| | | Reduce the effects of incident-related congestion by decreasing the time to detect incidents, the time for responding vehicles to arrive, and the time required for traffic to return to normal conditions. |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Incident-Management-Systems.aspx | Managing Congestion | 80 |
| | | Access management is the careful planning of the location, design, and operation of driveways, median openings, interchanges, and street connections. |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Access-Management.aspx | Managing Congestion | 100 |
| | | Providing a strong connected network of roads and pedestrian facilities can help distribute traffic, reduce travel distances and times, improve routing for transit and reduce walking distances. |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Connectivity.aspx | Managing Congestion | 50 |
| | | An overview of the effects of parking rates in various situations. |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Parking-Strategies.aspx | Managing Congestion | 70 |
| | | Developed to distribute real-time traffic, roadway conditions, weather and other related traveler information to drivers through vehicles, PDAs, kiosks and websites. |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Traveler-Information-Systems.aspx | Managing Congestion | 40 |
| | | Dedicated left - and right-turn lanes may be used in situations where traffic volumes and speeds are relatively high and conflicts are likely to develop between through and turn traffic. |  | http://test-internal.transportation.ky.gov/Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Turning-Lanes.aspx | Managing Congestion | 30 |
| | | The Bike Walk Program promotes cycling and walking in Kentucky for the benefit of health, recreation, tourism and a cleaner environment for everyone.
|  | /bike-walk | Moving People Fewer Miles | 1 |
| | | Sharing a ride by carpooling or vanpooling is an excellent way to help reduce traffic and save money at the same time. |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Carpooling-Vanpooling-and-Slugging.aspx | Fewer Vehicles | 1 |
| | | Scenario planning can be used in a range of situations, from a small section of a city all the way to a statewide analysis. |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Scenario-Planning.aspx | Moving People Fewer Miles | 1 |
| | | Many transit agencies and municipalities have developed design guidelines for implementing transit into their road network. |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Designing-Transit-Into-Highway-Projects.aspx | Fewer Vehicles | 1 |
| | | Transit systems in large urban areas areas must utilize a variety of strategies because commuters in these areas are faced with multiple and compounding impediments to travel. |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Large-Urban-Transit-Systems.aspx | Fewer Vehicles | 1 |
| | | Small Bus Transit plays an important role outside the big metropolitan areas. |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Small-Bus-Transit.aspx | Fewer Vehicles | 1 |
| | | Tools and topics to address transit, ridesharing, and the freight transportation modes, water and air. |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Moving-More-People-and-Freight.aspx | Tools | 1 |
| | | The Highway Capacity Manual provides transportation practitioners and researchers with a consistent system of techniques for the evaluation of the quality of service on highway and street facilities |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Highway-Capacity-Manual.aspx | Adding Travel Lanes | 1 |
| | | When addressing a congestion or safety problem within a town or city, often a bypass is considered as an alternate. Planners and designers must carefully weigh the community impacts that will be caused when considering a bypass. |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Effects-of-Bypasses-on-Communities.aspx | Adding Travel Lanes | 1 |
| | | Tools and topics to give information on different types of intersections, interchanges, roadway cross sections and other elements that can be used to greatly improve the capacity as well as provide information about traffic signals. |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Moving-More-Vehicles-by-Improving-Efficiency.aspx | Tools | 1 |
| | | Tools and topics to address land-use planning, flexible working schedules and walking & biking as ways that we can plan to reduce the shear number of cars and trucks using the road. |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Reducing-Vehicle-Trips-and-Moving-People-Fewer-Miles.aspx | Tools | 1 |
| | | Finding ways to improve the quality of travel such as improving the aesthetics along a roadway or keeping travelers informed of incidents can ease the frustration. |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Improving-Quality-of-Travel.aspx | Tools | 1 |
| | | Tools and topics to help professionals plan a road that will fit the roadway's needs and maintain its functionality beyond the traditional 20 year design life. |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Moving-More-Vehicles-by-Adding-Travel-Lanes.aspx | Tools | 1 |
| | | Overview of strategies that can be used to address congestion along a freeway or network of freeways, especially during peak travel times of the day |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Freeway-Lane-Management.aspx | Improving Efficiency | 90 |
| | | A 2+1 road design has a continuous three-lane cross section with alternating passing lanes. |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/2-plus-1-Roadways.aspx | Improving Efficiency | 1 |
| | | A philosophy in which planners and designers first learn what is important to people living nearby and using the facility as well as what is important to preserve the built and natural environment. |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Context-Sensitive-Solutions.aspx | Quality of Travel | 1 |
| | | KRTC works with local organizations to develop greenways and trails, and is as a source of information on project funding, design, and management. |  | http://www.kyrailtrail.org/ | Moving People Fewer Miles | 1 |
| | | By regulating flow of traffic onto the freeway, ramp meters can break up large platoons of vehicles to make it easier and safer for motorists to merge onto the freeway |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Ramp-Meters.aspx | Managing Congestion | 60 |
| | | Telecommuting, also called Telework, is when companies and governments allow employees to work at home or a satellite office. |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Work-at-Home-or-Satellite-Office.aspx | Moving People Fewer Miles | 1 |
| | | This design removes left turning vehicles from the main intersection which then allows higher green time for the main line. |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Continuous-Flow-Intersection.aspx | Improving Efficiency | 1 |
| | | The Continuous Green T provides free-flow operations in one direction on the arterial by using acceleration/merge lanes for left turn movements from the cross street. |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Continuous-Green-T.aspx | Improving Efficiency | 1 |
| | | A relatively new design that allows for more efficiency and higher capacity than a traditional diamond interchange. |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Diverging-Diamond-Interchange.aspx | Improving Efficiency | 1 |
| | | Access management and interconnectivity between properties is critical to maintaining a safe and efficient transportation system. To help accomplish both, the use of roadways parallel to an arterial can be used. |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Frontage-and-Backage-Roads.aspx | Improving Efficiency | 1 |
| | | The presence or absence of a median has a substantial impact on roadway operations and safety. |  | /Congestion-Toolbox/Pages/Medians.aspx | Improving Efficiency | 1 |