General Definitions
Cardinal Direction:
The cardinal direction is the direction in which a road is linear-referenced in increasing milepoint order. For state-maintained roads, the cardinal direction is generally north or east.
Non-Cardinal Direction:
The non-cardinal direction is the direction in which a road is linear-referenced in decreasing milepoint order. For state-maintained roads, the non-cardinal direction is generally south or west.
Road Centerline Attribute Descriptions and Codes
RT_Unique: Primary route identifier using the following format:
CCC-PP-NNNNSS-sss, where:
CCC = Three-digit County Number
PP = Route Prefix (RT_Prefix)
NNNN = Route Number (RT_Number)
SS = Route Suffix (RT_Suffix)
sss = Route Section (RT_Section)
CO_Number: A piece of the RT_Unique used to identify a route's three-digit county number
RT_Prefix: A piece of the RT_Unique used to identify a route's type
AU = Audubon Parkway
BG = Martha Layne Collins-Bluegrass Parkway
CR = County Road
CS = City Street
EB = Edward T Breathitt Parkway
FD = Federal Agency Road
HR = Hal Rogers Parkway
IC = Inter-Agency Charge Road
I = Interstate Route
JC = Julian M Carroll Parkway
KY = Kentucky Route
KY 9000 = Bert T Combs-Mountain Parkway
KY 9009 = Bert T Combs-Mountain Parkway Extension
LA = Local Agency Road
LN = Louie B Nunn Parkway
PR = Private Road open to public travel
PS = Private Road in a subdivision or development
PV = Private Driveway (collected for 911 purposes)
ST = Other State Agency Road
US = United States Route
WK = Wendell H Ford-Western Kentucky Parkway
WN = William H Natcher Parkway
XX = Other State-Maintained Route
RT_Suffix: A piece of the RT_Unique used to identify a route's suffix
State-Maintained Roads
A = Alternate
B = Bypass
C = Connector
E = East
EB = East Bypass
EX = East Business
S = Spur
T = Truck
W = West
WB = West Bypass
WX = West Business
X = Business
For roads that are not state-maintained, RT_Suffix may contain alphanumeric combinations without intentional meaning.
RT_Section: A piece of the RT_Unique used to identify a route's segment type
0 = MainlineProvides the main through traffic movement for a route and distinguishes it from other subordinate roadway segments. It is the primary source for identifying a route and its length.
1 to 9 = Non-Cardinal CoupletProvides traffic movement in the non-cardinal direction when the roadway is completely separate from the cardinal direction roadway. Typically, a non-cardinal couplet is a one-way street, south or westbound, running parallel to the cardinal roadway but separated by city blocks, buildings, or significant terrain.
10 = Non-Cardinal side of a Divided RoadwayProvides traffic movement in the non-cardinal direction when the cardinal and non-cardinal traffic lanes are separated by a depressed, raised, or flush/painted median. Both the cardinal and non-cardinal sides of the median are represented by a separate road centerline. This is commonly referred to as a dual carriageway. Lanes that are separated by a continuous left turning lane are not considered a divided roadway.
11 to 19 = Collector-DistributorChannels traffic that is exiting and entering a
controlled-access highway onto an adjacent and parallel roadway to reduce the
number of interchange ramps intersecting through traffic. The first and second
digits of the RT_Section identify the facility location in reference to the
nearest interchange in the cardinal direction. The third digit is an odd number
when the facility is located on the cardinal side of the highway and an even
number when located on the non-cardinal side of the highway.
20 to 29 = Y sectionShort road segment that splits from the mainline to help facilitate turning movements at intersections. The separation is usually formed by grass, a raised traffic island, pavement markings, or some other barrier and is sometimes referred to as a slip lane or slip ramp.
30 to 69 = CrossoverConnects a road with the non-cardinal side of a divided highway if the road intersects the cardinal side first. If the intersecting road intersects the non-cardinal side first, then the intersecting road will continue through the median to connect to the cardinal side; a crossover is not used.
70 to 79 = ConnectorProvides access from one road to a different road when the mainlines of those roads do not intersect.
80 to 97 = Other Subordinate RoadwayA segment type that does not meet the criteria of the other types but is important to distinguish. Other Subordinate Roadways include bays, cul-de-sacs, spurs, frontage roads, and any other roadways that do not meet the criteria of the other road types.
98 = Roadway Belonging to an Adjacent StateIts physical location is within Kentucky's boundary but is the responsibility of an adjacent state.
*01 to*10 (where * is between 1 and 9) = Rest Area or Weigh StationA rest area provides travel services for drivers
and passengers and is usually adjacent to a significant highway. A weigh
station provides a checkpoint for inspecting vehicular weights and is usually
adjacent to a significant highway.
*11 to *99 (where * is between 1 and 9) = Interchange RampConnects a controlled-access highway with another road at a grade-separated interchange. The first digit of the RT_Section identifies the interchange location within a county, beginning at the county line and increasing sequentially in the cardinal direction. The second digit identifies the interchange quadrant the ramp is located within, beginning with the first quadrant in the cardinal direction and inicreasing sequentially in a counterclockwise direction. The third digit identifies the ramp position within the quadrant, beginning with the ramp furthest outside and increasing sequentially to the inside.
Gov_Level: Road ownership indicator 01 = State Roads
02 = County Roads
04 = City Roads
11 = State Park & State Forest Roads
12 = Local Park & Local Forest Roads
21 = Other State Agency Roads
25 = Other Local Agency Roads
26 = Private Roads
60 = Other Federal Agency Roads
64 = U.S. Forest Service Roads
66 = National Park Service Roads
70 = U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Roads
74 = U.S. Army Roads
98 = Adjacent State Roadway
DMI_Len_MI: Official segment length (in miles)
Graphic_Le: Unofficial, database-generated length (in miles)
1 = One-way
2 = Two-way
D = Divided by median (code applied to both cardinal and non-cardinal sides of the highway)
Status: Adoption status by owning agency
Accepted = KYTC has verified that the road has been adopted by the owning agency
Not Accepted = KYTC needs verification of road's adoption status by owning agency
Pending = KYTC needs verification of proper road name
Local Key: A randomly generated number that uniquely identifies each intersection-to-intersection centerline feature