Design Memos


expand Year : 2025 ‎(1)
01-25D 25-01S 25-02C.pdf
1/28/202501-28-2025Expansion Joint Filler Material
Describes KYTC's requirements for Expansion Joint Filler Material. KYTC will be transitioning from AASHTO M153, Type II(cork) to AAshto M153 (sponge rubber) in joint filler applications.
expand Year : 2024 ‎(9)
10/18/202410-18-2024Submittal Items Required for Gathering and Assessing Geotechnical Roadway Data
This memo aligns the requirements of geotechnical roadway project submittals with EED and CADD Standards requirements
6/25/202406-25-2024Compliance with Federal Highway Administration Financial Plan Requirements for Projects over $100 Million
Discusses the financial plan requirements by FHWA  for project exceeding $100 million
6/3/202406-0-2024Project Model Submittal - Check Prints
2/14/202402/14/2024Queue Protection Items Guidance for KYTC Work Zones
A guidance for the use of Queue Protection pay items for KYTC work zones.
expand Year : 2023 ‎(3)
03-23 - 01-23.pdf
6/29/202306/29/2023Update on Use of Turf Reinforcement Mat (TRM)
Use and Installaton of Turf Reinforcement Mats (TRM)
2/10/202302/10/2023Roundabout Design Guidance Update
Updates the guidance of Roundabout use includes a review and approval process
expand Year : 2022 ‎(2)
9/21/202209/21/20222+1 Roadway Design Guidance Update with Signing and Pavement Markins
Updates 2+1 Design Guidance with Signing and Pavement Markings, Supercedes 04-13.
expand Year : 2021 ‎(1)
expand Year : 2020 ‎(2)
7/1/202007-01-2020HD-103, HD-200, HD-700, and HD-900 Updates
HD-103, HD-200, HD-700 and HD-900 have been updated in the Highway Design Manual and provides guidance when the updated sections should be implemented.
expand Year : 2019 ‎(4)
04-19 - DEA 01-19.pdf
12/12/201912/12/2019Post Construction Best Management Practices Menu
Introduction of the required development of a Post Construction Best Management Practice  (PCBMP) menu and how to access the menu.
8/13/201908/13/2019Shoulder Widening for Guardrails
guidelines for guardrail stability
expand Year : 2018 ‎(1)
1/19/201808/01/2018Plan changes in Relation to Process Changes for Improving Adherence to Section 4(f)/Section 6 (f) Requirements
The change in procedures in relation to parcels of land that involve impacts to Federal 4(f)/6(f) properties and the identification of the impacts.
expand Year : 2017 ‎(7)
12/18/201701/26/2018Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) Initial Implementation for Guardrail, Cast-in-Place Concrete Barrriers and End Treatments Active Sepia List Implementation
Adopting of the MASH testing criteria for safety hardware and the initial implementation for KYTC longitudinal guardrail and corresponding end terminals.
2/7/201702/07/2017Plan Submittal Process
Defines the KYTC Plan Submittal Process
02-17 - 01-17.pdf
1/24/201701/24/2017Revision of Special Provision 69, Standard Drawing RGX-100 Standard Drawing RGX-105
Revision of Special Provision 69, Standard Drawing RGX-100 and Standard Drawing RGX-105. The changes concern the Pile Cores and placement of the Structure Granular Backfill.  These changes should be implemented immediately.
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