Count= 711
Request to Inspect Public Records12/6/2022 11:09 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFLegal ServicesTC 11-2054.0
Request to Inspect Public Records12/6/2022 11:09 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordLegal ServicesTC 11-2053.0
Claim Resulting from Motor Vehicle Accident12/6/2022 11:10 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFLegal ServicesTC 11-2084.0
Claim Resulting from Motor Vehicle Accident12/6/2022 11:10 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordLegal ServicesTC 11-2083.0
Manual Order Form10/21/2024 3:25 PMDeaton, April S (KYTC)PDFHuman Resource ManagementTC 12-21121.0
Manual Order Form10/21/2024 3:24 PMDeaton, April S (KYTC)ExcelHuman Resource ManagementTC 12-21117.0
Application for Certificate of Eligibility11/6/2024 2:34 PMDeaton, April S (KYTC)PDFConstruction ProcurementTC 14-00117.0
Application for Certificate of Eligiblilty11/6/2024 2:34 PMDeaton, April S (KYTC)WordConstruction ProcurementTC 14-00112.0
Proposal or Bid Bond12/6/2022 11:14 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordConstruction ProcurementTC 14-0146.0
Proposal or Bid Bond12/6/2022 11:14 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFConstruction ProcurementTC 14-0144.0
Authority to Sign12/6/2022 11:15 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFConstruction ProcurementTC 14-0274.0
DBE Plan/Subcontract Request12/6/2022 11:17 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFConstruction ProcurementTC 14-0355.0
Subcontract Request12/6/2022 11:16 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)ExcelConstruction ProcurementTC 14-03511.0
DBE Subcontract Agreement7/20/2023 7:35 AMDeaton, April S (KYTC)PDFConstruction ProcurementTC 14-0362.0
Trainee Classification Form and Notice of Selection of Training Program12/6/2022 11:17 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordConstruction ProcurementTC 14-3096.0
Trainee Classification Form and Notice of Selection of Training Program12/6/2022 11:17 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFConstruction ProcurementTC 14-3098.0
Notice of Selection of Trainee and Trainee Work History12/6/2022 11:18 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordConstruction ProcurementTC 14-3105.0
Notice of Selection of Trainee and Trainee Work History12/6/2022 11:18 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFConstruction ProcurementTC 14-3105.0
Weekly Training Report12/6/2022 11:18 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFConstruction ProcurementTC 14-3115.0
Weekly Training Report12/6/2022 11:18 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordConstruction ProcurementTC 14-3115.0
Nondiscrimination in Employment12/6/2022 11:19 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordConstruction ProcurementTC 14-3133.0
Nondiscrimination in Employment12/6/2022 11:19 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFConstruction ProcurementTC 14-3134.0
Contractor Notice12/6/2022 11:20 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFConstruction ProcurementTC 14-3144.0
Contractor Notice12/6/2022 11:19 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordConstruction ProcurementTC 14-3143.0
Wage Complaint by Employee12/6/2022 11:20 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordConstruction ProcurementTC 14-3185.0
Wage Complaint by Employee12/6/2022 11:20 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFConstruction ProcurementTC 14-3185.0
Request for Joint Venture12/6/2022 11:22 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFConstruction ProcurementTC 14-3203.0
Request for Joint Venture12/6/2022 11:21 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordConstruction ProcurementTC 14-3203.0
Photograph & Recording Release12/6/2022 11:23 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordPublic AffairsTC 16-0035.0
Photograph & Recording Release12/6/2022 11:23 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFPublic AffairsTC 16-0034.0
Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup Summary12/6/2022 11:24 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordPublic AffairsTC 16-0053.0
Adopt-a-Highway Cleanup Summary12/6/2022 11:24 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFPublic AffairsTC 16-0052.0
Photograph/Video Consent4/24/2024 2:13 PMDeaton, April S (KYTC)WordPublic AffairsTC 16-0082.0
Photograph/Video Consent4/24/2024 2:13 PMDeaton, April S (KYTC)PDFPublic AffairsTC 16-0081.0
No Change Declaration12/6/2022 11:25 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFCivil Rights and Small Business DevelopmentTC 18-0053.0
Affidavit of Subcontractor Payment12/6/2022 11:26 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFCivil Rights and Small Business DevelopmentTC 18-0076.0
Affidavit of Subcontractor Payment12/6/2022 11:26 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordCivil Rights and Small Business DevelopmentTC 18-0078.0
ADA/Section 504 Program Complaint12/6/2022 11:27 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFCivil Rights and Small Business DevelopmentTC 18-0085.0
