Title IMC Club Meeting
Location The Aero Club at Bowman Field (KLOU)
Start Time 1/23/2025 7:00 PM
End Time 1/23/2025 8:30 PM
The scenario-based discussion focused on building proficiency in instrument flight. The EAA Chapter 110 IMC Club provides a hanger-flying experience organized around instrument flight to promote safety, education, and proficiency. Every meeting consists of a scenario presentation, group discussion, and discussions of unusual or exciting charts, changed rules, procedures, and member experiences. We also have occasional guest speakers. Bring your EFB, experience, and questions, and be ready to participate. All are welcome. You do not need to be an EAA member or rated instrument pilot to attend.
All Day Event  
Recurrence Every 1 month(s) on the fourth Thursday
Content Type: Event