

All documents listed here are provided by the KYTC Division of Construction Procurement. Please check back as more documents will be added as the project moves forward.

Finalized Request for Qualifications (RFQ)

Download a copy (pdf)

Final Pre-Bid Meeting Registration

 Download Section Documents
Due to the large amount of electronic project information available for the Downtown Phase of the Ohio River Bridges Project, including but not limited to conceptual roadway and structural plans, reports, design drawings and a draft Interchange Justification Study, a project FTP site has been created to allow for the download of these files.  A standardized directory structure was created and maintained for each project section of the Downtown Crossing. Section 1 is the Kennedy Interchange, Section 2 is the proposed I-65 northbound river crossing, and Section 3 is the downtown Indiana approach. If a directory name includes “(na)”, it means that information in this area either is not available or not applicable to this project section.
You are welcome to use any FTP client to browse and download these files.  If you do not currently have an FTP client we recommend using the free FTP client found at  Once installed, put the below link and login information in the “Quickconnect” bar and press the “Quickconnect” button.  You can now drag and drop files to your computer using the program.  For more help please reference the following guide.  
LOGIN                kytc
PASSWORD       kytcorbp

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