KY 251 Hardin County

KY 251 Project - Hardin County

(December 2020 Update) KY 3005 to KY 434:

Public Input Needed for KY 251 Project

Improvements Planned Between Ring Road and Battle Training Road

ELIZABETHTOWN, Ky. (Dec. 14, 2020)  The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) in partnership with the Federal Highways Administration (FHWA) is seeking public input regarding proposed improvements to KY 251 (Shepherdsville Road) between KY 3005 (Ring Road) and KY 434 (Battle Training Road). This is in partial fulfillment of National Environmental Policy Act requirements.


The purpose of the project is to improve safety along the KY 251 corridor which connects KY 3005 to the Radcliff/Fort Knox area. Currently, KY 251 between KY 3005 and KY 434 has narrow driving lanes which vary from 9.0 to 9.5 feet wide. Shoulders are minimal, leaving very little recovery area for motorists. The vertical grade is also substandard with 37 of 45 vertical curves along the route not providing adequate stopping sight distance at a 55 mph travel speed. There are 67 crashes reported along the route between 2013 and 2016, including one fatal crash and 10 injury crashes. 


The Preferred Alternative involves widening the existing road to 11-foot travel lanes with 6-foot shoulders (4 feet paved) at a 45 mph design speed. This option is preferred because it limits right-of-way impacts, minimizes cost and meets the project purpose and need. Project limits extend from the improved section just south of Bluegrass Road to encompass the KY 434 intersection, which will be reconstructed as a roundabout. The intersection with Wooldridge Ferry Road will be realigned opposite Bates Road. Other build alternatives and a ‘No Build’ option were considered in a 2012 Planning Study but were dismissed due to available funding and severity of impacts.


Exhibits and additional information:

KY251_Hardin Typical Exhibit_2020.pdf

KY251_Header Exhibit 1_ROW Info Mtg.pdf

KY251_Header Exhibit 2_ROW Info Mtg.pdf

KY251_Header Exhibit 3_ROW Info Mtg.pdf



Kevin Blain, PE

Project Manager

Kentucky Transportation Cabinet

634 East Dixie Ave

Elizabethtown, KY 42701

(270) 766-5066

For Media Inquires, please contact Chris Jessie, Public Information Officer:

Phone:  270.619.2577
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