches” may be substituted with “JPC Shoulder – X inches.”  Special Note for Roller Compacted Concrete notes that all areas of RCC inaccessible to either roller or paver will substitute Class A concrete for RCC.  Neither the RCC or the areas paved with Class A concrete requires tie-bars or hookbolts as shown on standard drawing RPN-001-06.  Since you are allowing the substitution of JPC shoulders for RCC shoulders can we assume that the tie-bars will not be necessary for the JPC shoulders?
If the contractor elects to use JPC Shoulders they should be constructed per the Standard Drawings and Specifications with tie-bars.  If RCC shoulders are used the longitudinal construction joint between the outside lane and shoulder should still be sealed with silicone sealant according to the Standard Drawings.  It is not anticipated that there will be many areas inaccessible to a paver.  However, the proposal indicates that in these areas JPC Shoulder Pavement will be used.  These areas are generally less than 6-feet in width.  For these short areas less than 25 feet in length tie bars will not be required.  The Engineer will determine in the field these locations.
5/20/2011May 2011
Asphalt quantities (base, surface, etc.) are not included in the proposal for the median crossovers and slip ramps. Is an addendum going to be issued to add the appropriate quantities and bid items for the asphalt in the median crossovers and slip ramps?
The pay limits for the "TEMP MEDIAN CROSSOVER" include everything required inside of the 525 feet draw on page 58 of the proposal.  Bid Item "TEMP MEDIAN CROSSOVER" shall include all incidentals necessary to accomplish this work including all pavement, all striping and markings (to include restriping between phase II and III), drainage, removal of crossover, temporary crash cushions, etc.  For the slip ramps, page 59 and 60 of the proposal both state that "Bid item "SLIP RAMP" shall include all incidentals necessary to accomplish this work including pavement markings and striping, pavement, any necessary drainage, and removal of slip ramp.
5/20/2011May 2011
Clarification by KYTC
Plan sheet T58 was inadvertently changed with addendum #1.  The original plan sheet T58 is correct and should be used for construction. Please discard any copies received with addendum #1.
5/20/2011May 2011
Is the intent of Note 4 of the General Notes on the Typical Section plan sheets to require load transfer assemblies (dowel baskets) to be used in the longitudinal joint at the shoulder joint or in the transverse joints of the shoulders or both?
The load transfer assemblies should be used in on transverse shoulder joints only .  Deformed tie bars are to be used in the longitudinal joint at the shoulder.
5/20/2011May 2011
Referring to page 24 of 69 in the proposal, are the P1 thru P5 bars to be included in the concrete patching item? The specifications on page 9 of 69 refer to the bars being straight, and are these to be included in the concrete patching item also?
A quantity of steel reinforcement for Patching and Armored Edge installation will be added by addendum. Field cutting and bending is allowed for quantities needed at the construction site.
5/20/2011May 2011
Will the department furnish x-dimensions when deck is removed?
Refer to General Notes on Sheet 1. The contractor is responsible to match the grade and cross slope of the existing deck, maintain a minimum of 8” for  deck thickness.
5/20/2011May 2011
On page 4 of 69 in the proposal, it has a completion date of November 15, 2011 for the entire contract and 30 working days for the bridge.  On page 18 in the special note for Contract Completion Date, it has a completion date of November 15, 2011, but 45 working days.  Which is correct?
Information on page 18 of 69 in the proposal is correct.  There are 45 working days.
5/20/2011May 2011
General notes on the typical section plan sheets require Section 501 Ride Quality specifications to be met. Which category of the Ride Quality Adjustment Schedule applies to the concrete pavement on this job?
Category A Requirements shall be met for ride quality.
5/20/2011May 2011
The depths specified for the pre-drilling for piles from bottom of cap to the bottom of pile elevation do not match up with the 746 total linear ft. mentioned in the estimate of quantities. Please verify the quantity of pre-drilling designated for the KY97 bridge over Kess Creek.
The quantity for “Pre-drilling for Piles” is incorrect.  An addendum will be posted on the website.
5/20/2011May 2011
The depths specified for the pre-drilling for piles from bottom of cap to the bottom of pile elevation do not match up with the 746 total linear ft. mentioned in the estimate of quantities. Please verify the quantity of pre-drilling designated for the KY97 bridge over Kess Creek.