ADA/Section 504 Program Complaint12/6/2022 11:27 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordCivil Rights and Small Business DevelopmentTC 18-0087.0
DBE Interstate Certification Affidavit12/6/2022 11:28 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFCivil Rights and Small Business DevelopmentTC 18-0093.0
DBE Interstate Certification Affidavit12/6/2022 11:27 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordCivil Rights and Small Business DevelopmentTC 18-0093.0
External Discrimination Complaint12/6/2022 11:29 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordCivil Rights and Small Business DevelopmentTC 18-0107.0
External Discrimination Complaint12/6/2022 11:29 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFCivil Rights and Small Business DevelopmentTC 18-0105.0
External Discrimination Complaint 12/6/2022 11:29 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFCivil Rights and Small Business DevelopmentTC 18-010-Spanish7.0
Notice of Voluntary Withdrawal12/6/2022 11:30 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFCivil Rights and Small Business DevelopmentTC 18-0124.0
Notice of Voluntary Withdrawal12/6/2022 11:30 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordCivil Rights and Small Business DevelopmentTC 18-0124.0
Request for NAICS Code Modification12/6/2022 11:31 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)ExcelCivil Rights and Small Business DevelopmentTC 18-0134.0
Request for NAICS Code Modification12/6/2022 11:31 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFCivil Rights and Small Business DevelopmentTC 18-0133.0
Bridging Opportunities Training Program Application-Certificate Program1/31/2025 10:39 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordCivil Rights and Small Business DevelopmentTC 18-0146.0
Bridging Opportunities Training Program Application-Certificate Program1/31/2025 10:39 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFCivil Rights and Small Business DevelopmentTC 18-0145.0
Bridging Opportunities Training Program Application-College Program1/31/2025 10:39 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordCivil Rights and Small Business DevelopmentTC 18-0155.0
Bridging Opportunities Training Program Application-College Program1/31/2025 10:39 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFCivil Rights and Small Business DevelopmentTC 18-0155.0
Title VI Complaint6/18/2024 10:55 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordCivil Rights and Small Business DevelopmentTC 18-0164.0
Title VI Complaint6/18/2024 10:55 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFCivil Rights and Small Business DevelopmentTC 18-0165.0
Municipal and County Road Aid Emergency Request1/23/2024 12:55 PMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordRural and Municipal AidTC 20-0168.0
Municipal and County Road Aid Emergency Request1/23/2024 12:56 PMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFRural and Municipal AidTC 20-0169.0
Office of Local Programs Project Closure12/6/2022 11:38 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordRural and Municipal AidTC 20-0195.0
Office of Local Programs Project Closure12/6/2022 11:38 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFRural and Municipal AidTC 20-0197.0
Congestion Mitigation Air Quality (CMAQ) Program Application12/6/2022 11:38 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordRural and Municipal AidTC 20-0249.0
Scenic Byways and Highways Designation Application12/6/2022 11:42 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordRural and Municipal AidTC 20-0266.0
Scenic Byways and Highways Designation Application12/6/2022 11:42 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFRural and Municipal AidTC 20-0266.0
Office of Local Programs Reimbursement Request12/7/2022 11:48 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)ExcelRural and Municipal AidTC 20-0298.0
Local Public Agency Change Order12/6/2022 11:43 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)ExcelRural and Municipal AidTC 20-0323.0
RS Flex Program Recommendations12/6/2022 11:43 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)ExcelRural and Municipal AidTC 20-0348.0
RS Flex Program Recommendations1/23/2024 12:58 PMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFRural and Municipal AidTC 20-0347.0
RS Flex Program Recommendations1/23/2024 12:58 PMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordRural and Municipal AidTC 20-0341.0
RS Bridge Program Recommendations12/6/2022 11:44 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)ExcelRural and Municipal AidTC 20-0358.0
RS Bridge Program Recommendations1/23/2024 1:10 PMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)PDFRural and Municipal AidTC 20-0359.0
RS Bridge Program Recommendations1/23/2024 1:10 PMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordRural and Municipal AidTC 20-0351.0
Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Application5/28/2024 11:03 AMJasper, Kim A (KYTC)WordRural and Municipal AidTC 20-0366.0
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