The quantity for “Pre-drilling for Piles” is incorrect.  An addendum will be posted on the website.
5/20/2011May 2011
What is the completion date for the project?
The completion date is November 15, 2011.
5/20/2011May 2011
In discussing the Mast Arm traffic signals, are their locations flexible?
In this particular project the location of the Mast Arm signals are critical.  They cannot be relocated.
5/20/2011May 2011
On the 41A portion of work , a note on plan sheet 81 regarding traffic control for the Rock Bridge Branch states allows 30 calendar days for closures at the bridge.
 Please verify this is 30 calendars days per lane?
The 30 calendar days for lane closures for the bridge construction work is per bridge.
5/20/2011May 2011
Proposal page  85 states that 1-1/4” or 1” dowel bar may be used on standard drawing RPS-020.  Is this a choice made by contractor or manufacturer?
The current standard drawing does not show a dowel bar size for 7” JPC pavement.  The note was intended to allow the same dowel bar size as is used for 8” JPC pavement or a 1” bar, if elected by the contractor.  The contractor orders dowel baskets.  As such, they would have the option to make the decision.
5/20/2011May 2011
Plan sheets include a detail sheet for box beam stiffening of temporary concrete barrier. Is this applicable to all concrete barrier or only certain areas in various phases?
The box beam stiffening of temporary concrete barrier applies to the location where trenches are used to place storm sewer pipe.  This is to be used to protect adjacent traffic from drop-offs from Sta. 411+10 to 421+25.
5/20/2011May 2011
Are details missing from page 36 and 37 structural detail sheets?
Yes, an addendum with new sheets will be posted to the website.
5/20/2011May 2011
Can the approximate square footage of structural steel for this project be provided?
Yes, it will be posted in the project related information.
5/20/2011May 2011
Where will the shoulder wedge be placed?
The shoulder wedge will placed throughout the patched areas.
5/20/2011May 2011
Can hot pour sealant be used in lieu of silicone for the concrete pavement joints?
Yes, hot-pour joint sealant may be used.  It should be installed per Standard Drawing RPX-015-03 for the full sawed joint depth with no backer rod.
5/20/2011May 2011
The answer to a previous question concerning whether tie bars will be necessary if the option for JPC shoulders is used states that “…the longitudinal construction joint between the outside lane and shoulder should still be sealed with silicone sealant…”. On page 40 of the proposal, the note for "Joint Sealing" states that all joints in both the JPC and RCC are to be sealed with either silicone sealant or hot-poured elastic sealant. Does the note on page 40 still apply to the longitudinal construction joint between the outside lane and shoulder or was the intent of the aforementioned answer to eliminate the hot-poured elastic sealant as an option the joint sealant at this joint and any other joint?
Either hot-poured or silicone sealant can be used for joints in the concrete pavement.
5/20/2011May 2011
There is a bid item for PAVE STRIPING-TEMP PAINT-4 IN, but none for permanent striping.  Should a bid item for permanent striping be included?
Yes, there should be a bid item for permanent striping.  An addendum will be posted to the website.
5/20/2011May 2011
Temporary Median Crossover Details (page 58) in the proposal show the crossover pavement as asphalt with a note saying 7" JPC Pavement on 6" DGA can be used for the crossover pavement instead of the asphalt pavement. Slip Ramp details (pages 59 & 60) show the temporary slip ramp pavement as 7" JCP Pavement on 6" DGA however there is no note allowing asphalt  pavement to be used for the slip ramps instead of the concrete pavement. Can the asphalt pavement section detailed for the temporary median crossovers be used for the temporary slip ramp  pavement instead of the concrete pavement?
Yes, the asphalt pavement section detailed for the temporary median crossovers may be used instead of the JPC Pavement for the slip ramps.
5/20/2011May 2011
The typical section for the project shows leveling & wedging to be placed as directed, but no bid item for leveling & wedging is set up. Should a bid item for leveling & wedging be included?
No, there should not be a bid item for leveling and wedging.  The typical is incorrect.  An addendum will be posted to the website.
5/20/2011May 2011
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